Make a figure eight right out into the field in front of you. Join in with your other arm.
This is your auric field or your biofield. This field of energy extends outward; it emanates outward from your inner being into the quantum field around you.
We express in the world physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and energetically, and the stronger your auric field, the more impact you can have on the world around you.
Notice how I naturally went to my heart center. I am literally pulling out the energies into my auric field the frequencies of love, the frequency of oneness, of connectedness, of equality, of compassion.
These high vibrating frequencies are going out into my auric field, which also extends out into the collective consciousness.
Now can you imagine how a higher frequency would help the collective consciousness right now?
I'm Connie Kean with Quantum Energy Infusion, where everything is energy.
My mission is to raise the collective consciousness to peaceful...
Durning this time of massive transformation, globally, nationally, and personally, here's one thing you can do to help create the new normal.
Fill up your lungs.
Fill up your belly. Push your belly out
Fill up your body. Your trunk, your chest, your neck, your head, your arms, your legs.
Release it.
You are now fully centered and grounded in your body.
Your Beingness is now fully centered right here in your 3rd dimension body. You can even think of it as the 5th dimension You being present HERE and NOW in your 3rd dimension body.
We are living in a time of massive transformation in our world. It’s happening at the global level with the pandemic; at the national level here in the United States with the unrest around racial inequality; and it’s happening at the local level with your cities and states reopening after the virus.
And I know it’s happening at the personal level.
Because for this kind of energy to be happening...
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