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Family Intentions


Our Infused Intention for November is Family.

We're going to talk about the Energy of Family. We are a Family/Community at Quantum Energy Infusion.

I think of it as being creation, as being expansion, and as tradition. I also like the idea of family as a tribe.

When we think about tribes, and when tribes first came about, they were a function of stability, security, and survival.

So let's think about family also as a way of survival--whether it is your immediate biological family, your family from work, family from your faith tradition, or a family of choice in an area of your life that you have come to know and love.

I'm thinking especially about our QEI Community about how we all share beliefs and understandings about Energy. And because we do know that Everything is Energy, our knowingness together is enhanced, expanded, and we grow more for being together as this community.

As Community, and as Family, we support one another. We have roles when we are in a family....

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