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Monster Nana


I'm gonna go spend three and a half weeks with my grandchildren. I'm so excited about this! I want to make sure that I am really fun, healthy, vegan Nana, and I don't become Monster Nana.

The way that I do that is I eat well, I exercise no matter what, and I move energy. I do my energy exercises every day; I have an energy practice, just like I have an exercise practice. I also have a meditation practice; I do all of those things.

I get to take care of me. I get to be fun and healthy Nana.

Now, when Monster Nana decides to come up, I have ways to deal with her. If something happens unexpectedly, and all of a sudden, I'm like, "Woo!", all lit up, and I'm not exactly sure what's wrong, I may go right to that quantum chop. You know, you can't beat this for a way to get out frustration, anger, fury or irritation. This is just a great way to chop that right out of your experience.

My grandchildren have seen energy technologies since they were born,...

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Thumped My Face Off!


I thumped my face off.

That's what one of our participants said to me yesterday. "I thumped my face off in the shower. Connie, I am so grateful for QEI (for Quantum Energy Infusion) and all of these energy techniques I have learned."

We found out her significant other lost his job. They were down to one income, and that was a complete shock! They moved to another city (another state) for this job. A few months later, it was gone.

I thumped my face off.

So instead of exploding, being unkind to the person that just lost the job, or completely freaking out, she was able to move that shocked, traumatic, unbelievable, and impossible information with Quantum Energy Infusion Technologies.

She was telling me about the confidence she had. Because of all the tools that she has learned in Quantum Energy Infusion, when this shocking information comes up, or if there's a sense of fear, or lack, or sudden "not knowing what to do", she can move that energy.

You've seen me do these--you can use the...

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Get Together in the Energy!


Get together with your people and work on energy

We have a Mastermind that meets in Quantum Energy Infusion. Actually, we have several of them. The one that I'm referring to now is with our Quantum Energy Infusion Certified Consultants. We meet once a month, and there's nine of us that show up.

I've spoken about this group before.

We met this last week with the energies of the Lion's Gate coming in, and I'm going to tell you, when we all come together, the energies are magnified. We are more together than the sum of our parts; I really want you to understand this.

Get together with one person that you know that you can share your energy with, and by that I mean any energy techniques, tools, or technologies that you already know.

I don't care if you're a Reiki person, if you understand the meridians, if you tap, whatever it is you do, get together with your people. Now is the time! Well, it's been the time with everything that's happening; with raising...

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6/6/6 Portal


We're still in the energy of the 6/6/6 Portal.

It's June 6th, and then the third six comes from 2022 (2+2+2), which adds up to six.

So this has been a very powerful influx of energies. On the morning of 6/6, I woke up with electrical currents; they felt like they were charging through my body. When I looked at the clock, it was 5:55 on 6/6, which I find fascinating.

Anyway, I decided to balance my chakras. I do this every day of my life. As I was balancing my chakras, I was starting to equalize these massive energies that were coming into my body and my legs--I had like electrical currents charging through my legs. It was so uncomfortable, just trying to lay there and have all of this energy move through my body as I was balancing my chakras.

I balanced my chakras for almost two hours. I did not have to be up early on the morning of the sixth, so I made sure that I stayed with the energy until I could feel solid and functioning.

When I got out of bed, I had what I...

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Mom and Dad's 70th Anniversary


My parents just celebrated their 70th Wedding Anniversary.

That's right, 7-0. They met when they were 17 and 18, and got married at 19 and 20 in 1951.

I feel so blessed to have parents that are still alive at 89 and 90. And I find it amazing that they have celebrated 70 years of wedded bliss, because they truly love each other.

The Energy between my parents is one of love, devotion, and joy. They've been through a lot though. 

They lost their son (my brother) in a car accident when he was young. They've been through some very difficult things with career choices, and things that would destroy marriages, or at least destroy you as a person.

They have weathered the storm because of their love and devotion for one another; to see them celebrate at this beautiful dinner party outside overlooking a lake.

We had live music, and in fact, the Musicians were QEI graduates, and they brought their magic and their Energy into the party.

It was beautiful to watch this celebration of 70...

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Back to School


School is starting all around the United States, and my Grandson started Kindergarten this week.

Because he's going to School, I wanted to provide him with a nice, strong Auric Field, so that he would be protected in this pandemic world in which we live.

I wanted him to have a strong auric field so that he could represent who he is. So that when people came into contact with him, they would get a sense of who James is by his field.

When our Auric Field is strong, everything else about us is strong--the Energy Systems from our body pull in energy from our Auric Field.

I wanted him to have that sense of strength and confidence.

So I started working in James's Auric Field.

 I started off by stating my name.Then I said "from me to my Higher Self." to make sure I was connected. This is sacred space - to be working in someone else's energy fields. Then,  "I'm requesting permission to communicate with James's Higher Self".

And I got a "Yes".

I was asking for permission to...

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Group Energy Quantum Style


During one of our Level 1 Quantum Energy Infusion group energy sessions on March 20, one of the participants said "I just had some kind of Energy Infusion occur".  

At that moment we were working with the chakra system, and there were probably 12 people in the group. She asked me if I could explain what just happened to her. I said YES!  It was the same thing that happened to me a few days earlier. I actually did a video about this.

It was the energy of the Spring Equinox

This participant in our program experienced a Light Infusion that had to do with the Spring Equinox energies. The higher frequencies she felt had come in and we were working with her system.

She literally felt the energies flowing in through her chakras, which is different than how I experienced them just a few days earlier when I was out on my balcony. She asked me to speak into it and to share it with the group.

I love how energy informs us. I love how the Intelligence of the...

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Bathing in the Divine Feminine Energy


How would you like it if you got an Energy Infusion? It's really simple. All you need to do is allow the energy to enter your field! Initiations into 5D | Stand in the Energy

And when I say your field, I mean your forcefield. There are probably at least 6 vlogs/blogs about that… Your auric field, your biofield, etc. (however you want to think about that). 

So I've been getting these delicious energy infusions. They started on the 1st of February with the 2/2 portal that opened up--And there's yet more light coming in! I identify it as feminine. 

It's a very strong feminine consciousness to me that's coming in as light. I love to get in a quiet space. You can even be outside if you prefer (you don't have to). I talked about this in other videos too: How to receive the light, the intelligence, the beautiful energy that comes in the consciousness that comes from the light. 

Right now, I really enjoy doing it in a meditative state, fully stretched out in Shavasana...

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