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Fractal Energies in my Body!


I've had two very significant energy experiences that I want to share with you.

Recently, these high frequency energies that are coming in are affecting our bodies. We're also having solar flares from the sun; there's so many things that are happening, not to mention the Lions Gate coming up in the Summer Solstice we've just been through.

With all of these portals being open, the new energies coming in, the new light codes, and the solar flares and the really high frequency light from that, I want you to know that you can be experiencing this in your body.

I had an experience just recently, where it was in the middle of the night, and I woke up. It was actually during the Capricorn Full Moon on July 13th. My body was vibrating. There were fractals--geometric shapes in my body that were fractal. Each one of them was in a different shape.

It was such a surprise to wake up and feel all of this vibration in my body. One of them along the left side was really long and narrow,...

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The Portals


We are right in the middle of a bunch of portals in February--the 2/2 portal, the 2/12 portal, and the 2/22 portal coming up.

When these portals are open, new energies are coming in. Higher frequencies than what we've had in the past are coming to the Earth.

I like to think of the Sun as the big portal; as the way in which these energies come in. We also have light codes. The energy comes in light codes; light as information, and light as intelligence. It comes in and our bodies receive the light.

We can unlock these light codes when our body is at a high enough frequency to receive the information that is in the light code.

So, if you find that you are tired, confused, frustrated, or if you have some aches and pains, brain fog, or you're not sure what the heck is wrong with you, it's because we are being bombarded with all of these new light codes; all of this new information and frequencies that are coming in to the Earth.

It's coming fast and it's coming hard and it's...

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I have been releasing a lot of energies lately.

There are high frequencies that are coming in due to the planetary alignments and the fact that we are in the middle of this shift for humanity.

This is affecting Mother Earth, it's affecting us, and it's affecting the densities of our physicality.

When photons come in with new light codes in these high frequencies, I think for some people they just hit and bounce off of the density of their body.

For those of us that choose to receive them though, they're coming in similarly to how light can come into your body. And when that happens, these higher vibrating frequencies start to mix things up.

The lower vibrating frequencies cannot survive with higher vibrating frequencies.

Remember, Emotions are Energy in MotionSo when I say "lower vibrating", I mean, emotions that don't feel so great like:

  • Shame
  • Grief
  • Abuse
  • Injustice

I'm talking about all these low vibrating consciousnesses that do not do well with higher...

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Spring Equinox Energy Infusion


These fabulous energies of the Spring Equinox!

We are bathing in them; we're living in them; and, swimming in them.

The other day I was out on my balcony doing some energy exercises. It was my  intention to bring the Yin Energy of the earth into my body and the Yin Energy of the ocean; along with the Yang Energies of the Heavens and the Sun. I really wanted to bring all of that energy into my body.

As I was doing that, all of a sudden, I had a light infusion and an energy infusion that literally struck me dumb! That's pretty hard to do - to strike me dumb! I literally was frozen in space and I could feel the energies coming in. I knew what it was, so I wasn't afraid.

These had to be new energies because I haven't felt them before. It was a couple days before the spring equinox (I wasn't even thinking that, though), I just knew something new was happening. I was so excited to be there and to be receiving it!

It came through me in a way that permeated my energy systems. It...

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