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Infusing your Relationships


Infused Intentions!

Remember, this is when we have an affirmation, or a feeling in our heart, or a pure desire that we want infused with energy to bring it alive into our lives.

The Infused Intention for February is around Relationships. Here are three examples:

I invite new high vibrational relationships and transformational interactions into my life.

Whoa, can you feel the energy of that? And can you imagine speaking that everyday into your reality; how that will draw the energy of that towards you?

My relationships are a reflection of my communication with others, and an opportunity for personal growth.

It's so beautiful the way relationships are mirrors for us. I always look to a relationship and know that that beloved person, or that not so beloved person, is letting me know how it is that I am really being. They are great opportunities for personal growth.

And the third one,

I choose to accept my friends and loved ones just like they are.

How's that for an idea? Acceptance!...

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Intentional Releases


Our Infused Intention for January of 2022 is release

Let that stuff go! All of it; from your heart, from your head, from your body, from your energy field.

It's time to release.

There's certain things we cannot control anymore, and it's there in the past. And it's also time to let it go.

I have three infused intentions from our Consultants that I want to share with you. Here's the first one:

I choose to release my fears, and to operate from love, by transmuting negative thoughts and sending them to the light.

What a beautiful combination of the intention of releasing and energy as well! I love that--transmuting them and sending them to the light.

Here's another one:

I release with gratitude all the bits of life that came to help me and that now have finished their work. 

That is so beautiful--being grateful for what has come in, and then knowing when it's time to let it go, and then being done.

Here's our last one:

I willingly and gratefully release all resistance...

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Infusing your Home



Our Infused Intention for December is Home.

My home is a place of tranquility and renewal. I fill my home with love and gratitude, such that all who enter it feel comfortable and at ease.

These are from our Quantum Energy Infusion Consultants.

This body is my home for this incarnation. It has lived all over the world in a variety of houses and cities. I brought my home with me, every place I moved.

Another one,

I intentionally honor the sacred space of home for myself and others, as we love grow and support each other, and our planet.

And the fourth one,

My heart is home with serving humanity.

What a wide variety of energies about home! 

Think about that! All the way from my body temple being the only home I need, to me being at home in my heart when I'm serving humanity. And then the others speak to the actual structure of the house that is our home.

That's a wide variety of energies and all are valid.

What's your energy around home? Does it mean your body? Does it...

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Family Intentions


Our Infused Intention for November is Family.

We're going to talk about the Energy of Family. We are a Family/Community at Quantum Energy Infusion.

I think of it as being creation, as being expansion, and as tradition. I also like the idea of family as a tribe.

When we think about tribes, and when tribes first came about, they were a function of stability, security, and survival.

So let's think about family also as a way of survival--whether it is your immediate biological family, your family from work, family from your faith tradition, or a family of choice in an area of your life that you have come to know and love.

I'm thinking especially about our QEI Community about how we all share beliefs and understandings about Energy. And because we do know that Everything is Energy, our knowingness together is enhanced, expanded, and we grow more for being together as this community.

As Community, and as Family, we support one another. We have roles when we are in a family....

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Infused Guidance


It's October, and our Infused Intention for this month is Guidance.

We can receive guidance, and we can be the guide.

Receiving Guidance. I spend a lot of my time receiving guidance from the Intelligence of the Energy. That's how I like to speak about it, because I am an Energy Practitioner and I do bring in these ideas.

The Intelligence of the Energy informs me when it's time for something new to be brought to Earth and be birthed on the planet.

Oftentimes it comes through me.

I like to use those words, because I am a woman, I understand gestation, I have been pregnant, and I have birthed children. So I very much associate what I do with the Intelligence of the Energy and bringing in these ideas around birthing.

So how do I get that Guidance from the Intelligence of the Energy?

I become very quiet and I listen. I might just go out in nature to walk quietly, so that I can listen. I might simply ground myself without walking and literally feel the Yin Energy of the Earth...

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Infusing Your Finances


The Infused Intention for the month of September is Finances.

Finances--a term for matters regarding the management, creation, and study of money and investments.

Remember, an Infused Intention at Quantum Energy Infusion means:

  • We write down what it is we want (create an intention)
  • Infuse it with our Energy and our Desire.
  • We also use ways to further infuse your intentions through our programs.

What matters is that you declare what it is you want, that you infuse it with your Energy, and then you can share it in the Quantum Energy Infusion Community, because we post our infusion our intentions, and then we infuse them for each other.

We literally create a morphogenic field around our Infused Intention for every month, and for September, it's finances.

Can you imagine being able to declare your intention around your finances and know that there would be at least 100 other people supporting you with that?

What does it mean to write one of these comments?


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Infused Intentions


Everything is Energy.

That includes what's outside of us, what's inside of us, our thoughts, our feelings, our emotions, our beliefs, and our intentions.

At QEI, we believe in the Power of Intention.

In fact, we use Energy Technologies to infuse our intentions to bring their power more into our lives, into the collective, and into the third dimension.

In fact, the Consultants that just graduated from our Certification Program this year started this very concept. We call it "Infused Intentions".

It was an experiment. We picked a word, or rather, a concept for the month, when it started in May.

And our theme for that month was Mental Health. So we all wrote our own intentions (or affirmations) that we wanted to bring into our lives that spoke into the Energy around Mental Health.

Then we shared them with each other, we energized them, and we made sure we were all in alignment with our affirmations by using an Energy Technology that we teach.

We use this...

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