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Emotional Eating


Emotional eating.

Ever done any of that?

I used to be the Queen of Emotional Eating.

And now I know how to move emotions through my body and release them so that I don't eat instead.

The easiest way for me to do this is by performing a Central Vessel Release.

With the Central Vessel Release, I pull myself back into the present moment. I can think clearly without being overcome by an emotion. It can be any disturbing emotion. This is how we deal with these feelings immediately in that present moment.

I want to go deeper into this cleanse that I've been doing: Cleanse to Heal by Anthony William.  I'm going to read right from his book:

"One of the reasons we consume comfort foods in the first place is to sop up the adrenaline that comes with emotional disturbances or conflicts. Traditional comfort foods (think tacos, nachos, pizza, ice cream...) are loaded with fat, and fat is what sopping them up. Once fat is soaked up adrenaline, the stress hormone becomes trapped in our fat cells. The fat cells then become part of us as they take up residence in our organs."

"Here's the key point. Adrenaline holds information. In the case of adrenaline that was released in a highly emotional time, it holds information about the fear, hurt, betrayal, injury or stress overload we were experiencing in that moment."

So adrenaline comes to us for fight or flight so it can go through us and move on out.

When we have that distressing emotion, IF we do an energetic technology right in that moment, it allows it to move out. Then we don't have to store that horrible feeling and emotion.

An emotion is energy in motion. And that energy also triggers our adrenals. And then all of a sudden, we have cortisol. To calm it all down, we get to use energy technologies.

When we let it process and move through us, we no longer have a stored toxin in our body. Adrenaline can actually be toxic and corrosive when it comes in for long periods of time.

The reason we're talking about this today is understanding that adrenalin is meant to help us. As soon as you feel that surge come up and you can identify what it is (or even if you can't identify what it is) start to release it.

Using the Central Vessel Release, I state: I release this adrenaline that's flowing through my body.

You don't even have to know what the emotion is. You will not trap as many old corrosive, terrifying emotions if you let them go instead of eating over it.  Or if you just tried to stuff it down and keep going on with your day.

Process your emotions, it will really make a difference in the quality of your life. It increases your focus and it brings you back to the present moment. It gives you your life back.

I'm Connie Kean with Quantum Energy Infusion--where Everything is Energy!

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