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Infusing your Home



Our Infused Intention for December is Home.

My home is a place of tranquility and renewal. I fill my home with love and gratitude, such that all who enter it feel comfortable and at ease.

These are from our Quantum Energy Infusion Consultants.

This body is my home for this incarnation. It has lived all over the world in a variety of houses and cities. I brought my home with me, every place I moved.

Another one,

I intentionally honor the sacred space of home for myself and others, as we love grow and support each other, and our planet.

And the fourth one,

My heart is home with serving humanity.

What a wide variety of energies about home! 

Think about that! All the way from my body temple being the only home I need, to me being at home in my heart when I'm serving humanity. And then the others speak to the actual structure of the house that is our home.

That's a wide variety of energies and all are valid.

What's your energy around home? Does it mean your body? Does it...

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The Pyramid Code


I count on the Intelligence of the Energy to inform me at all times.

I especially count on the Intelligence of the Energy to inform me when I am channeling, when I am downloading a message, when I am facilitating a program for Quantum Energy Infusion, or when I am conducting an energy session on a client.

One of my goals is to live in the constant stream, in the Quantum now, connected to 5D; connected to the Intelligence of the Energy through my higher-self, through my guides, and my eternal essential self.

Having said that, last week when I was filming your 11/11 vlog, I was preparing myself and setting the intention right before we filmed the video. I'd already done my research about it; I already knew what I was going to say, and I was connecting to my higher-self, and into the Intelligence of the Energy.

While I was doing that, my arms went up, and I couldn't move my arms. They were pointing upwards in the shape of a triangle. There was actually a...

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The Energy of QEI


Everything is Energy.

Quantum Energy Infusion is Energy.

You know, the words themself began as thought that came into me - as conscious thought.

It began as the Intelligence of the Energy downloading into me what Quantum Energy Infusion is; what it has become. These original ideas that I had accompanied with the energy of the idea has turned into this giant company.

Quantum Energy Infusion now has four levels of instruction in it that last a year and a half. What started out as an idea that was an eight-week program has now turned into a year and a half course of study for four programs.

That is energy at its finest. That is energy generating the next energy. That is energy unfolding moment by moment and creating what comes next. That is Quantum.

The Intelligence of the Energy is in the Energy--you don't have to do anything. It's there, 24/7. The Intelligence of the Energy is constantly informing us.

So the more that you live, move, breathe, and feel your energy, the more...

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Infused Guidance


It's October, and our Infused Intention for this month is Guidance.

We can receive guidance, and we can be the guide.

Receiving Guidance. I spend a lot of my time receiving guidance from the Intelligence of the Energy. That's how I like to speak about it, because I am an Energy Practitioner and I do bring in these ideas.

The Intelligence of the Energy informs me when it's time for something new to be brought to Earth and be birthed on the planet.

Oftentimes it comes through me.

I like to use those words, because I am a woman, I understand gestation, I have been pregnant, and I have birthed children. So I very much associate what I do with the Intelligence of the Energy and bringing in these ideas around birthing.

So how do I get that Guidance from the Intelligence of the Energy?

I become very quiet and I listen. I might just go out in nature to walk quietly, so that I can listen. I might simply ground myself without walking and literally feel the Yin Energy of the Earth...

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