Well, all of us have now experienced the Lion's Gate, that beautiful portal that opened up for us on August 8th.
From now we're going into this fall harvest time, where all of these juicy, powerful, exciting energies are here to stay.
So as you experienced that portal on 8/8, I actually imagined myself stepping through it into a new timeline. When I say timeline, I literally mean reality. I am talking about what is now possible in my current reality (in my current existence), that was not possible on August 7th before I walked through that portal.
We are in this Galactic New Year, and it's going to last for a year. For those of us that like to jump timelines, I don't know how long I'm going to be in this timeline. Maybe for the whole year, maybe for a month, maybe I will be jumped up to a new one before I know it.
The point is to be in the present moment. Your point of power is always in the quantum now. So when things come up from your past, and I when I say past, I mean...
Get together with your people and work on energy!
We have a Mastermind that meets in Quantum Energy Infusion. Actually, we have several of them. The one that I'm referring to now is with our Quantum Energy Infusion Certified Consultants. We meet once a month, and there's nine of us that show up.
I've spoken about this group before.
We met this last week with the energies of the Lion's Gate coming in, and I'm going to tell you, when we all come together, the energies are magnified. We are more together than the sum of our parts; I really want you to understand this.
Get together with one person that you know that you can share your energy with, and by that I mean any energy techniques, tools, or technologies that you already know.
I don't care if you're a Reiki person, if you understand the meridians, if you tap, whatever it is you do, get together with your people. Now is the time! Well, it's been the time with everything that's happening; with raising...
I've had two very significant energy experiences that I want to share with you.
Recently, these high frequency energies that are coming in are affecting our bodies. We're also having solar flares from the sun; there's so many things that are happening, not to mention the Lions Gate coming up in the Summer Solstice we've just been through.
With all of these portals being open, the new energies coming in, the new light codes, and the solar flares and the really high frequency light from that, I want you to know that you can be experiencing this in your body.
I had an experience just recently, where it was in the middle of the night, and I woke up. It was actually during the Capricorn Full Moon on July 13th. My body was vibrating. There were fractals--geometric shapes in my body that were fractal. Each one of them was in a different shape.
It was such a surprise to wake up and feel all of this vibration in my body. One of them along the left side was really long and narrow,...
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