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An Initiation from Jesus and Mary Magdalene!


00:03 - Intro to the QEI Mastermind

I had the coolest thing happen last night during the Lunar Eclipse in our QEI Mastermind. We meet once a month and it's all of us who are QEI certified consultants, come together, we give each other energy work, I do a new teaching every month and we come together in community and in communion and we come together to serve one another, and to serve humanity as well. So we not only work on ourselves, we will also work on the collective consciousness. Yes, it's a beautiful way to be of service to each other and to humanity. 


00:36 - When Energy Speaks, You Listen

So everybody got their energy session last night and it was time for me to start the teaching and Kristel said, “Connie, you're always giving us energy, wouldn't you like an energy session?” I said, “that would be so much fun. I would love that.” So they all started working on me. I was on the energy seat, as we say, and they started sending me energy and...

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Shadow work is powerful


00:00 - Intro

I did some shadow work this weekend that took me out. I was in a four-hour intensive on the Quantum Enneagram and we were working with the points two, three, and four, which happened to be my personality, or my type points. Wow, we did some deep work into the personality characteristics and to the different aspects of those personalities and when I came across the fact that I have been self-deceptive most of my life, it hit me like a ton of bricks. In fact, I had such a visceral reaction, I thought I was gonna vomit. 

00:43 - What a Community Can Do

Now, the good news is, I was in a group of people with an energetic background, and we were all able to help me run the energy of that. It was devastating. It was shocking. I felt it was horrifying for me in many ways. It was humiliating. When that shadow work comes up to be processed, man, it's big and it's dark. And I don't care how big your light is. You got a big light, you got a big shadow, and man, this one came...

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Burning Karma Big Time!

Uncategorized Feb 28, 2024

00:00 - A Week of Hell

I just spent a week walking through the fiery depths of hell. Have you ever felt like that? I mean, really, like the whole world is burning around you. I had a week like that. It's a long story, to make it really short. Those of you that follow me know I've moved to Dallas to be with my family, and I've been selling the condominiums in Florida where I lived. Well, I went back to Florida and had two QEI events. I got to do a book signing and I got to do an energy workshop for the women of Unity. I went back, I spent the week in the condo that used to be my office. And when I got there, the grief that surrounded me, it was like a waterfall. The grief of my loss of Jim and my parents and the life that we had built together was like I was drowning in grief. It was unbelievable. 

So, I'm using fire and I'm using water here very intentionally, those elements, because the fire that I was walking through when we were having all of these CMEs, the Coronal Mass...

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A neuro-divergent moment...

Uncategorized Feb 21, 2024

Jumping Timelines: Change your Energy, Change your Life! 

We're having another FREE Energy Workshop!

Saturday 2/24/24 at 11 am EST 

Hear about how we goofed up the times for the 1st one we held...


00:00 - Come Join Us!

We're having an energy workshop on jumping timelines. It's called Change your energy, change your life. Come join us! It's Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. Now, this is the third one we're offering, and if you signed up for the first one and didn't get to go, that's on us! We had a neurodivergent moment and flipped the time zones. So if you signed up for that, please accept my apology that we sent you emails with the wrong time. Then we had a second one; we fixed that problem. We offered a second one, and we had a technology glitch in the back end, that the time zone was wrong. So this is the third time. Third time's a charm. I'm 99% sure that the emails we're going to send...

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Energy Workshop Tomorrow!

Uncategorized Jan 26, 2024

Jumping Timelines: Change your Energy, Change your Life! 

This is the hour-long workshop tomorrow (Saturday 1/27) on Zoom. 

Here is the link if you would like to register: Jumping Timelines Workshop

I'm having an energy workshop tomorrow! Tomorrow is Saturday, January 27. It's going to be at 11 am Eastern, 8am Pacific and if you haven't already seen this on social media, I wanted to bring it to you here, you know, in our email list. We're going to spend an hour moving energy, I'm going to teach you my favorite energetic technique. It's really, it's the one that I think changes your life the most out of all of them that I teach. We're going to do a couple of quantum quickies that'll shift your energy in a minute or less and we're going to show you how to change your energetic state. 

A lot of people have been asking me, “How do I jump timelines Connie?”, and this is how. You change your energy so you are primed for that new energetic state or that new...

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2024 Incoming Energies


Happy New Year everyone. This is Connie Kean with Quantum Energy Infusion where everything is energy and man are the energies wild at the beginning of this year, 2024, and as we pass through the 123-123 portal into this new year and these new energies followed up by a massive X solar flare, X class solar flare, I mean, the energies are unbelievable. Last night I was at dinner with friends and I literally had an electrical current go through my body from top down and bottom back up to the place where I thought, “you know what, I wonder if this is what it feels like in 3D when you have a complete energetic shutdown”, I felt like, literally, an electrical current shot all the way through me into the ground and back up, more like a struck by lightning, and it did affect my nervous system and all of my organs, especially my heart and it was fascinating as an Energy Master. I was, you know, that my human body was having all of the experiences and the symptoms, and the Energy...

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I had the most wonderful energetic release this morning and I want to share it with you so you can do the same thing. It happens to be New Year's Eve right now and one of the reasons I did this energetic release, in the shower, was to let go of anything that no longer served me from 2023, and if you follow me at all, you know that there's quite a bit that could be released that no longer serves me from this last year. And I chose to use tapping, a lot of you do different kinds of tapping, there are many varieties out there, and all that really matters is that you tap on some acupressure points on your face and on your body to help move the energy out of your meridian system and out of your body. 

Anyway, I was in the shower and I decided it was a perfect opportunity for me to tap out these old energies and old beliefs that no longer serve me and experiences that I've had. And I was visualizing as it was moving through my body that energy was moving through and out of my body...

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Quantumize the light


Here's how to integrate the new light codes into your body

  1. Visualize
  2. Energize
  3. Quantumize

I don't know about you, but all of these high frequencies that are coming in, well, how about for the whole year, but especially, we're in December right now, that 12/12 portal blew my gaskets, and now it's December 18 and we're working, we're charging towards the solstice. So nothing's letting up anytime soon, with all these X class flares and all these ejections from the sun, and so many are coming straight at the Earth. Come on! So our Earth suits, our meat sacks, are freaking out because of all of these high frequencies that are coming in. Here's what I'm doing. 

This is how I am integrating these frequencies into my body and I'm using a very simple system I've created and it's three steps. Visualize, Energize, Quantumize. Here's what I do. Now I like to do this after I’ve balanced my chakras. So I'm in a meditative state, I am balanced energetically, and then I usually have my...

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Free Energy Workshop!


Sign up here:  Simply enter your email address where it says Welcome to Training Deck. You will receive an email with the link for the zoom call. 

Come to our Virtual Energy Workshop on Monday 12/18 from 8:00-9:30 pm!  

I'm giving a free virtual energy workshop on Monday night. It's through ReVine Digital and all that information is in the body of the email, if you choose to come. Come join us! It's going to be 90 minutes where we can be in the energy together. We're going to talk about the energetic states from my book, “The Quantum Now”, and the name of the workshop is, "Change Your Energy, Change Your Life”. So last week we did a workshop where we discussed the first three energetic states, this week we’re going to discuss energetic states four and five, and we will be reviewing one, two and three. So if you didn't come last week, come this week. Everything you need to know will be right there and then...

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Energy and Musical Scales


I've been a teacher my whole life. I taught piano for 40 years, I've been an energy practitioner for 30 of those 40 years. So it's no surprise that my teacher's brain wanted to grab all of the ideas about energy and organize them into some kind of curriculum, and to learn how to talk about energy in layman's terms. Like I wouldn't be talking to a five or six year old sitting on a piano bench to learn about music. I have the ability to say tricky things in simple language. So when it came time for me to help everybody understand that everything is energy, including you and including me, I got to get really serious about how could I do that in a stepwise systematic manner.

Enter 40 years of being a piano teacher. You know how we see notes on the page and those notes can organize themselves into a pattern called a scale, a major scale, a minor scale, Aeolian. So that we have these patterns in music that make certain sounds and those sounds are the foundation of Western music theory and...

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