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Leave it Behind


Well, all of us have now experienced the Lion's Gate, that beautiful portal that opened up for us on August 8th.

From now we're going into this fall harvest time, where all of these juicy, powerful, exciting energies are here to stay.

So as you experienced that portal on 8/8, I actually imagined myself stepping through it into a new timeline. When I say timeline, I literally mean reality. I am talking about what is now possible in my current reality (in my current existence), that was not possible on August 7th before I walked through that portal.

We are in this Galactic New Year, and it's going to last for a year. For those of us that like to jump timelines, I don't know how long I'm going to be in this timeline. Maybe for the whole year, maybe for a month, maybe I will be jumped up to a new one before I know it.

The point is to be in the present moment. Your point of power is always in the quantum now. So when things come up from your past, and I when I say past, I mean...

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The Energy of Gratitude Update


This is the energy of gratitude update I promised you.

As you recall, if you don't know go ahead and look at the link below and look at The Energy of Gratitude Vlog that we sent out earlier.

Our elevator is broken in our building, and I had to take Jim to chemo and he ended up walking down all 88 steps to get to the car this morning.

I spoke into the energy of gratitude and the beautiful things that it attracts to us when we exude the energy of gratitude.

So I went to pick up Jim when his chemo was all done, knowing that the elevator was not yet fixed.

My colleague, Rafe, is here working with me in the office today. So I knew that Rafe and I together could somehow get him up those stairs, even if we had to pull his wheelchair up the stairs backwards. So when we got home from chemo today, Jim was in very good spirits.

And he said, "I think I can walk up the stairs". I said, "Oh, honey, are you sure?". And he said, "I want to try."

So come to find out, we had told one of our...

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The Energy of Gratitude


The Energy of Gratitude!

It's a high frequency--holding gratitude, experiencing gratitude or simply speaking a grateful sentence.

I am thankful for my health. I am thankful for this opportunity. I am thankful that I have a family.

Whatever it is--that is gratitude and that is drawing the energy of gratitude towards you.

Remember, the beautiful Law of Attraction--like attracts like. So as we express gratitude, or we even express gratitude in advance of something that we want to have happen, it's more likely to draw that energy towards us.

I'd like to share a story that happened not even an hour ago, and it has to do with the energy of gratitude and how that took an impossible situation and turned it into a possible one.

As a lot of you know, my husband is in chemo; he has a diagnosis of fourth stage cancer. He had a chemo session this morning. Jim is at the place where he can walk with a walker, and even then that's a stretch.

We live in an old building in South Florida on the fifth...

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Intentional Releases


Our Infused Intention for January of 2022 is release

Let that stuff go! All of it; from your heart, from your head, from your body, from your energy field.

It's time to release.

There's certain things we cannot control anymore, and it's there in the past. And it's also time to let it go.

I have three infused intentions from our Consultants that I want to share with you. Here's the first one:

I choose to release my fears, and to operate from love, by transmuting negative thoughts and sending them to the light.

What a beautiful combination of the intention of releasing and energy as well! I love that--transmuting them and sending them to the light.

Here's another one:

I release with gratitude all the bits of life that came to help me and that now have finished their work. 

That is so beautiful--being grateful for what has come in, and then knowing when it's time to let it go, and then being done.

Here's our last one:

I willingly and gratefully release all resistance...

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