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Communicating with other Dimensions


Continuing in this idea of Growth for May and Expansion for June, I want to talk to you about other ways you can expand your consciousness, you can expand your frequency (you can actually raise your frequency), and you can build upon your intuition.

One way to do that is to become aware that you can speak with other dimensions.

In other words, there are beings in other dimensions and you can communicate with them. The example that I'm going to use is probably going to seem closer to home. And that is how I communicate with my husband, and especially once he's crossed over, with Jim on the other side, and how I plan to continue to communicate with him.

I have just felt my heart chakra activate in a feeling of expansion, if you will, in my energy, simply by bringing words to this idea; bringing the word into my being and into this third dimension experience. I am talking about fifth dimensional energies here.

When this airs, if my husband's on this side, or on the other...

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Processing Energies


I had a complete breakdown, break through, and break open in April. I spoke into that last week.

It opened me up to a new way to process energies.

I want to talk about this because there are a lot of us who are empaths, sensitive, pick up on other people's energies, or we feel the heaviness of the world right now; any of those things that might be happening to you.

Even if you just feel funny, and you don't know why, it's probably because you're carrying other people's energies.

What I want to talk about is the energies that we're working in.

First of all, the energies right now have never been experienced by humankind before; the current state of the planets and the cosmos and everything that's happening--we have higher frequencies available to us now than we've had in 10,000 years  (since Atlantis).

I know that sounds crazy, but it's true.

The other thing that I want to talk about is that we are coming up on a total lunar eclipse, and we've got a full moon on...

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Our Infused Intention for April is surrender.

Now remember, this means that you have an idea that you infused with your intention and your attention.

We recommend that you spend time with your infused intention that you create for yourself, every day. Remember that you're also being supported by the QEI community because we're doing the same.

This idea of surrender--it so often has a negative connotation to it. In the way we're using it in this month, it is joyous. It is a joyful surrender, it is a willing release, it is a magical letting-go of something that no longer serves me.

Surrender here is an act of freedom; you're freeing yourself of something that no longer serves you. We have some ideas here that some of our consultants have already written, and I will share them with you.

I release my ego to my higher self.

Think 3D to 5D. We're talking about that a lot now.

The next one,

I surrender to all that I resist.

Wow! Giving into that instead of resisting that--do you...

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Winter Solstice


Last year on the Winter Solstice, I had a mystical experience.

I was standing in the energy of the Star of Bethlehem; that was the night the three planets came together so closely that they appeared to be the Star of Bethlehem.

As I stood in that energy, I was transported 2000 years back to when the Christ Consciousness came to the planet--when Jesus was born. I was standing in the energy of that present moment.

I was also standing in the energy of the Feminine Christ Consciousness coming to the planet on Winter Solstice 2020.

Then I was transported 2000 years into the future, seeing the difference and the effect that the Feminine Christ Consciousness had on humanity in the same amount of time 2000 years moving forward.

All time collapsed.

In that moment, I had 4000 years of human development and evolution available to me. In that moment, standing in the energy of that star, was amazing.

What I learned was that what I experienced is the Quantum Now. This moment, when I am...

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Bring in the Energy


We're going to bring some Energy to Mother Earth!

And you are going to benefit in the meantime, because all of that Energy is going to come coursing through your energy systems as you give Mother Earth the treat of this 5D energy.

So the way we're going to do this is we're going to use our breath and we're going to use our intention.

I love to think about myself as a tree (I've done many videos using the breath and the tree as an example).

For our purposes, we're literally going to think about a shaft of light coming all the way from source energy.

Or you can think about the Sun and it's light coming right in on the top of your head. It's going to come in all the way through your system.

We have a giant energy channel that runs right down the middle of our body. I like to call it the LifeForce Highway. 

It's going to come all the way down and shoot right out through the bottom of your feet. You can imagine yourself as a column of light, or you could imagine yourself as a...

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Initiations into 5D | Stand in the Energy


I'm always talking about levels of consciousness, the 5th dimension, the 3rd dimension, and the shift, etc. Quantum Energy Infusion is a 5D company! What that means is that everyone that works for Quantum Energy Infusion is now embodying 5th dimension levels of consciousness. It's our job. We literally live to bring these 5th dimension frequencies into the 3rd dimension realm. Peaceful CoExistence Begins with Me - Click here

One of my guides is an ascended master, Jesus, and he's been talking to me for years and years about this. He uses dimensional terms. He also uses the terms: celestial realm and the earthly realm. I like that! He also uses heaven and earth to describe all of this. He uses all of those terms interchangeably.

So if you like heaven on earth, that's a pretty cool way to think about it (if that language works for you). If you're kind of allergic to that kind of language, try embodying 5th-dimensional levels of consciousness in your 3rd-dimensional body to bring it to...

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