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Bathing in the Divine Feminine Energy


How would you like it if you got an Energy Infusion? It's really simple. All you need to do is allow the energy to enter your field! Initiations into 5D | Stand in the Energy

And when I say your field, I mean your forcefield. There are probably at least 6 vlogs/blogs about that… Your auric field, your biofield, etc. (however you want to think about that). 

So I've been getting these delicious energy infusions. They started on the 1st of February with the 2/2 portal that opened up--And there's yet more light coming in! I identify it as feminine. 

It's a very strong feminine consciousness to me that's coming in as light. I love to get in a quiet space. You can even be outside if you prefer (you don't have to). I talked about this in other videos too: How to receive the light, the intelligence, the beautiful energy that comes in the consciousness that comes from the light. 

Right now, I really enjoy doing it in a meditative state, fully stretched out in Shavasana...

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Initiations into 5D | Stand in the Energy


I'm always talking about levels of consciousness, the 5th dimension, the 3rd dimension, and the shift, etc. Quantum Energy Infusion is a 5D company! What that means is that everyone that works for Quantum Energy Infusion is now embodying 5th dimension levels of consciousness. It's our job. We literally live to bring these 5th dimension frequencies into the 3rd dimension realm. Peaceful CoExistence Begins with Me - Click here

One of my guides is an ascended master, Jesus, and he's been talking to me for years and years about this. He uses dimensional terms. He also uses the terms: celestial realm and the earthly realm. I like that! He also uses heaven and earth to describe all of this. He uses all of those terms interchangeably.

So if you like heaven on earth, that's a pretty cool way to think about it (if that language works for you). If you're kind of allergic to that kind of language, try embodying 5th-dimensional levels of consciousness in your 3rd-dimensional body to bring it to...

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Our Job in the Shift


Atoms were the topic last week about how atoms are energy, your body is energy, and your forcefield is energy. Let's add on to what you’ve already had time to think about.
Your forcefield extends out into the world around you, into the world that is energy around you--Energy meeting up with other energies.

We're going to take this a step further… What about all of these energies that I've been talking about that are coming in from the sun? The sun as a portal is bringing in higher-frequency energies as in light that's organized in newer ways. Click here for more on all this light

Light is a higher-frequency than previously experienced. Do you think that's going to affect you? It has to! It’s energy, you are energy, and everything is energy.

Do you think it's affecting the earth? It is. Do you think it's affecting your neighbor next door? It is. Even if they're not awake yet, it's still affecting them because this higher-frequency light is the next level as it's a...

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Science Proves Energy is Everything


Everything is energy.
Do you remember back in science class when you learned about an atom? I remember my mind being blown when my science teacher said, “An atom is the building block of everything. Atoms have a nucleus, electrons, protons, and neutrons that go around them.” All of that whole thing is just a blur that we're only starting to be able to see through microscopes where scientists can start to see the atomic matter. Scientists were looking at these and they realized that atoms were 99.99% air.

Well, I think of that air is energy!

Atoms are 99.99% energy and 0.01% matter, which is that nucleus, the electrons, protons, and neutrons--You know what I'm talking about, so think about that for a minute.
The building block of everything that we know is an atom and it is almost all energy.
Well, a couple of atoms come together and they form molecules, then molecules form elements, and then elements come together and start forming tissues. We have tissues, then we...

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Accelerating Frequencies Expanded


How I processed the energy of the winter solstice as we are still in the energy of the winter solstice: Last week, I talked about my experience with time collapsing on 12/21/2020. I left that experience after having been with my family for dinner and then went into facilitating a group energy session for Quantum Energy Infusion later on that night. How cool was that, right?
We had their final Quantum Energy Infusion program energy session on the night of the winter solstice! Whooo! It was highly charged!
On Zoom, I was starting to facilitate the session and had all kinds of technical difficulties. You can imagine how high my frequency was! The computer was really struggling with my energy.
We finally got plugged in, and two of my consultants were able to get everything set up with the technology.

Then when I came in, I realized that I wasn't all there and that I was so expanded out, that I did not have a lot of cognitive function.

It hadn't been a problem when I was eating dinner with...

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Winter Solstice Star Energy and Time Collapsing


I had the coolest experience on Winter Solstice December 21st, 2020. I was in Dallas celebrating Christmas with four generations of family.

My grandchildren who are three and five years old and I kept running outside to find what we were calling the “Christmas star” when Jupiter and Saturn were coming into perfect alignment. They had shown together appearing as the Christmas star.

The kids and I were excited! We'd run out, we’d see it, we'd come back in and run back out, we'd see it, and we'd come back in again. We had a beautiful meal that evening. There were four generations there. Even my 89-year-old parents were there! It was the most lovely Christmas experience!

I went out by myself after dinner. I had an energy session to facilitate that night for Quantum Energy Infusion, so I went out and stood in the energy of that magnificent experience when those two planets aligned.

I stood in that magnificent energy!

I opened myself up to it and I looked up. In that...

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Had enough? Here are 3 Energy Tips


Are you done?

Are you done with the holidays?

It's been a lot, hasn't it? Plus all these frequencies coming in.

Or maybe you love the holidays, and you want everything to continue and you wish it could go on for a month!

Wherever you are on that spectrum from one end to the other, I got a few energy pro-tips to help you through.

Do a Central Vessel Release.

  1. Tap on the lower belly.
  2. Pull up that activated energy toward your lower lip.
  3. Fling that energy off your lower lip and send it outward. Make sure to breathe.
  4. When tapping on your lower abdomen, use the affirmation "I release what no longer serves me" as you continue to pull up and out.

Do The Karate Chop 

  1. Imagine one of your hands being a wooden board.
  2. Take your other hand and "strike the board" (along the lateral part of your hand) continuously. 
  3. As an alternative, you can squeeze or push on the side of your hand to release energy. Be sure to do this on both sides, and remember to move your body while...
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We're in the Energy of Light!


We are in the Energy of the Star of Bethlehem.

Jupiter and Saturn have aligned this week and we get to be in the energy of that alignment.

We're also having a Solar Flare for the Winter Solstice (on December 21st, 2021). All of this [energy] is high frequency.

Let's think about humanity making a shift into higher Levels of Consciousness; these are higher frequencies coming to the planet that you get to embody.

The Higher Levels of Consciousness are:

  • Reason
  • Love
  • Joy
  • Peace
  • Compassion
  • Understanding
  • Gratitude

Let's embody those Levels of Consciousness. Let's embody the frequency of Love. Let's embody the frequency of Compassion.

We have these high frequencies coming in; invite them into your body. Allow those frequencies to come into you--into your system. Integrate them into your body. Drive those energies into Mother Earth further--integrating those high frequencies from Mother Earth into your experience.

When you bring those higher frequencies in, you can have signs that...

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Go for the Light!

intelligence light Dec 14, 2020

This video is how you go for the light!

Last week we talked about all the high frequency energy coming in from the solar flares and two eclipses.

Plus the Christmas star is coming with Jupiter and Saturn moving so close together. We're gonna have that beautiful bright star!

On the winter solstice, it is my understanding that there will be a solar flare near that day that also will bring in higher frequency light. And new light codes - if you like to think in that way. If you don't know what that means, forget about it. If you do - go for it!

This video is how you go for it.

How do you go for all of these new light codes and frequencies and all of this beautiful new information?

  • Light is information.
  • Light is intelligence.
  • Light is creation.
  • We would have no life if it weren't for the light of the sun.
  • And the portal that the sun is bringing in all of this energy to the earth.

Here's what I do to get a light charge.

My husband and I live in a little condo on the beach and we go out...

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There's alotta Light right now!

grounding light Dec 07, 2020

We are living in an energetic time right now. For the next several weeks, there's a lot of energy coming into the planet.

  • On November 29 we had a solar flare.
  • On November 30 we had a lunar eclipse.
  • There will be a solar eclipse on December 14
  • On the winter solstice, December 21, two things will be happening 
    • the apex of the solar flare,  
    • our first Christmas star since 1226. It's  been hundreds of years, since Jupiter and Saturn have come so close that they'll appear to be the Christmas Star.

That is a lot of energy y'all!

This solar flare that we had on November 29 knocked me on my butt. I didn't know it happened.

All I knew was that I was exhausted. My body was so lethargic I could hardly get anything done. I was visiting my grandchildren who are three and five, who are a little balls of energy, and I wanted to be so energetic for them. However, I felt like I'd been hit by a Mack truck.

It wasn't until two days later that I found out about the...

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