Let's engage with the Quantum Now.
Take a full breath in. Fill up your lungs and send the energy out of your mouth and down through your feet. Breathe in up through your feet and exhale out of your mouth.
We are breathing in the LifeForce Energy. Bring that energy in through your nose,
fill up your lungs, take it down to your body into the ground, send it way down into the ground. Next breath, breathe up through the ground, breathe up to your legs, and
into your lungs. You are fully centered in your body, you are grounded in your body and centered in yourself. And you are fully present in this moment, this Now moment.
I call it the Quantum Now because when we are fully present, grounded in our bodies, we have literally brought Heaven to Earth. We have brought our 5D Beingness into our 3D body engaged with this inspirational LifeForce breath. We have access to all time and all space in the Quantum Now.
Let's do that again! Breathe in, fill your lungs. Imagine...
I've been in healing work for a long time; 30 years I have been some kind of energy practitioner!
Typically, our goal was healing. In our current world, moving from 3D to this 5D world, this New Earth that is in place and waiting for all of us to step into so beautifully, I have chosen to take the word "healing" out of my energy vocabulary.
Because we are in a constant state of evolution! Healing, like I thought about it 20 years ago, or even five years ago, was the end goal. That's no longer my end goal in the way in which I am living.
Now, the way I'm living in each quantum now--it is perfect, just as it is. So the way that I have taken healing out is I don't make healing the goal. I make evolving myself, I make stepping into the next best moment, I decide what's the next best choice I can make, to expand who I am now, to serve the collective, to serve my clients, and to better instruct my students in quantum energy technologies.
I'm so excited about this,...
Every single month, the Quantum Energy Infusion Consultants come together for a Mastermind.
We are together for two hours in which we do energy work with and for each other. It is magical, it is mystical, and we often have out-of-body type experiences.
We had one last night that took us back over 2000 years; it was so mind blowing that all of us have been texting each other for 24 hours talking about having our minds blown!
What was it like to be in the quantum now of an event 2000 years ago?
I speak into this with release; I speak to this in terms of the quantum now. I also speak to this by talking about a morphogenic field and the power that we have when we come together with intention in an energetic field. We actually create a morphogenic field.
So we did that last night. We do it every month. We come together, as our certified consultants, to discuss things for the company, and we want to support each other with this high level of energy work that's available through...
Last year on the Winter Solstice, I had a mystical experience.
I was standing in the energy of the Star of Bethlehem; that was the night the three planets came together so closely that they appeared to be the Star of Bethlehem.
As I stood in that energy, I was transported 2000 years back to when the Christ Consciousness came to the planet--when Jesus was born. I was standing in the energy of that present moment.
I was also standing in the energy of the Feminine Christ Consciousness coming to the planet on Winter Solstice 2020.
Then I was transported 2000 years into the future, seeing the difference and the effect that the Feminine Christ Consciousness had on humanity in the same amount of time 2000 years moving forward.
All time collapsed.
In that moment, I had 4000 years of human development and evolution available to me. In that moment, standing in the energy of that star, was amazing.
What I learned was that what I experienced is the Quantum Now. This moment, when I am...
I like to release energy using a lightning bolt pattern.
When I have a lot of energy to release from me, and I've already used the Central Vessel Release, and there's still more energy moving, I literally use the pattern of a lightning bolt, and that pulls the energy out of my body.
As I was out on the balcony doing my energy practice this morning, it came up that I had more to release around the energy of addiction.
I started body testing to see where this energy was coming from. It was moving from the inside out, like a lightning bolt, and this energy was being released.
So what happened? It went into the Quantum Field to be neutralized, because it no longer needed to be in my body. It no longer resonates with who I am in this Quantum Now.
After doing some more body testing, I discovered that these energies were releasing from my cells and tissues!
Because of the lightning bolt, I managed to pull what no longer serves me out of my body...
Do you have a lot going on in your life?
I sure do!
I am running an exponentially growing company that is continuously expanding in a myriad of directions. I am teaching. I am taking care of my elderly parents. I am a mother, a wife, and so much more!
At an age when most people decide to go into retirement, I started a second career.
I have so much going on, that sometimes I literally don't know what steps to take next. In those cases I pour myself into the present moment by taking a great big handful of the Quantum Field. I open up my chest, I reach upwards, I pull that Energy right into my heart and lung area.
Think about it. The Quantum Field is the fabric of the Universe. It is the Energy in which we live, move, and have our Being. It knows all.
So when I don't know what to do first because I have 40+ things going on, I ask the Energy.
I grab a handful of the Q-Field, and pull the quantum energy right into my aura, into my Being. From there it...
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