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Sending Energy to the World


Our Mastermind group sent energy to the entire world on Monday night.

For context, we are currently living in the time when Russia is invading Ukraine. What we're seeing on our TVs and our news feeds is not that of peace; it is that of invasion and aggression. We want to bring in the energy of peaceful co-existence. That's the vision that drives everything I do--raising the collective consciousness to peaceful co-existence.

We sent energy to the world (to the collective consciousness) on Monday night. It was powerful, it was mind-bending, and it was so freeing and empowering to know that we could support the world in this time of high contrast.

What's happening is in high contrast of peaceful co-existence. We learn a lot from light and dark; from contrasting situations. It was our intention (and still is) to bring energy to the light and to let that light shine on the darkness.

The more that we can see the light shining on the darkness, the more we can dissolve the darkness.

A lot of that is the collective shadow.

What I mean by that is the entire human collective has a consciousness about it. Carl Jung even called it the "collective unconscious". So there's an aspect that is very much energetically alive in our world. It is that level of consciousness that represents humanity.

There are different pockets of consciousness as well, so we send energy to the consciousness because it is energy.

Everything is energy.

Us sending these high frequency energies to the collective consciousness thereby raises the frequency of the collective.

One of the cool things about that is lower vibrating frequencies can no longer exist; they fall apart. When the frequency is higher, these low vibrating frequencies dissipate.

Energy is neither created nor destroyed. They simply transmute into light, or they go into the field and they're neutralized.

What I want you to know is when you send your light to the collective, it helps raise the consciousness of the collective.

So hold the thought of unconditional love. Hold the thought of joy, peace, gratitude, enlightenment, or whatever consciousness resonates with you. Hold that consciousness and let your high level of consciousness exude out into your auric field, and then into the collective consciousness around you, and you will be making a difference.

We did this with nine of us Monday night.

What happened was so beautiful. We had other realms of beings show up. Our light was so bright that literally, we had angels join us. 

Archangel Raphael was there. We had other angels and other celestial beings come join us from other dimensions. And that was with nine of us coming together with the intention to raise the collective consciousness.

You matter. Your energy matters.

Go ahead and offer up your high energy (maybe five minutes). Set the intention to help raise the collective consciousness and send your unconditional love out there.

With enough of us doing this, and I know there's lots of different groups in the world doing it, we will be in a place of peaceful co-existence.

I'm Connie Kean with Quantum Energy Infusion--where Everything is Energy!

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