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A Precious Moment


I had a precious moment with my husband.

I came back from tending to my father, as we put him into hospice. I've spoken about this earlier. Jim and I were talking about whether he could make the funeral or not.

Some of you may remember, he's experiencing fourth stage cancer right now, and the body is very weak. Jim's spirit is strong, but his body is weak.

So I walked in, and Jim had needed some attention; I needed to work with him, give him some energy, minister him, and clean him up a little bit. After that was all over and we had him back in the bed, we were talking about if he was going to be well enough to go to daddy's funeral. We both realized that he was not, in fact, strong enough to make the trip to Illinois by two planes and all the travel.

As the reality of that moment sunk in, I experienced sadness. I know, I've spoken into sadness before, and that's the word that comes to me. Now, it was much more complex than that. This realization that I was soon going to be burying my father, and that my husband was too sick to come be a part of it was overwhelming to me. And I don't cry a lot.

All of a sudden, I felt this desire to release this intense, massive emotion that was overcoming me. My precious husband looked at me and said, "Come over here, and lay down beside me so that I can hold you. I think you'll let yourself cry then."

I did.

I gave myself that beautiful opportunity to be held by him and to let all of that emotion--the overwhelm, sadness, frustration, the unbelievability of the situation, the joy of two well-lived lives (my husband's and my father's).

Here's this man with fourth stage cancer, bedridden, bringing me so much comfort and joy, and creating this beautiful, safe space for me.

Sometimes life is tough. What I know from my experience is that when we are willing to stay real in the moment and when we're really willing to look at reality (what's right in front of us), then we can experience what's happening.

We can move it through us in a very healthy way; in a way that's emotionally, mentally, and physically healthy, because we don't get trapped emotions and blocked energy stuck in our body that creates pain later.

If we are willing to live in the present moment through these times, whether they're hard, sad, exquisite, or full of love, we get to move it through us. We then release the energy that we don't want blocked, and we incorporate the reality of it into our being-ness so there's no resentment, fear, or the need to run away from it.

It simply is.

When we understand that emotion is energy in motion, it makes it simpler for me (and maybe for you) that the energy and emotion can be released so it doesn't have to get stuck in our beautiful bodies. Then it doesn't have to come out sideways or inappropriately towards our loved ones, or towards ourselves, so we can move it through.

We can fully live in this present moment, operating from our higher selves (our eternal essential self). That's one of my personal missions is to stay in the present moment and really work to live and hope to live and beautifully live from the aspect of my higher self.

I'm Connie Kean with Quantum Energy Infusion--where Everything is Energy!

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