00:00 - Retreat Ready!
It's a pretty quiet morning here at Dallas Fort Worth Airport. I got here at 6:15 AM. I'm flying out for a week-long advanced meditation retreat with Dr. Joe Dispenza. I started meditating in January of 1976, and I love meditation. I'm really looking forward to learning some new skills and taking the way I meditate to another level. I also appreciate Dr. Joe Dispenza because of all the science he's bringing to the world around meditation, with his medical and biological insights, and of course, all of the effects on our mental, physical, and emotional bodies.
I want to learn more science while I'm here. I've read all of his books and have followed him for years. It was so exciting for me to find someone talking about quantum energy like we do here at Quantum Energy Infusion. I'm looking forward to meeting a lot of like-minded people who will understand what I'm talking about and I won't have to explain it.
I'm constantly working to expand my energy and improve...
00:00 - Tornadoes in Texas
So, I'm here in East Dallas, Texas, where the tornadoes went through this week. We've been without power for two full days, and they expect it to be five days before they get the electricity back on in our neighborhood. We have so many old trees from the '40s that came down on the power lines. They can't just repair them; they actually need to rebuild the power lines. This is a branch down in our driveway from the storm.
00:34 - Slept Like a Baby
Here's the interesting part: This is an old neighborhood with all the high-wire electric lines. Well, there's no power going through those, no Wi-Fi or any of that, and I slept like a baby the last two nights with no power. That's just another indicator of how much all those vibrations and EMFs moving through the atmosphere can affect us. I actually do energy work on myself to protect my field from those. Anything you can do to strengthen your auric field helps. You know I love the Infinity Wave—you...
00:00 - Working With the Energies of the New Tree of Life
Restore, rejuvenate, rebirth. Those are the energies I'm working with, with this new Tree of Life template. I've been working with it every day, y'all, and something new happens every day that I work with this energy. It's really simple. If you think about being the Tree of Life, it’s a function of having a root system and plugging into the yin energy of Mother Earth—that beautiful, gentle, powerful, strong, nurturing, and nourishing energy of Mother Earth.
00:37 - Send Your Roots into Mother Earth
You are the tree. So, send your roots down into the earth. You can use your root chakra, your tailbone, or your meridians and extend the meridian endings from your toes. I don’t care how you do it. You can just go out and stand barefoot in the grass and become one with Mother Earth. It all works. Send this taproot down. Since you’re the tree, you’ve got a taproot, so send it into the earth, deep into...
00:00 - New Light Codes Incoming
If you don't know what's wrong with you, this is it. We have new light codes coming in for the Tree of Life. We are in the Taurus gate, approaching the May 5 portal, that five-five portal. If you follow astrology or anything like that, you know we’re in some very unusual times that don't come around very often. The point is, if you are feeling funny, you are literally upgrading your human self. Your physicality is upgrading with these frequencies. I don’t think anybody is immune to these. If you are watching this, you are already aware that you are an energetic being.
00:42 - Tree of Life Energy
This Tree of Life energy that’s coming in right now is seeding the New Earth. I mean, it absolutely is and here’s the point: you are the Tree of Life. You are all that is; you are the heavens, you are the earth. You are the Yin, you are the Yang. It’s time for us to step into that, to own it, and to be it. We are walking,...
00:00 - The Body Keeps Score
I was working with an athlete this weekend that had a shoulder injury, and you will not believe what was at the root of it. He had come back from the gym, worked out, and was complaining about his shoulder. He said the pain was an eight and I said, “Well there's no sense in you being in pain, let's get that out of there.” So we did an energy session on that shoulder, very traditional stuff, you know, pulling out old blocked energies, working with the pain field, getting that energy moved out, equalizing the energy, then bringing new lifeforce energy into it. It took a while, I mean, we were probably working on it for 20 minutes. Anyway, by the end of that session, he said, “wow, my pain went from an eight to a zero”. I said, “fantastic”, so we went on to do our other stuff.
So later in the day, I'm looking for him and I see him and he's lifting a weight, like a really heavy weight. He's going like “yeah,...
00:00 - Total Eclipse of Energy
What a trip today was. I live in Dallas, Texas. I got to see the full solar eclipse happen. It was amazing! I had been preparing energetically for this day, and I was able to completely surrender my energies to that magical moment, that powerful moment when the moon was in front of the sun, and you could see the ring of light around it. It was amazing and we had a cloudy day. I didn't even know that we were going to be able to view it in Dallas, Texas. And what was beautiful was the clouds parted about 15 minutes before it went into the Total Eclipse. So we got to watch it happen.
And there's a school, a children's school, just down at the end of the street, and all the kids were outside, and their sounds, it sounded like a recess on steroids because the whole school was outside. And when the solar eclipse was full, there was mayhem. I mean, the sound of the children was so exciting, so powerful, and so transcending that I felt like I had this...
00:00 - The Power of Energy
Never underestimate the power of energy. My grandson took a bad fall tonight on his scooter, a lot of blood on one knee, injury on the other leg, scratches on the hand. It was really scary for him and painful. So, of course, the first thing we did was hug him and comfort him. Then, I got the job of cleaning the wound and dressing it and doing all of that because of my energy experience. His little sister was right there with us, and we were cleaning it up. James was just crying so much because it really hurt. He was trying not to cry, but it hurt so much, especially when I had to touch it to clean it up because of what happened around gravel and cement; it was pretty yucky.
00:47 - Pulling Out Trauma
Anyway, we started pulling the trauma of the injury out of his knee using energy techniques. I want to say that again. We used energy techniques to pull out traumatic energy that happened when his knee hit the pavement, when the blood came, when...
00:00 - PSA
Here's a public service announcement for the long weekend coming up. The energies are so amplified right now with us in this eclipse quarter and with all of the solar radiation that's happening and you know, it's springtime in the northern hemisphere. I have had to go outside five times today. It's only 2:30 in the afternoon, my time, and I have been so antsy. There's so much energy moving around me and through me that I have had to go outside to ground myself and center myself.
00:37 - Get Your Willies Out!
Now, I'm an adult. Can you imagine if you're a six-year-old or an eight-year-old and you're off to school for four days and all of these energies are pinging off of you? So, get your kids outside this weekend, especially if they're out of school and you've got them for a long weekend. They've got to get their Willies out. I'm an old person and I have to get mine out.
You know, I have my stump in the backyard. I went out and sat on my stump. I went out and...
00:03 - Intro to the QEI Mastermind
I had the coolest thing happen last night during the Lunar Eclipse in our QEI Mastermind. We meet once a month and it's all of us who are QEI certified consultants, come together, we give each other energy work, I do a new teaching every month and we come together in community and in communion and we come together to serve one another, and to serve humanity as well. So we not only work on ourselves, we will also work on the collective consciousness. Yes, it's a beautiful way to be of service to each other and to humanity.
00:36 - When Energy Speaks, You Listen
So everybody got their energy session last night and it was time for me to start the teaching and Kristel said, “Connie, you're always giving us energy, wouldn't you like an energy session?” I said, “that would be so much fun. I would love that.” So they all started working on me. I was on the energy seat, as we say, and they started sending me energy and...
00:00 - Intro
I did some shadow work this weekend that took me out. I was in a four-hour intensive on the Quantum Enneagram and we were working with the points two, three, and four, which happened to be my personality, or my type points. Wow, we did some deep work into the personality characteristics and to the different aspects of those personalities and when I came across the fact that I have been self-deceptive most of my life, it hit me like a ton of bricks. In fact, I had such a visceral reaction, I thought I was gonna vomit.
00:43 - What a Community Can Do
Now, the good news is, I was in a group of people with an energetic background, and we were all able to help me run the energy of that. It was devastating. It was shocking. I felt it was horrifying for me in many ways. It was humiliating. When that shadow work comes up to be processed, man, it's big and it's dark. And I don't care how big your light is. You got a big light, you got a big shadow, and man, this one came...
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