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Initiations into 5D | Stand in the Energy


I'm always talking about levels of consciousness, the 5th dimension, the 3rd dimension, and the shift, etc. Quantum Energy Infusion is a 5D company! What that means is that everyone that works for Quantum Energy Infusion is now embodying 5th dimension levels of consciousness. It's our job. We literally live to bring these 5th dimension frequencies into the 3rd dimension realm. Peaceful CoExistence Begins with Me - Click here

One of my guides is an ascended master, Jesus, and he's been talking to me for years and years about this. He uses dimensional terms. He also uses the terms: celestial realm and the earthly realm. I like that! He also uses heaven and earth to describe all of this. He uses all of those terms interchangeably.

So if you like heaven on earth, that's a pretty cool way to think about it (if that language works for you). If you're kind of allergic to that kind of language, try embodying 5th-dimensional levels of consciousness in your 3rd-dimensional body to bring it to...

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Accelerating Frequencies Expanded


How I processed the energy of the winter solstice as we are still in the energy of the winter solstice: Last week, I talked about my experience with time collapsing on 12/21/2020. I left that experience after having been with my family for dinner and then went into facilitating a group energy session for Quantum Energy Infusion later on that night. How cool was that, right?
We had their final Quantum Energy Infusion program energy session on the night of the winter solstice! Whooo! It was highly charged!
On Zoom, I was starting to facilitate the session and had all kinds of technical difficulties. You can imagine how high my frequency was! The computer was really struggling with my energy.
We finally got plugged in, and two of my consultants were able to get everything set up with the technology.

Then when I came in, I realized that I wasn't all there and that I was so expanded out, that I did not have a lot of cognitive function.

It hadn't been a problem when I was eating dinner with...

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