How would you like it if you got an Energy Infusion? It's really simple. All you need to do is allow the energy to enter your field! Initiations into 5D | Stand in the Energy
And when I say your field, I mean your forcefield. There are probably at least 6 vlogs/blogs about that… Your auric field, your biofield, etc. (however you want to think about that).
So I've been getting these delicious energy infusions. They started on the 1st of February with the 2/2 portal that opened up--And there's yet more light coming in! I identify it as feminine.
It's a very strong feminine consciousness to me that's coming in as light. I love to get in a quiet space. You can even be outside if you prefer (you don't have to). I talked about this in other videos too: How to receive the light, the intelligence, the beautiful energy that comes in the consciousness that comes from the light.
Right now, I really enjoy doing it in a meditative state, fully stretched out in Shavasana...
Atoms were the topic last week about how atoms are energy, your body is energy, and your forcefield is energy. Let's add on to what you’ve already had time to think about.
Your forcefield extends out into the world around you, into the world that is energy around you--Energy meeting up with other energies.
We're going to take this a step further… What about all of these energies that I've been talking about that are coming in from the sun? The sun as a portal is bringing in higher-frequency energies as in light that's organized in newer ways. Click here for more on all this light
Light is a higher-frequency than previously experienced. Do you think that's going to affect you? It has to! It’s energy, you are energy, and everything is energy.
Do you think it's affecting the earth? It is. Do you think it's affecting your neighbor next door? It is. Even if they're not awake yet, it's still affecting them because this higher-frequency light is the next level as it's a...
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