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Infusing Your Finances


The Infused Intention for the month of September is Finances.

Finances--a term for matters regarding the management, creation, and study of money and investments.

Remember, an Infused Intention at Quantum Energy Infusion means:

  • We write down what it is we want (create an intention)
  • Infuse it with our Energy and our Desire.
  • We also use ways to further infuse your intentions through our programs.

What matters is that you declare what it is you want, that you infuse it with your Energy, and then you can share it in the Quantum Energy Infusion Community, because we post our infusion our intentions, and then we infuse them for each other.

We literally create a morphogenic field around our Infused Intention for every month, and for September, it's finances.

Can you imagine being able to declare your intention around your finances and know that there would be at least 100 other people supporting you with that?

What does it mean to write one of these comments?


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Back to School


School is starting all around the United States, and my Grandson started Kindergarten this week.

Because he's going to School, I wanted to provide him with a nice, strong Auric Field, so that he would be protected in this pandemic world in which we live.

I wanted him to have a strong auric field so that he could represent who he is. So that when people came into contact with him, they would get a sense of who James is by his field.

When our Auric Field is strong, everything else about us is strong--the Energy Systems from our body pull in energy from our Auric Field.

I wanted him to have that sense of strength and confidence.

So I started working in James's Auric Field.

 I started off by stating my name.Then I said "from me to my Higher Self." to make sure I was connected. This is sacred space - to be working in someone else's energy fields. Then,  "I'm requesting permission to communicate with James's Higher Self".

And I got a "Yes".

I was asking for permission to...

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Quantum Enneagram


There's Energy in the Enneagram.

I realized this a couple of years ago and I wanted to find a way to discover the Energy.

So I sought out an Enneagram Master that could work with me and help me draw out the Energies.

Well as the Universe would support me, they brought Lynnea Brumbaugh into my life about two years ago.

She is an Enneagram Master.

In the last two years Lynnea has taken every program that Quantum Energy Infusion offers, and I have taken every program that Lynnea offers in her Quantum Empowerment Academy.

As a result of this, we communicate very clearly about Energy, and about the Enneagram, and we have been able to discover the Energy in the Enneagram.

Both of us being Teachers and Professors, we have created the Quantum Enneagram.

In this last year, Lynnea and I did a beta test of the Quantum Enneagram in my QEI Level 3 Program and her Quantum Empowerment Academy.

This program has been tested and it's been proven.

Last week, Lynnea came to...

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Infused Intentions


Everything is Energy.

That includes what's outside of us, what's inside of us, our thoughts, our feelings, our emotions, our beliefs, and our intentions.

At QEI, we believe in the Power of Intention.

In fact, we use Energy Technologies to infuse our intentions to bring their power more into our lives, into the collective, and into the third dimension.

In fact, the Consultants that just graduated from our Certification Program this year started this very concept. We call it "Infused Intentions".

It was an experiment. We picked a word, or rather, a concept for the month, when it started in May.

And our theme for that month was Mental Health. So we all wrote our own intentions (or affirmations) that we wanted to bring into our lives that spoke into the Energy around Mental Health.

Then we shared them with each other, we energized them, and we made sure we were all in alignment with our affirmations by using an Energy Technology that we teach.

We use this...

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Bring in the Energy


We're going to bring some Energy to Mother Earth!

And you are going to benefit in the meantime, because all of that Energy is going to come coursing through your energy systems as you give Mother Earth the treat of this 5D energy.

So the way we're going to do this is we're going to use our breath and we're going to use our intention.

I love to think about myself as a tree (I've done many videos using the breath and the tree as an example).

For our purposes, we're literally going to think about a shaft of light coming all the way from source energy.

Or you can think about the Sun and it's light coming right in on the top of your head. It's going to come in all the way through your system.

We have a giant energy channel that runs right down the middle of our body. I like to call it the LifeForce Highway. 

It's going to come all the way down and shoot right out through the bottom of your feet. You can imagine yourself as a column of light, or you could imagine yourself as a...

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Give it to Mother Earth


Mother Earth loves us so much.

She speaks our language.

The kinesthetic intelligence of our body communicates with the Quantum Field. It also communicates with the intelligence of Mother Earth, Gaia.

And I like to speak about the heart of Gaia. That's the aspect of her that is giving and loves us so much.

The reason I'm talking about this today is because the kinesthetic intelligence of your body communicates with the Earth in a way that there is an exchange--yes, there's actually an energy exchange between you and the Earth.

This exchange can be compared to a figure eight, or as you may have seen me do before, an Infinity Weave. That figure eight goes up into your body, down into the earth, up into your body again, and down into the earth again.

So you can constantly think about sending energy to Mother Earth or receiving energy from Mother Earth.

You can also give Mother Earth what you don't need anymore--anxiety, stress, frustration, sadness, or anything else that...

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In the Dentist's Chair AGAIN!


I've got another tip for the Dentist's Chair (I've been spending a lot of time there, huh?). 

I recently fell six feet off of a ladder, and I ended up cracking my teeth. I hit my jaw so hard that I literally cracked my molars. It was so bad that I needed to have crowns put in.

It wasn't how I wanted to spend my time, but nevertheless, I'm learning a lot from this experience.

I already did a vlog about removing trauma while in the Dentist's Chair; you may remember that--if you haven't seen it, check it out here.

My last experience was so traumatic with all of the drilling, the noise, and all of the choking that I knew I was going to be ready this time.

While I was waiting in the Dentist's Chair for them to come in, I sent energy to my mouth, my jaw, and to my face.

I set the intention to send Energy to that specific area of my body. The Energy emits from my hands while I'm in the field  (like a little ways away from the...

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Shadow Work


With all of these full moon cycles, eclipses, and all of the cosmic changes happening--I feel like I have been through the wringer.

I have had a lot of Shadow Work come up in the last six weeks. When I say "Shadow Work", I'm referring to memories from my childhood, from when my children were young, or anything that's happened in this incarnation.

I have had so many things come up in the middle of the night where all of a sudden, I wake up, and I'm in an experience.

I'm thinking of one in particular when my son was in middle school and I yelled at him. And I felt so bad about it after I yelled at him.

That memory appeared to be so real, that it felt like I was there in that moment. I couldn't believe that it was me. I felt like I was going to vomit, because I felt bad that I did that 20 years ago.

It was my opportunity to relive it, to release it, to process it, and to integrate that shadow into my being.

It was important for me to forgive...

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Stop Anxiousness


I recently stopped an anxiety attack at the Charlotte Airport using Energy tools. And the good news is, you already know them!

My husband, Jim, and I were traveling to see my parents in Illinois (my dad turned 90 and we were going to his birthday party). My sweet Jim, as I have shared before, has a cancer challenge, and we weren't sure if he was going to be well enough to make the trip or not. However, he decided that he wanted to do it.

When we got to the airport a few things happened. Jim wasn't feeling well, and we needed to 1) wait for his wheelchair; 2) then the aid that would push him throughout the airport, which we were so grateful for; and, 3) another person for the aid to push along with us.  

After waiting a while, I found myself getting really impatient. Each one of these steps took five to seven minutes to bring to completion, and we had a plane to catch. It's not usually like me to become impatient,  but I did!.

When we...

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In the Dentist's Chair


Here's an Energy Technique for the Dentist.

I was at the Dentist this week and I had to have a crown put on, so you can expect that there was a lot of drilling and noise and movement.

If you've had a crown, you know that they have to take away part of the tooth that's still there, so that they can put a crown on it. During this procedure, they put electrical drills in your mouth--right on your jaw, near your skull, and near your brain.

The amount of noise and water that was coming in was overwhelming to me.

At any rate, I pulled out the trauma that was happening to both my Energy system and my body. What I want you to know is that you can do the same. You can pull trauma out of your body, and you don't have to be in the Dentist's chair to do it. Actually, because I am a professional energy practitioner, I did it right in the Dentist's chair.

When they asked me what I was doing, I told them that I was releasing the traumatic...

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