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Be Open to Change



Change gets a bad rap in our world. We humans like things to stay the same. Our brain likes the security and the comfort of knowing what to expect. We want to know there's no tigers around the corner.

The fact is, we're living in a rapidly evolving, changing, quantum world. The best way for us to do that comfortably is to realize we're going to be uncomfortable; we're going to be constantly encountering new experiences that were not available before.

For example, I decided to change my walk. I'm now walking at five or six in the afternoon, instead of in the morning. It works so much better.

For me, I couldn't imagine not walking first thing in the morning. Now, I'm using that time to have conversations with my guides and to channel them and record them, which is a beautiful time for me to do that.

The bonus is, I had no idea how much fun it was to walk at five or six in the afternoon. First of all, it's not so stinking hot. Second of all, the sun isn't so bright....

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This New Year's Eve was different. I normally do a ritual or a burning bowl or I go to church.

This year, I wanted to release 2021 and 2020. Come on, we all want to release that; not only for our own personal experience, but also for what's happened with humanity.

I was out on my morning walk on the beach, and I was talking to my guides about what I should do. I was going to body test.

Should I do the burning bowls? Should I take this ritual I normally take?

I got a "no" for all of them.

And I said, "Well, what am I supposed to do?"

And I got the answer "Nothing."

I said, "Oh, no, that's not an option. I totally want to release 2021". And they said, "Let us do it," and I said, "Okay, what do you want me to do to support you in that?"


All I needed was to literally be open, willing, and let them release.

I was able to release the energy, the stress, the disappointment, the unexpectedness of 2021, along with the hope that maybe it would be better than...

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Angels and Guides


Angels and Guides.

We all have them, and it is so beautiful.

If you aren't sure what I mean by "guides", I'm certain that you have some kind of impression about the word "angel", "angelic being", a "celestial being"; a being that is in another dimension (think fifth dimension). One that can reach us because of their angelic capabilities.

We can have Earth Angels too; there could be somebody on the ground that feels like an angel to you, because of what they have given you, or done for you, or how they have guided you in your past.

I like to think of guides as any kind of a being that wants to support the Earth Realm.

When I speak of guides, I am speaking of guides in other dimensions; think ancestors. Maybe your parents have crossed over and they're still in touch with you. They may be your grandparents or your great-grandparents and you have a connection with them from beyond the other side of the veil.

The veil is thinning, if you haven't noticed, since 2020; especially and...

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Infused Guidance


It's October, and our Infused Intention for this month is Guidance.

We can receive guidance, and we can be the guide.

Receiving Guidance. I spend a lot of my time receiving guidance from the Intelligence of the Energy. That's how I like to speak about it, because I am an Energy Practitioner and I do bring in these ideas.

The Intelligence of the Energy informs me when it's time for something new to be brought to Earth and be birthed on the planet.

Oftentimes it comes through me.

I like to use those words, because I am a woman, I understand gestation, I have been pregnant, and I have birthed children. So I very much associate what I do with the Intelligence of the Energy and bringing in these ideas around birthing.

So how do I get that Guidance from the Intelligence of the Energy?

I become very quiet and I listen. I might just go out in nature to walk quietly, so that I can listen. I might simply ground myself without walking and literally feel the Yin Energy of the Earth...

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