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Get Together in the Energy!


Get together with your people and work on energy

We have a Mastermind that meets in Quantum Energy Infusion. Actually, we have several of them. The one that I'm referring to now is with our Quantum Energy Infusion Certified Consultants. We meet once a month, and there's nine of us that show up.

I've spoken about this group before.

We met this last week with the energies of the Lion's Gate coming in, and I'm going to tell you, when we all come together, the energies are magnified. We are more together than the sum of our parts; I really want you to understand this.

Get together with one person that you know that you can share your energy with, and by that I mean any energy techniques, tools, or technologies that you already know.

I don't care if you're a Reiki person, if you understand the meridians, if you tap, whatever it is you do, get together with your people. Now is the time! Well, it's been the time with everything that's happening; with raising...

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The Portals


We are right in the middle of a bunch of portals in February--the 2/2 portal, the 2/12 portal, and the 2/22 portal coming up.

When these portals are open, new energies are coming in. Higher frequencies than what we've had in the past are coming to the Earth.

I like to think of the Sun as the big portal; as the way in which these energies come in. We also have light codes. The energy comes in light codes; light as information, and light as intelligence. It comes in and our bodies receive the light.

We can unlock these light codes when our body is at a high enough frequency to receive the information that is in the light code.

So, if you find that you are tired, confused, frustrated, or if you have some aches and pains, brain fog, or you're not sure what the heck is wrong with you, it's because we are being bombarded with all of these new light codes; all of this new information and frequencies that are coming in to the Earth.

It's coming fast and it's coming hard and it's...

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The Energy of QEI


Everything is Energy.

Quantum Energy Infusion is Energy.

You know, the words themself began as thought that came into me - as conscious thought.

It began as the Intelligence of the Energy downloading into me what Quantum Energy Infusion is; what it has become. These original ideas that I had accompanied with the energy of the idea has turned into this giant company.

Quantum Energy Infusion now has four levels of instruction in it that last a year and a half. What started out as an idea that was an eight-week program has now turned into a year and a half course of study for four programs.

That is energy at its finest. That is energy generating the next energy. That is energy unfolding moment by moment and creating what comes next. That is Quantum.

The Intelligence of the Energy is in the Energy--you don't have to do anything. It's there, 24/7. The Intelligence of the Energy is constantly informing us.

So the more that you live, move, breathe, and feel your energy, the more...

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Loving What Is


We're having a tough time at my house.

My husband has fourth stage cancer.

He's now in a whole second series of chemotherapy. And chemotherapy has some pretty yucky side effects. One of them has been migraine headaches for him, another one has been some loss of cognitive function.

Another one has been the loss of control over his bowels, and also his urinary tract.

So we have pretty much a faucet going on at our house at any given time. And it's completely unpredictable. And I don't need to tell you that this is not an ideal situation.

We laugh about it, thank goodness, we laugh about it, because there's not a thing we can do about it; there's not a thing that medical model can do to help him with this.

Other than all the things that you're going to write to me and tell me about. We've already done all those. Thank you.

So here we are, when it's 2am, and all of a sudden, there's a brown pool in the bed.

What do you do?

There would have been a time in my life when I probably would...

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Amanda Lorence


There was a New Moon on September 7th, and on September 9th, there was the 9/9 Portal, with all of these new energies are coming in.

I was practically in a stupor on the 7th--I was so aware of the energies that came in. They were strong and penetrating to me.

I felt like I had a sinus condition all day; there was all of this pressure in my head.

I wasn't thinking about the higher frequencies coming in. I knew they would come in on the 9/9 portal, but I wasn't thinking about them yet on Tuesday.

And of course, these frequencies are coming in all the time, and it's escalating all the time.

I had a full day of work Tuesday to get done. And especially after the three day weekend (Labor Day Weekend). My brain was really not functioning at its highest level. And it didn't bother me, because I used my Energy Tools.

So I would move around, and I would be doing my beloved Quantum Chop, and I would see what I could do next. And sometimes it only took 15 or 20 seconds, and...

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Science Proves Energy is Everything


Everything is energy.
Do you remember back in science class when you learned about an atom? I remember my mind being blown when my science teacher said, “An atom is the building block of everything. Atoms have a nucleus, electrons, protons, and neutrons that go around them.” All of that whole thing is just a blur that we're only starting to be able to see through microscopes where scientists can start to see the atomic matter. Scientists were looking at these and they realized that atoms were 99.99% air.

Well, I think of that air is energy!

Atoms are 99.99% energy and 0.01% matter, which is that nucleus, the electrons, protons, and neutrons--You know what I'm talking about, so think about that for a minute.
The building block of everything that we know is an atom and it is almost all energy.
Well, a couple of atoms come together and they form molecules, then molecules form elements, and then elements come together and start forming tissues. We have tissues, then we...

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We're in the Energy of Light!


We are in the Energy of the Star of Bethlehem.

Jupiter and Saturn have aligned this week and we get to be in the energy of that alignment.

We're also having a Solar Flare for the Winter Solstice (on December 21st, 2021). All of this [energy] is high frequency.

Let's think about humanity making a shift into higher Levels of Consciousness; these are higher frequencies coming to the planet that you get to embody.

The Higher Levels of Consciousness are:

  • Reason
  • Love
  • Joy
  • Peace
  • Compassion
  • Understanding
  • Gratitude

Let's embody those Levels of Consciousness. Let's embody the frequency of Love. Let's embody the frequency of Compassion.

We have these high frequencies coming in; invite them into your body. Allow those frequencies to come into you--into your system. Integrate them into your body. Drive those energies into Mother Earth further--integrating those high frequencies from Mother Earth into your experience.

When you bring those higher frequencies in, you can have signs that...

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