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Thumped My Face Off!


I thumped my face off.

That's what one of our participants said to me yesterday. "I thumped my face off in the shower. Connie, I am so grateful for QEI (for Quantum Energy Infusion) and all of these energy techniques I have learned."

We found out her significant other lost his job. They were down to one income, and that was a complete shock! They moved to another city (another state) for this job. A few months later, it was gone.

I thumped my face off.

So instead of exploding, being unkind to the person that just lost the job, or completely freaking out, she was able to move that shocked, traumatic, unbelievable, and impossible information with Quantum Energy Infusion Technologies.

She was telling me about the confidence she had. Because of all the tools that she has learned in Quantum Energy Infusion, when this shocking information comes up, or if there's a sense of fear, or lack, or sudden "not knowing what to do", she can move that energy.

You've seen me do these--you can use the...

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The Energy of QEI


Everything is Energy.

Quantum Energy Infusion is Energy.

You know, the words themself began as thought that came into me - as conscious thought.

It began as the Intelligence of the Energy downloading into me what Quantum Energy Infusion is; what it has become. These original ideas that I had accompanied with the energy of the idea has turned into this giant company.

Quantum Energy Infusion now has four levels of instruction in it that last a year and a half. What started out as an idea that was an eight-week program has now turned into a year and a half course of study for four programs.

That is energy at its finest. That is energy generating the next energy. That is energy unfolding moment by moment and creating what comes next. That is Quantum.

The Intelligence of the Energy is in the Energy--you don't have to do anything. It's there, 24/7. The Intelligence of the Energy is constantly informing us.

So the more that you live, move, breathe, and feel your energy, the more...

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Energy Etiquette in our Group Energy Sessions


Energy Etiquette is part of Energy Hygiene.

We use these terms almost interchangeably here at Quantum Energy Infusion.

As you've heard me speak to before, we have Energy Sessions in which an entire group of people (8-12) will be enrolled in our program at a time. We call these groups Quantum Cohorts.

So say I'm facilitating a program and I say "Okay, Rafe is going to go on the Energy Seat". We will then ask Rafe if we may have his permission to work with his Auric Field. Once Rafe give us a "yes", then we will know we have his permission to work with his Energy Field.

This is Energy Etiquette--we're asking permission to go into his field, which is truly a sacred space. It's important that we honor that.

All of us, everyone in the Quantum Cohort, come together with the intention to learn about energy, to experience energy, and to support others with energy.

And because of that intention, we have created a Morphogenic Field that is unique to our group....

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