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Quantum Now


Let's engage with the Quantum Now.

Take a full breath in. Fill up your lungs and send the energy out of your mouth and down through your feet. Breathe in up through your feet and exhale out of your mouth.

We are breathing in the LifeForce Energy. Bring that energy in through your nose,
fill up your lungs, take it down to your body into the ground, send it way down into the ground. Next breath, breathe up through the ground, breathe up to your legs, and
into your lungs. You are fully centered in your body, you are grounded in your body and centered in yourself. And you are fully present in this moment, this Now moment.

I call it the Quantum Now because when we are fully present, grounded in our bodies, we have literally brought Heaven to Earth. We have brought our 5D Beingness into our 3D body engaged with this inspirational LifeForce breath. We have access to all time and all space in the Quantum Now.

Let's do that again! Breathe in, fill your lungs. Imagine...

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