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The Portals


We are right in the middle of a bunch of portals in February--the 2/2 portal, the 2/12 portal, and the 2/22 portal coming up.

When these portals are open, new energies are coming in. Higher frequencies than what we've had in the past are coming to the Earth.

I like to think of the Sun as the big portal; as the way in which these energies come in. We also have light codes. The energy comes in light codes; light as information, and light as intelligence. It comes in and our bodies receive the light.

We can unlock these light codes when our body is at a high enough frequency to receive the information that is in the light code.

So, if you find that you are tired, confused, frustrated, or if you have some aches and pains, brain fog, or you're not sure what the heck is wrong with you, it's because we are being bombarded with all of these new light codes; all of this new information and frequencies that are coming in to the Earth.

It's coming fast and it's coming hard and it's coming in a beautiful way for us to uplevel in our human bodies.

The part of you that is eternal--I call it my eternal essential self. We also call it this in our program, Quantum Energy Infusion. This is how I speak to the part of us that moves on from this body; the part of us that was before, that is now, and that ever will be.

So my eternal essential self already has a frequency that's as high as it can be. It is lifeforce energy.

What is not lifeforce energy is my meat sack--this compressed energy; the density of the compressed energy in which I live. And it is this, the body, that is raising in frequency.

We want our bodies to raise in frequency--it's not your soul, spirit, or however you want to call your eternal essential self. It's your meatsuit that gets to raise in frequency.

These light codes are coming in, and they're affecting the very energy of our bodies.

Remember, we've said this a million times--it takes three atoms to make a molecule and then you've got molecules that come together to form a cell. Which then form organs, tissues, etc. And before you know it, have a dog or a parent or a human being.

We are all energy; everything is energy.

These frequencies coming in are energy, and energy has intelligence. I know you've heard this from me so many times. The reason I'm saying it now, again, is because you are exhausted. Your body is incorporating these new energies, and it's hard work for the body.

Give your body a chance to rest and recalibrate, because that's what's happening; your body is going from carbon to crystalline. And we'll talk about that later another time.

It is going from 3D to 5D, so that we can live with 5D consciousnesses on Mother Earth and raise the level of consciousness

As you raise the frequency of your body, you are raising the level of your consciousness as you express on the Earth. Your eternal essential self is still who and what it is at that high frequency; your body is what is expressing out in the energy of your body and the energy of your eternal essential self as it can move through your body.

The lighter your body is, the higher the frequency and the less density it is, the more that your pureness gets to express out through your body into your auric field and into the collective thereby raising the collective consciousness.

So what's the point?

Take a nap, get enough sleep at night. Yes, you're exhausted and you have a reason to be and everybody on the planet has a reason to be. The higher your frequency already is, the more of this you're going to absorb.

So even if you think you're an enlightened being, you're exhausted too, because you're pulling in even more of that energy than somebody is not enlightened yet. And I know that's a charged word. I'm using it to make a point.

Give yourself some rest; your body needs it.

Your soul wants it.

The world needs it.

Really allow these light codes to come in to raise your frequency and to assimilate into your body so that you may continue to raise your consciousness as well as raise the level of consciousness in the world to peaceful coexistence.

I'm Connie Kean with Quantum Energy Infusion--where Everything is Energy!

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