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Energy Jolt


Last week I told you I had two unusual energy experiences. I'm going to tell you about the second one today.

It was during the energy of that full moon. I was out cold sound asleep, and I was laying on my side. Out of the blue, I had an electrical jolt of energy come up the bottom of my left foot right up to my knee. It woke me up out of a dead sleep!

As I was trying to figure out what had just happened, another one came in. This was a double jolt! It came up to my knee and then ricocheted up to my hip. As I was laying there, trying to figure out what that heck had just happened, it came again. It was the same combination!

It shot up to my knee, and then a double shot from my knee up to my hip. I couldn't believe it because it was shaking the whole bed. It was shaking me.

It was not painful. I thought about it a different way... it might have been painful, except it happened so fast and unexpectedly. My brain did not have a chance to register pain. I was only fascinated.


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Personal Triggers


We're still in the month of May.

This is the month of Growth, and we still have one more Eclipse.

Yes, it's all happening.

Growth, growth, growth!

If you have something happen, and all of a sudden you're triggered, you were more than likely triggered by the collective as well. At that point, you're probably like, "I don't even know what I'm upset about!"

Take a moment and get centered in what you're feeling.

It's about emotions. Emotions are energy in motion. Growth comes from us; acknowledging what we are feeling right here, right now.

My guess is you're being triggered by something that's in the collective, or something that you're experiencing. Let's think about my experience with my husband and hospice. By the way, my whole family is here visiting. How cool is that? For my husband to be awake and enjoy everybody's presence.

You want to talk about being triggered? How about having four generations of family in 975 square feet--that's a great opportunity to be triggered....

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Unite the Light


There are so many of us raising the collective consciousness to peaceful co-existence. You know, that's my mission.

I want to tell you about Unite the Light:

It is a wonderful movement that has begun, and it's off-grid.

Bring your light, bring your joy, bring it to the planet.

They're inviting us to do it at 5am and 5pm every day, Greenwich Mean Time. Use a timezone converter to support you.

I know for me on the East Coast of the United States, that is 1pm and 1am. I can tell you, my bringing the light will happen during sleep and good intentions at 1am. At 1pm, I absolutely will be bringing my light to the collective; I'm going to use my words here, I will bring be bringing my light energy and exuding that radiance into the collective consciousness, thereby raising the collective consciousness.

I love the concept of this!

Please go to their website and read what they've done. It's beautifully written its masterfully orchestrated, and the word is...

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Sending Energy to the World


Our Mastermind group sent energy to the entire world on Monday night.

For context, we are currently living in the time when Russia is invading Ukraine. What we're seeing on our TVs and our news feeds is not that of peace; it is that of invasion and aggression. We want to bring in the energy of peaceful co-existence. That's the vision that drives everything I do--raising the collective consciousness to peaceful co-existence.

We sent energy to the world (to the collective consciousness) on Monday night. It was powerful, it was mind-bending, and it was so freeing and empowering to know that we could support the world in this time of high contrast.

What's happening is in high contrast of peaceful co-existence. We learn a lot from light and dark; from contrasting situations. It was our intention (and still is) to bring energy to the light and to let that light shine on the darkness.

The more that we can see the light shining on the darkness, the more we can dissolve the darkness.


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QEI Results


At the end of the year, businesses do numbers.

Numbers are a really important part of business. Now we're an Energy Business; Quantum Energy Infusion is all about raising the collective consciousness to peaceful coexistence.

The way that we do that is by making Energy mainstream.

Quantum Energy Infusion brings the art of energy--the art, beauty, magic, and the multi-dimensionality of Energy to the public; to the normal person that doesn't know about Energy. We teach people how to engage with the Quantum Field, infusing their lives with its intelligence, its vitality, and its power.

Then we teach you about the Energy Systems that are you: your Chakra system, your Meridians, your Auric Field; we go into all sorts of energy systems that you have.

Well, going back to numbers; I have been figuring out how many programs we delivered for 2021, and I want to share our results with you.

We're a startup.

Back in 2019, I started creating the program Quantum Energy Infusion, and I...

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The Energy of QEI


Everything is Energy.

Quantum Energy Infusion is Energy.

You know, the words themself began as thought that came into me - as conscious thought.

It began as the Intelligence of the Energy downloading into me what Quantum Energy Infusion is; what it has become. These original ideas that I had accompanied with the energy of the idea has turned into this giant company.

Quantum Energy Infusion now has four levels of instruction in it that last a year and a half. What started out as an idea that was an eight-week program has now turned into a year and a half course of study for four programs.

That is energy at its finest. That is energy generating the next energy. That is energy unfolding moment by moment and creating what comes next. That is Quantum.

The Intelligence of the Energy is in the Energy--you don't have to do anything. It's there, 24/7. The Intelligence of the Energy is constantly informing us.

So the more that you live, move, breathe, and feel your energy, the more...

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