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Monster Nana


I'm gonna go spend three and a half weeks with my grandchildren. I'm so excited about this! I want to make sure that I am really fun, healthy, vegan Nana, and I don't become Monster Nana.

The way that I do that is I eat well, I exercise no matter what, and I move energy. I do my energy exercises every day; I have an energy practice, just like I have an exercise practice. I also have a meditation practice; I do all of those things.

I get to take care of me. I get to be fun and healthy Nana.

Now, when Monster Nana decides to come up, I have ways to deal with her. If something happens unexpectedly, and all of a sudden, I'm like, "Woo!", all lit up, and I'm not exactly sure what's wrong, I may go right to that quantum chop. You know, you can't beat this for a way to get out frustration, anger, fury or irritation. This is just a great way to chop that right out of your experience.

My grandchildren have seen energy technologies since they were born,...

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Thumped My Face Off!


I thumped my face off.

That's what one of our participants said to me yesterday. "I thumped my face off in the shower. Connie, I am so grateful for QEI (for Quantum Energy Infusion) and all of these energy techniques I have learned."

We found out her significant other lost his job. They were down to one income, and that was a complete shock! They moved to another city (another state) for this job. A few months later, it was gone.

I thumped my face off.

So instead of exploding, being unkind to the person that just lost the job, or completely freaking out, she was able to move that shocked, traumatic, unbelievable, and impossible information with Quantum Energy Infusion Technologies.

She was telling me about the confidence she had. Because of all the tools that she has learned in Quantum Energy Infusion, when this shocking information comes up, or if there's a sense of fear, or lack, or sudden "not knowing what to do", she can move that energy.

You've seen me do these--you can use the...

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Leave it Behind


Well, all of us have now experienced the Lion's Gate, that beautiful portal that opened up for us on August 8th.

From now we're going into this fall harvest time, where all of these juicy, powerful, exciting energies are here to stay.

So as you experienced that portal on 8/8, I actually imagined myself stepping through it into a new timeline. When I say timeline, I literally mean reality. I am talking about what is now possible in my current reality (in my current existence), that was not possible on August 7th before I walked through that portal.

We are in this Galactic New Year, and it's going to last for a year. For those of us that like to jump timelines, I don't know how long I'm going to be in this timeline. Maybe for the whole year, maybe for a month, maybe I will be jumped up to a new one before I know it.

The point is to be in the present moment. Your point of power is always in the quantum now. So when things come up from your past, and I when I say past, I mean...

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Personal Triggers


We're still in the month of May.

This is the month of Growth, and we still have one more Eclipse.

Yes, it's all happening.

Growth, growth, growth!

If you have something happen, and all of a sudden you're triggered, you were more than likely triggered by the collective as well. At that point, you're probably like, "I don't even know what I'm upset about!"

Take a moment and get centered in what you're feeling.

It's about emotions. Emotions are energy in motion. Growth comes from us; acknowledging what we are feeling right here, right now.

My guess is you're being triggered by something that's in the collective, or something that you're experiencing. Let's think about my experience with my husband and hospice. By the way, my whole family is here visiting. How cool is that? For my husband to be awake and enjoy everybody's presence.

You want to talk about being triggered? How about having four generations of family in 975 square feet--that's a great opportunity to be triggered....

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Our Infused Intention for April is surrender.

Now remember, this means that you have an idea that you infused with your intention and your attention.

We recommend that you spend time with your infused intention that you create for yourself, every day. Remember that you're also being supported by the QEI community because we're doing the same.

This idea of surrender--it so often has a negative connotation to it. In the way we're using it in this month, it is joyous. It is a joyful surrender, it is a willing release, it is a magical letting-go of something that no longer serves me.

Surrender here is an act of freedom; you're freeing yourself of something that no longer serves you. We have some ideas here that some of our consultants have already written, and I will share them with you.

I release my ego to my higher self.

Think 3D to 5D. We're talking about that a lot now.

The next one,

I surrender to all that I resist.

Wow! Giving into that instead of resisting that--do you...

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This New Year's Eve was different. I normally do a ritual or a burning bowl or I go to church.

This year, I wanted to release 2021 and 2020. Come on, we all want to release that; not only for our own personal experience, but also for what's happened with humanity.

I was out on my morning walk on the beach, and I was talking to my guides about what I should do. I was going to body test.

Should I do the burning bowls? Should I take this ritual I normally take?

I got a "no" for all of them.

And I said, "Well, what am I supposed to do?"

And I got the answer "Nothing."

I said, "Oh, no, that's not an option. I totally want to release 2021". And they said, "Let us do it," and I said, "Okay, what do you want me to do to support you in that?"


All I needed was to literally be open, willing, and let them release.

I was able to release the energy, the stress, the disappointment, the unexpectedness of 2021, along with the hope that maybe it would be better than...

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The Stress of the Holidays


What are you gonna do with all of the stress of the holidays?

I got some energetic tips that will help you navigate through the holidays and move that energy as it comes at you.

Now, here's the key: Everything is Energy!

Those emotions you're feeling are energy in motion. That rude comment somebody just sent your way? That's energy; that's their energy. It's not your energy; don't let it become your energy.

When we understand that everything is energy, we can prevent it from entering our energy field.

Right off the bat, one of the first things that you can do (you've seen me do this so many times) is strengthen your biofield.

I'm strengthening the energetic field that is around my body. I'm doing that so less and less can come in and penetrate that field and get all the way to my body.

You know, like when your mom says that comment for the third time that was meant to land in shame. I don't want it to land, so what I want to do is keep it moving.

So if a comment like that come...

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Stop Anxiousness


I recently stopped an anxiety attack at the Charlotte Airport using Energy tools. And the good news is, you already know them!

My husband, Jim, and I were traveling to see my parents in Illinois (my dad turned 90 and we were going to his birthday party). My sweet Jim, as I have shared before, has a cancer challenge, and we weren't sure if he was going to be well enough to make the trip or not. However, he decided that he wanted to do it.

When we got to the airport a few things happened. Jim wasn't feeling well, and we needed to 1) wait for his wheelchair; 2) then the aid that would push him throughout the airport, which we were so grateful for; and, 3) another person for the aid to push along with us.  

After waiting a while, I found myself getting really impatient. Each one of these steps took five to seven minutes to bring to completion, and we had a plane to catch. It's not usually like me to become impatient,  but I did!.

When we...

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Lightning Release


I like to release energy using a lightning bolt pattern.

When I have a lot of energy to release from me, and I've already used the Central Vessel Release, and there's still more energy moving, I literally use the pattern of a lightning bolt, and that pulls the energy out of my body.

As I was out on the balcony doing my energy practice this morning, it came up that I had more to release around the energy of addiction.

I started body testing to see where this energy was coming from. It was moving from the inside out, like a lightning bolt, and this energy was being released.

So what happened? It went into the Quantum Field to be neutralized, because it no longer needed to be in my body. It no longer resonates with who I am in this Quantum Now

After doing some more body testing, I discovered that these energies were releasing from my cells and tissues!

Because of the lightning bolt, I managed to pull what no longer serves me out of my body...

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Newer Version of Me


Recently, we got to experience a huge Lunar Eclipse. I woke up early that morning, and basked in energy of the eclipse.

I found that it was a beautiful way for me to release old thoughts, beliefs, patterns and emotions during this time using the Central Vessel Release.

For about 35 minutes, I was actively releasing what no longer serves me (some of it I gave names to, and some of it I didn't). One of the old patterns that came up for me was a pattern of addiction. I've been addicted to all sorts of substances, all kinds of foods, and even behaviors.

During this Lunar Eclipse, I decided that I was going to release my need to be an addict, or my need to define myself in that way. I know there's a lot of schools of thought around addiction; I've studied most of them.

This is not a conversation about how we treat addiction. This is me stepping forward into my new quantum timeline about who I choose to be, and how I choose to be free from being addicted to...

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