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Processing Energies


I had a complete breakdown, break through, and break open in April. I spoke into that last week.

It opened me up to a new way to process energies.

I want to talk about this because there are a lot of us who are empaths, sensitive, pick up on other people's energies, or we feel the heaviness of the world right now; any of those things that might be happening to you.

Even if you just feel funny, and you don't know why, it's probably because you're carrying other people's energies.

What I want to talk about is the energies that we're working in.

First of all, the energies right now have never been experienced by humankind before; the current state of the planets and the cosmos and everything that's happening--we have higher frequencies available to us now than we've had in 10,000 years  (since Atlantis).

I know that sounds crazy, but it's true.

The other thing that I want to talk about is that we are coming up on a total lunar eclipse, and we've got a full moon on...

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Infused Intentions


Everything is Energy.

That includes what's outside of us, what's inside of us, our thoughts, our feelings, our emotions, our beliefs, and our intentions.

At QEI, we believe in the Power of Intention.

In fact, we use Energy Technologies to infuse our intentions to bring their power more into our lives, into the collective, and into the third dimension.

In fact, the Consultants that just graduated from our Certification Program this year started this very concept. We call it "Infused Intentions".

It was an experiment. We picked a word, or rather, a concept for the month, when it started in May.

And our theme for that month was Mental Health. So we all wrote our own intentions (or affirmations) that we wanted to bring into our lives that spoke into the Energy around Mental Health.

Then we shared them with each other, we energized them, and we made sure we were all in alignment with our affirmations by using an Energy Technology that we teach.

We use this...

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Newer Version of Me


Recently, we got to experience a huge Lunar Eclipse. I woke up early that morning, and basked in energy of the eclipse.

I found that it was a beautiful way for me to release old thoughts, beliefs, patterns and emotions during this time using the Central Vessel Release.

For about 35 minutes, I was actively releasing what no longer serves me (some of it I gave names to, and some of it I didn't). One of the old patterns that came up for me was a pattern of addiction. I've been addicted to all sorts of substances, all kinds of foods, and even behaviors.

During this Lunar Eclipse, I decided that I was going to release my need to be an addict, or my need to define myself in that way. I know there's a lot of schools of thought around addiction; I've studied most of them.

This is not a conversation about how we treat addiction. This is me stepping forward into my new quantum timeline about who I choose to be, and how I choose to be free from being addicted to...

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