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2020 Blew the top off!

new earth Oct 21, 2020

I live in a little condo on the beach in southeastern Florida.

I walk before the sun comes up, and I find these beautiful shells on my morning walk.

They remind me about how much life is in the ocean. Look at these beautiful shells.

There's life in these that creates these beautiful shells.

I always used to pick up the ones that were in the best shape.

Then 2020 came along, and I kinda feel like 2020 did this to a lot of us: kind of put a hole in us; tossed us around a lot; and, maybe broke some things loose.

As I was thinking about being quarantined in 2020, I was so glad that I was quarantined with my husband. Look at this beautiful shell that I found where these two shells came together and washed up on shore.

This is a beautiful expression of yin and yang; and a lovely representation of us being quarantined together on the beach.

The one that really got me was this one where the whole top had been blown off.

So instead of just getting bounced around in 2020 with all the wild things that are happening; this one actually got its top blown off. And I realized, this is me!

This is me because 2020 has opened me up so much!

I knew the shift in the collective consciousness was coming. I knew the up leveling was going to happen for humankind.

2020 has blown my mind because I get to see it happening in my lifetime!

I'm here as a lightworker to guide people and to support them through this time of massive transformation and up leveling for humanity.

What I really love about this shell is that you can see right in side.

Is this not what's happening in 2020?

Things are blowing apart; structures are disintegrating; and it's part of the master plan.

It's time for old structures that no longer serve us to dissolve.

We are here to build the new structures.

We are building them from a place of light; from a place of love; and from Fifth Dimension emotions and frequencies.

We'll be able to have all of that beautiful Fifth Dimension energy: love, joy, peace, compassion - all of that energy right here in our bodies in the earth plane!

It's beautiful.

If this is kind of what you feel like - that your top's been blown off - that's okay.

It means that you're open.

It means that you're transparent.

And that we now get to build new structures for our New World.

I'm Connie Kean with Quantum Energy Infusion where Everything is Energy!

Has your top been blown off?  Schedule a free call with Connie to discover the one thing that will support you in this time of change. 


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