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Leave it Behind


Well, all of us have now experienced the Lion's Gate, that beautiful portal that opened up for us on August 8th.

From now we're going into this fall harvest time, where all of these juicy, powerful, exciting energies are here to stay.

So as you experienced that portal on 8/8, I actually imagined myself stepping through it into a new timeline. When I say timeline, I literally mean reality. I am talking about what is now possible in my current reality (in my current existence), that was not possible on August 7th before I walked through that portal.

We are in this Galactic New Year, and it's going to last for a year. For those of us that like to jump timelines, I don't know how long I'm going to be in this timeline. Maybe for the whole year, maybe for a month, maybe I will be jumped up to a new one before I know it.

The point is to be in the present moment. Your point of power is always in the quantum now. So when things come up from your past, and I when I say past, I mean just like couple of weeks ago, you know, before the Lion's Gate Portal. Those no longer need to affect your energy.

What we're having our people here at QEI do is, when something comes up, we acknowledge that we have an emotion, an experience, a belief, something coming up that requires our attention. We acknowledge it, we give voice to it.

As you know, my dear husband has passed, and I was thinking about something--that I missed Jim, especially since I was wishing Jim could be with me. So I acknowledged the fact that I was missing Jim, and I thought about it.

I said "it serves me to continue to think about this," and I got a "no".

I said "it serves me to continue to stay in the energy of this," and I got a "no".

Now my ego really, really wanted to be in that energy of my husband and have the memories of the love, yet it didn't serve me. So I released it.

A lot of times I love to use the central vessel release. So I released that emotion as it was coursing through me and brought myself into this quantum now. With that emotion released, I was able to be fully present to the amount of love that my husband and I experienced together; to be grateful for it. Then, all of a sudden, I'm in the energy of gratitude, not the energy of loneliness, or lack or loss.

When you can leave the past in the past, if something from the past is coming up, it can come into your consciousness and in your awareness. You can still acknowledge it, you just don't need to roll around in it like a pig in mud.

You can acknowledge that energy, you can see how much you're supposed to work with it and then you can move through it.

Because these new timelines, what I'm finding out energetically, is it's like steam. The moment that that energy starts moving, it dissipates out of my body, just like steam rising off of water. It is incredible how fast these energies are moving.

So I'm inviting you now leave the past in your past, acknowledge what's coming up in case there's something coming up out of your subconscious that gets to be seen, acknowledged, and then released. Then stay in this quantum now.

Be fully present in this moment with the emotion that you now choose. I ended up choosing gratitude and love instead of loss and lack and loneliness. You get to make that choice as well.

I'm Connie Kean with Quantum Energy Infusion--where Everything is Energy!

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