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Infusing your Relationships


Infused Intentions!

Remember, this is when we have an affirmation, or a feeling in our heart, or a pure desire that we want infused with energy to bring it alive into our lives.

The Infused Intention for February is around Relationships. Here are three examples:

I invite new high vibrational relationships and transformational interactions into my life.

Whoa, can you feel the energy of that? And can you imagine speaking that everyday into your reality; how that will draw the energy of that towards you?

My relationships are a reflection of my communication with others, and an opportunity for personal growth.

It's so beautiful the way relationships are mirrors for us. I always look to a relationship and know that that beloved person, or that not so beloved person, is letting me know how it is that I am really being. They are great opportunities for personal growth.

And the third one,

I choose to accept my friends and loved ones just like they are.

How's that for an idea? Acceptance!...

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Shadow Work


With all of these full moon cycles, eclipses, and all of the cosmic changes happening--I feel like I have been through the wringer.

I have had a lot of Shadow Work come up in the last six weeks. When I say "Shadow Work", I'm referring to memories from my childhood, from when my children were young, or anything that's happened in this incarnation.

I have had so many things come up in the middle of the night where all of a sudden, I wake up, and I'm in an experience.

I'm thinking of one in particular when my son was in middle school and I yelled at him. And I felt so bad about it after I yelled at him.

That memory appeared to be so real, that it felt like I was there in that moment. I couldn't believe that it was me. I felt like I was going to vomit, because I felt bad that I did that 20 years ago.

It was my opportunity to relive it, to release it, to process it, and to integrate that shadow into my being.

It was important for me to forgive...

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Dream States


This whole dreaming thing.

Our higher selves do work while we are asleep. They do.

Now, you may remember the dreams, and you may not. And even if you don't remember them with your human brain, know that it doesn't matter, because you still did the work. You still processed energies that were in your body, or it may be that you processed those energies for the collective consciousness.

And trust me, if you are here, as a person that wants to make a difference in our world today, someone that wants to support humanity in the shift, you are a vessel for this work.

Because as we improve our own situations, and as we increase our own frequency as we do the work, we contribute to the collective. Your soul (or your higher self) is here doing the work in your meat sack, as you showed up in this incarnation. This is one common way for the human being to process information and process energy while we're asleep. Why? Because your subconscious is available.


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