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Mastermind Release


Every single month, the Quantum Energy Infusion Consultants come together for a Mastermind.

We are together for two hours in which we do energy work with and for each other. It is magical, it is mystical, and we often have out-of-body type experiences.

We had one last night that took us back over 2000 years; it was so mind blowing that all of us have been texting each other for 24 hours talking about having our minds blown!

What was it like to be in the quantum now of an event 2000 years ago?

I speak into this with release; I speak to this in terms of the quantum now. I also speak to this by talking about a morphogenic field and the power that we have when we come together with intention in an energetic field. We actually create a morphogenic field.

So we did that last night. We do it every month. We come together, as our certified consultants, to discuss things for the company, and we want to support each other with this high level of energy work that's available through...

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Intentional Releases


Our Infused Intention for January of 2022 is release

Let that stuff go! All of it; from your heart, from your head, from your body, from your energy field.

It's time to release.

There's certain things we cannot control anymore, and it's there in the past. And it's also time to let it go.

I have three infused intentions from our Consultants that I want to share with you. Here's the first one:

I choose to release my fears, and to operate from love, by transmuting negative thoughts and sending them to the light.

What a beautiful combination of the intention of releasing and energy as well! I love that--transmuting them and sending them to the light.

Here's another one:

I release with gratitude all the bits of life that came to help me and that now have finished their work. 

That is so beautiful--being grateful for what has come in, and then knowing when it's time to let it go, and then being done.

Here's our last one:

I willingly and gratefully release all resistance...

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This New Year's Eve was different. I normally do a ritual or a burning bowl or I go to church.

This year, I wanted to release 2021 and 2020. Come on, we all want to release that; not only for our own personal experience, but also for what's happened with humanity.

I was out on my morning walk on the beach, and I was talking to my guides about what I should do. I was going to body test.

Should I do the burning bowls? Should I take this ritual I normally take?

I got a "no" for all of them.

And I said, "Well, what am I supposed to do?"

And I got the answer "Nothing."

I said, "Oh, no, that's not an option. I totally want to release 2021". And they said, "Let us do it," and I said, "Okay, what do you want me to do to support you in that?"


All I needed was to literally be open, willing, and let them release.

I was able to release the energy, the stress, the disappointment, the unexpectedness of 2021, along with the hope that maybe it would be better than...

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QEI is ready for 2022!


Quantum Energy Infusion is ready for 2022!

As I told you in a vlog earlier, we've delivered 176 programs. And we've gathered the data on all of those programs. We actually hired a business consultant who's creating new surveys (or assessments) for us going forward on how we can better capture data.

Some of you know that my goal, being an Energy Practitioner, is to one day have Energy Work be covered by the Western Medical Model Insurance. That's one of my big goals I have.

One day, I want to create Quantum Energy Intervention, which is an Energy Program that comes into hospitals and provides Energy Medicine and really high level Energy Work in operating rooms and emergency rooms. AND it's covered by insurance!

So I get to collect meaningful data that shows repeatable results in our program so that we can take it to corporations and insurance companies

I've got a big vision, y'all. A really big vision.

Anyway, we're ready for 2022 because this business...

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Winter Solstice


Last year on the Winter Solstice, I had a mystical experience.

I was standing in the energy of the Star of Bethlehem; that was the night the three planets came together so closely that they appeared to be the Star of Bethlehem.

As I stood in that energy, I was transported 2000 years back to when the Christ Consciousness came to the planet--when Jesus was born. I was standing in the energy of that present moment.

I was also standing in the energy of the Feminine Christ Consciousness coming to the planet on Winter Solstice 2020.

Then I was transported 2000 years into the future, seeing the difference and the effect that the Feminine Christ Consciousness had on humanity in the same amount of time 2000 years moving forward.

All time collapsed.

In that moment, I had 4000 years of human development and evolution available to me. In that moment, standing in the energy of that star, was amazing.

What I learned was that what I experienced is the Quantum Now. This moment, when I am...

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The Stress of the Holidays


What are you gonna do with all of the stress of the holidays?

I got some energetic tips that will help you navigate through the holidays and move that energy as it comes at you.

Now, here's the key: Everything is Energy!

Those emotions you're feeling are energy in motion. That rude comment somebody just sent your way? That's energy; that's their energy. It's not your energy; don't let it become your energy.

When we understand that everything is energy, we can prevent it from entering our energy field.

Right off the bat, one of the first things that you can do (you've seen me do this so many times) is strengthen your biofield.

I'm strengthening the energetic field that is around my body. I'm doing that so less and less can come in and penetrate that field and get all the way to my body.

You know, like when your mom says that comment for the third time that was meant to land in shame. I don't want it to land, so what I want to do is keep it moving.

So if a comment like that come...

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QEI Results


At the end of the year, businesses do numbers.

Numbers are a really important part of business. Now we're an Energy Business; Quantum Energy Infusion is all about raising the collective consciousness to peaceful coexistence.

The way that we do that is by making Energy mainstream.

Quantum Energy Infusion brings the art of energy--the art, beauty, magic, and the multi-dimensionality of Energy to the public; to the normal person that doesn't know about Energy. We teach people how to engage with the Quantum Field, infusing their lives with its intelligence, its vitality, and its power.

Then we teach you about the Energy Systems that are you: your Chakra system, your Meridians, your Auric Field; we go into all sorts of energy systems that you have.

Well, going back to numbers; I have been figuring out how many programs we delivered for 2021, and I want to share our results with you.

We're a startup.

Back in 2019, I started creating the program Quantum Energy Infusion, and I...

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Infusing your Home



Our Infused Intention for December is Home.

My home is a place of tranquility and renewal. I fill my home with love and gratitude, such that all who enter it feel comfortable and at ease.

These are from our Quantum Energy Infusion Consultants.

This body is my home for this incarnation. It has lived all over the world in a variety of houses and cities. I brought my home with me, every place I moved.

Another one,

I intentionally honor the sacred space of home for myself and others, as we love grow and support each other, and our planet.

And the fourth one,

My heart is home with serving humanity.

What a wide variety of energies about home! 

Think about that! All the way from my body temple being the only home I need, to me being at home in my heart when I'm serving humanity. And then the others speak to the actual structure of the house that is our home.

That's a wide variety of energies and all are valid.

What's your energy around home? Does it mean your body? Does it...

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Angels and Guides


Angels and Guides.

We all have them, and it is so beautiful.

If you aren't sure what I mean by "guides", I'm certain that you have some kind of impression about the word "angel", "angelic being", a "celestial being"; a being that is in another dimension (think fifth dimension). One that can reach us because of their angelic capabilities.

We can have Earth Angels too; there could be somebody on the ground that feels like an angel to you, because of what they have given you, or done for you, or how they have guided you in your past.

I like to think of guides as any kind of a being that wants to support the Earth Realm.

When I speak of guides, I am speaking of guides in other dimensions; think ancestors. Maybe your parents have crossed over and they're still in touch with you. They may be your grandparents or your great-grandparents and you have a connection with them from beyond the other side of the veil.

The veil is thinning, if you haven't noticed, since 2020; especially and...

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The Pyramid Code


I count on the Intelligence of the Energy to inform me at all times.

I especially count on the Intelligence of the Energy to inform me when I am channeling, when I am downloading a message, when I am facilitating a program for Quantum Energy Infusion, or when I am conducting an energy session on a client.

One of my goals is to live in the constant stream, in the Quantum now, connected to 5D; connected to the Intelligence of the Energy through my higher-self, through my guides, and my eternal essential self.

Having said that, last week when I was filming your 11/11 vlog, I was preparing myself and setting the intention right before we filmed the video. I'd already done my research about it; I already knew what I was going to say, and I was connecting to my higher-self, and into the Intelligence of the Energy.

While I was doing that, my arms went up, and I couldn't move my arms. They were pointing upwards in the shape of a triangle. There was actually a...

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