Well, all of us have now experienced the Lion's Gate, that beautiful portal that opened up for us on August 8th.
From now we're going into this fall harvest time, where all of these juicy, powerful, exciting energies are here to stay.
So as you experienced that portal on 8/8, I actually imagined myself stepping through it into a new timeline. When I say timeline, I literally mean reality. I am talking about what is now possible in my current reality (in my current existence), that was not possible on August 7th before I walked through that portal.
We are in this Galactic New Year, and it's going to last for a year. For those of us that like to jump timelines, I don't know how long I'm going to be in this timeline. Maybe for the whole year, maybe for a month, maybe I will be jumped up to a new one before I know it.
The point is to be in the present moment. Your point of power is always in the quantum now. So when things come up from your past, and I when I say past, I mean...
Continuing in this idea of Growth for May and Expansion for June, I want to talk to you about other ways you can expand your consciousness, you can expand your frequency (you can actually raise your frequency), and you can build upon your intuition.
One way to do that is to become aware that you can speak with other dimensions.
In other words, there are beings in other dimensions and you can communicate with them. The example that I'm going to use is probably going to seem closer to home. And that is how I communicate with my husband, and especially once he's crossed over, with Jim on the other side, and how I plan to continue to communicate with him.
I have just felt my heart chakra activate in a feeling of expansion, if you will, in my energy, simply by bringing words to this idea; bringing the word into my being and into this third dimension experience. I am talking about fifth dimensional energies here.
When this airs, if my husband's on this side, or on the other...
Our Mastermind group sent energy to the entire world on Monday night.
For context, we are currently living in the time when Russia is invading Ukraine. What we're seeing on our TVs and our news feeds is not that of peace; it is that of invasion and aggression. We want to bring in the energy of peaceful co-existence. That's the vision that drives everything I do--raising the collective consciousness to peaceful co-existence.
We sent energy to the world (to the collective consciousness) on Monday night. It was powerful, it was mind-bending, and it was so freeing and empowering to know that we could support the world in this time of high contrast.
What's happening is in high contrast of peaceful co-existence. We learn a lot from light and dark; from contrasting situations. It was our intention (and still is) to bring energy to the light and to let that light shine on the darkness.
The more that we can see the light shining on the darkness, the more we can dissolve the darkness.
I've been creating a lot of Energy work recently around Shadow Material, and Debbie Ford is one of the great minds in our time around Shadow Material. She has a book called "The Dark Side of the Light Chasers". It's a wonderful manual on how to look at the parts of us that may be hidden from us in the shadow.
I wanted to read this seminal work so that I could be aware of everything that she's put out in the collective consciousness that I am now a beneficiary of, because it is in the collective, and she's taught so many people.
I also wanted to make myself do all of the work and all of the exercises in this book.
Quantum Energy Infusion, Level Three, actually spends a lot of time doing Energy work and teaching the energetic aspects of working with the shadow.
In one of the chapters, she suggests that we have some personalities that all of us have called sub-personalities.
That can be a part of us that got shoved down when we were a kid, or even when we were...
Are you overwhelmed by all the energies right now in 2021?
I mean when you think about what's happening in our lives; when you think about the fact that we live in this COVID pandemic world, in this extreme political environment... Wherever you are living, it is most likely a highly charged space.
Currently we also have all of these new energy codes coming in from the cosmic alignment of the planets. There is so much going on in our world right now!
And if you are an Empath, or if you are any kind of a Lightworker - someone who is here to help others - you are probably feeling all this even more intensely.
Personally, when I am feeling something so strongly, I have a hard time functioning. As long as I am feeling all of this stuff from this person over here, and that person over there, I am overwhelmed by all of their feelings. As long as I am as a Lightworker I am completely stressed out about issues like - how the heck are we going to change the world?
Even if I...
During one of our Level 1 Quantum Energy Infusion group energy sessions on March 20, one of the participants said "I just had some kind of Energy Infusion occur".
At that moment we were working with the chakra system, and there were probably 12 people in the group. She asked me if I could explain what just happened to her. I said YES! It was the same thing that happened to me a few days earlier. I actually did a video about this.
It was the energy of the Spring Equinox.
This participant in our program experienced a Light Infusion that had to do with the Spring Equinox energies. The higher frequencies she felt had come in and we were working with her system.
She literally felt the energies flowing in through her chakras, which is different than how I experienced them just a few days earlier when I was out on my balcony. She asked me to speak into it and to share it with the group.
I love how energy informs us. I love how the Intelligence of the...
How would you like it if you got an Energy Infusion? It's really simple. All you need to do is allow the energy to enter your field! Initiations into 5D | Stand in the Energy
And when I say your field, I mean your forcefield. There are probably at least 6 vlogs/blogs about that… Your auric field, your biofield, etc. (however you want to think about that).
So I've been getting these delicious energy infusions. They started on the 1st of February with the 2/2 portal that opened up--And there's yet more light coming in! I identify it as feminine.
It's a very strong feminine consciousness to me that's coming in as light. I love to get in a quiet space. You can even be outside if you prefer (you don't have to). I talked about this in other videos too: How to receive the light, the intelligence, the beautiful energy that comes in the consciousness that comes from the light.
Right now, I really enjoy doing it in a meditative state, fully stretched out in Shavasana...
I'm always talking about levels of consciousness, the 5th dimension, the 3rd dimension, and the shift, etc. Quantum Energy Infusion is a 5D company! What that means is that everyone that works for Quantum Energy Infusion is now embodying 5th dimension levels of consciousness. It's our job. We literally live to bring these 5th dimension frequencies into the 3rd dimension realm. Peaceful CoExistence Begins with Me - Click here
One of my guides is an ascended master, Jesus, and he's been talking to me for years and years about this. He uses dimensional terms. He also uses the terms: celestial realm and the earthly realm. I like that! He also uses heaven and earth to describe all of this. He uses all of those terms interchangeably.
So if you like heaven on earth, that's a pretty cool way to think about it (if that language works for you). If you're kind of allergic to that kind of language, try embodying 5th-dimensional levels of consciousness in your 3rd-dimensional body to bring it to...
Atoms were the topic last week about how atoms are energy, your body is energy, and your forcefield is energy. Let's add on to what you’ve already had time to think about.
Your forcefield extends out into the world around you, into the world that is energy around you--Energy meeting up with other energies.
We're going to take this a step further… What about all of these energies that I've been talking about that are coming in from the sun? The sun as a portal is bringing in higher-frequency energies as in light that's organized in newer ways. Click here for more on all this light
Light is a higher-frequency than previously experienced. Do you think that's going to affect you? It has to! It’s energy, you are energy, and everything is energy.
Do you think it's affecting the earth? It is. Do you think it's affecting your neighbor next door? It is. Even if they're not awake yet, it's still affecting them because this higher-frequency light is the next level as it's a...
Everything is energy.
Do you remember back in science class when you learned about an atom? I remember my mind being blown when my science teacher said, “An atom is the building block of everything. Atoms have a nucleus, electrons, protons, and neutrons that go around them.” All of that whole thing is just a blur that we're only starting to be able to see through microscopes where scientists can start to see the atomic matter. Scientists were looking at these and they realized that atoms were 99.99% air.
Well, I think of that air is energy!
Atoms are 99.99% energy and 0.01% matter, which is that nucleus, the electrons, protons, and neutrons--You know what I'm talking about, so think about that for a minute.
The building block of everything that we know is an atom and it is almost all energy.
Well, a couple of atoms come together and they form molecules, then molecules form elements, and then elements come together and start forming tissues. We have tissues, then we...
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