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Clear Your Ancestral Shame

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Walk for the World!

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Alchemize Shadow to Love

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The Eclipse Portal and Shadow Work

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It's a wrap, Dr. Joe

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4 Things to Integrate the Fire


00:00 - Keep the Energies Moving

Okay, I'm doing four things a day to keep moving all this energy that's happening. We did the Lion's Gate, and even though the fiery season of Leo is over, the energies aren't. The impact these energies have on your system as you integrate, absorb, and allow them to become the new you is a lot of work—it's a lot of energetic work. And so much for the fiery season being over: I'm in Dallas, Texas, and it was 110 degrees on Monday. We're in the hundreds all day long, so going outside takes some planning when it's that hot. However, I go outside at least four times a day.


00:39 - 4 Things You Can Do To Move Energy

The first time I go out, I walk. I give myself an opportunity to ground and do a walking meditation. It's still early enough that it's not too hot to do that. I stay in an energy of gratitude, joy, expectation, acceptance, and peace. I do work for myself and for the collective.

The second thing I do, after working a couple of...

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8/8/8 Slow down!


00:00 - Working for the Collective

I'm out in the backyard in Dallas, Texas, in 100-degree heat, getting myself grounded and centered. Last night felt like it lasted about three days. I slept a little, then woke up to process the energies of the collective. I was awake for two or three hours at a time before finally falling back into an exhausted sleep. When I woke up, I was lying in a pool of sweat. My body was running those energies like a combustion engine. I'd get up, walk around, try to figure out where I was and what I was doing, and see if I could be more effective at moving and processing the energy. After a couple of hours, I'd lay back down again, only to be freezing because I was releasing energy for the collective. Holy smokes, it was like a circus last night, and I was there all by myself—well, me and the collective, you know how that goes.

So if you had a rough night last night and don't know what's wrong, there's nothing wrong with you. You're doing your work...

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Release this Energy Attachment


00:00 - Teaming Up for a Big Release!

Yesterday, I removed an attachment from the backside of my energy, specifically from my second energy center, the sacral chakra. You may want to check to see if you have an attachment like this. I believe I’ve had it for over 2,000 years. This energetic attachment on the lower back of my spine had tendrils extending into the chakra, and I had a hard time releasing and removing it. In fact, I couldn’t do it by myself. I had to call in my team.

The team I work with on energetic matters includes Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and Archangel Michael, among others. When I call in my team, I call in angels, guides, ancestors, beings, unicorns, dragons, cetaceans, and Arcturians—I summon the forces when working on something significant. So, there was a big team there helping me with this.

01:13 - Finding the Attachment

Let me back up and tell you how it started. Earlier in the day, one of my colleagues called me and said, "Wow, I've got a...

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Lions Gate Transit

Uncategorized Jul 29, 2024


Three things: You are a high-frequency being; You are a light being. It's Lions Gate; It's time to walk through that portal, and how you live matters. This is the week of the Lions Gate portal, 888, because 2024 is an eight year. So yes, we're all talking about the energy, and in case you hadn't noticed, speaking of energy, all the solar flares and activity are off the charts. If you're not already feeling jangly from all that electrical and solar activity, you soon will be when you transit the 888 portal.

Tonight was the Quantum Energy Infusion mastermind. We meet once a month, and all the certified Qi consultants come together. We're in the energy for two hours, we give each other sessions, and there's a new teaching every week. What we did tonight was literally make the transit of the 888 portal. Three of my guides showed up to take us through, with Archangel Michael leading.


01:11 - Playing House Earth

The first thing I want to reiterate is that your eternal...

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Clearing Collective Shadow


00:00 - Running Massive Shadows Around the World

In the last few months, I have been running massive shadow energies for the collective. I have some colleagues with whom I do this work. Actually, we have our Mastermind at Quantum Energy Infusion. We come together, encircle the earth with our high frequencies, and beam that energy to the earth to help bring in the higher frequencies required for the New Earth. There are positive ways to do that. I have also worked with a select few colleagues. There's a very small group of us that do the big, deep, dark shadow work, and a lot of the shadow I'm working with now is in Middle Earth, where it's been underground for thousands of years. I've been doing a lot of work with this in North America and Scotland. The most recent work I've been doing is at Mount Shasta, which is actually the Root Chakra of Mother Earth. I've been in Middle Earth, in the bowels of the earth, running that energy. The next place I'm going to start working is in...

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