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Recently, we got to experience a huge Lunar Eclipse. I woke up early that morning, and basked in energy of the eclipse.

I found that it was a beautiful way for me to release old thoughts, beliefs, patterns and emotions during this time using the Central Vessel Release.

For about 35 minutes, I was actively releasing what no longer serves me (some of it I gave names to, and some of it I didn't). One of the old patterns that came up for me was a pattern of addiction. I've been addicted to all sorts of substances, all kinds of foods, and even behaviors.

During this Lunar Eclipse, I decided that I was going to release my need to be an addict, or my need to define myself in that way. I know there's a lot of schools of thought around addiction; I've studied most of them.

This is not a conversation about how we treat addiction. This is me stepping forward into my new quantum timeline about who I choose to be, and how I choose to be free from being addicted to...

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Emotional Eating


Emotional eating.

Ever done any of that?

I used to be the Queen of Emotional Eating.

And now I know how to move emotions through my body and release them so that I don't eat instead.

The easiest way for me to do this is by performing a Central Vessel Release.

With the Central Vessel Release, I pull myself back into the present moment. I can think clearly without being overcome by an emotion. It can be any disturbing emotion. This is how we deal with these feelings immediately in that present moment.

I want to go deeper into this cleanse that I've been doing: Cleanse to Heal by Anthony William.  I'm going to read right from his book:

"One of the reasons we consume comfort foods in the first place is to sop up the adrenaline that comes with emotional disturbances or conflicts. Traditional comfort foods (think tacos, nachos, pizza, ice cream...) are loaded with fat, and fat is what sopping them up. Once fat is soaked up adrenaline, the stress hormone...

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Toxins Releasing


In Quantum Energy Infusion, we talk a lot about feelings, emotions, thoughts, and the subconscious. But what do we do with all the emotions and feelings that come from our thoughts and our subconscious?

At QEI, we have a dozen technologies that can help you move a disturbing emotion, a traumatic experience, and/or old blocked emotions.

I'm currently doing the "3:6:9 Cleanse" from the Medical Medium, and I'm having a lot of feelings and emotions come up.

While reading, I discovered that adrenaline literally gets stored in the body; specifically in the cells. Then the emotions associated with the rush of adrenaline get stuck in the body. Anthony William discusses this beautifully in his book while talking about cleansing. 

I also found out that when old fat cells release, they actually burst. As these fat cells come up and burst, they release the old toxin (or adrenaline) that's inside of them. When the adrenaline is let go, the associated emotion is released...

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Energy Connectors


Energy Connectors

We've been talking about Energy Etiquette and Energy Hygiene here at Quantum Energy Infusion.

I had a massive cord connector today that I released, and it was with someone that I absolutely adore. I knew that it was necessary for me to release this cord, so I want to tell you about my experience with it.

I am connected to this person through my Heart Chakra. I body tested to see if I had an energy connection between us and I got a "Yes". So, in that moment, I decided that I was going to take the following steps:

  • Imagining that I can see that cord emitting from my Heart Chakra, I do a Karate Chop to cut the cord, and then bring the Energy back into my heart. 
  • I then repeat this on this chop on other hand bringing my energy back in.
  • Finally, I'll do a Karate Chop on both sides and then send their own energies back to them.

There are two ends of a connector, and it's important to close up each side.

It's more symbolic than anything. And it really...

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Energy Etiquette in our Group Energy Sessions


Energy Etiquette is part of Energy Hygiene.

We use these terms almost interchangeably here at Quantum Energy Infusion.

As you've heard me speak to before, we have Energy Sessions in which an entire group of people (8-12) will be enrolled in our program at a time. We call these groups Quantum Cohorts.

So say I'm facilitating a program and I say "Okay, Rafe is going to go on the Energy Seat". We will then ask Rafe if we may have his permission to work with his Auric Field. Once Rafe give us a "yes", then we will know we have his permission to work with his Energy Field.

This is Energy Etiquette--we're asking permission to go into his field, which is truly a sacred space. It's important that we honor that.

All of us, everyone in the Quantum Cohort, come together with the intention to learn about energy, to experience energy, and to support others with energy.

And because of that intention, we have created a Morphogenic Field that is unique to our group....

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Energy Hygiene


Energy Hygiene 

It's YOUR energy so let's keep it clean.  Keep your energy for yourself -  you don't want somebody pulling it out of you.

There are actually energy connectors between us and other people--to some of you, it might look like a USB cable. To others, it might look like a golden string, or it might even look like a cord.

The natural connectors we have are the ones with our family members. I have a beautiful golden connection with my husband at our heart centers. I also have them with my children who live 1000s of miles away from me; they also come out of my heart center. When I know I'm connected to somebody else, and I want to be connected, I cherish that connection. And for certain people, like my children, I leave that connection open.

Now let's say you're at work and you feel like one of your co-workers is draining you. Did you know that it's possible for you to have an energy connection with that person and...

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Empaths & Lightworkers


Are you overwhelmed by all the energies right now in 2021?

I mean when you think about what's happening in our lives; when you think about the fact that we live in this COVID pandemic world, in this extreme political environment... Wherever you are living, it is most likely a highly charged space.

Currently we also have all of these new energy codes coming in from the cosmic alignment of the planets. There is so much going on in our world right now!

And if you are an Empath, or if you are any kind of a Lightworker - someone who is here to help others - you are probably feeling all this even more intensely.

Personally, when I am feeling something so strongly, I have a hard time functioning. As long as I am feeling all of this stuff from this person over here, and that person over there, I am overwhelmed by all of their feelings. As long as I am as a Lightworker I am completely stressed out about issues like - how the heck are we going to change the world?

Even if I...

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Dream States


This whole dreaming thing.

Our higher selves do work while we are asleep. They do.

Now, you may remember the dreams, and you may not. And even if you don't remember them with your human brain, know that it doesn't matter, because you still did the work. You still processed energies that were in your body, or it may be that you processed those energies for the collective consciousness.

And trust me, if you are here, as a person that wants to make a difference in our world today, someone that wants to support humanity in the shift, you are a vessel for this work.

Because as we improve our own situations, and as we increase our own frequency as we do the work, we contribute to the collective. Your soul (or your higher self) is here doing the work in your meat sack, as you showed up in this incarnation. This is one common way for the human being to process information and process energy while we're asleep. Why? Because your subconscious is available.


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Lucid Dreams

Uncategorized Apr 07, 2021

Are you having wild dreams?
For the last several months I have been having lucid dreams.  I'm in that half asleep/half awake state where I realize that

  • I am experiencing something from a dream state
  • my brain is engaged
  • my higher self is engaged
  • and, I allow the dream to continue

Now some of these dreams are pleasant and some of them are terrifying.

The reason I'm talking about this? In case it's happening to you!

What do we do with all of this?

What I'm doing is processing energy for me and for the collective. I am processing and releasing:

  • trauma from my life.
  • trauma for the collective,
  • trauma from my past life experiences.

If you're having these wild dreams and you don't know what to do with them - I invite you to embrace them. Stay in them until you are so terrified you choose to step out of it. Some of mine have been terrifying with past lives as sex workers, warriors and, especially, as a child sex worker.

These dreams come to me so I can process the lower...

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Spring Infinity Weave

Uncategorized Mar 31, 2021

The Infinity Weave!

I love this movement so much! The Infinity Weave strengthens our forcefields--the field of energy that comes out from our bodies.

We're doing this a lot in our Group Energy Sessions in QEI. With the new light codes that have come in from the Spring Equinox, we want to integrate those energies from the Quantum Field into our Auric Field. 

We're constantly working to raise our level of consciousness, and we do the Infinity Weave to help raise our frequencies. We test the frequencies of our participants every single week, and we're finding that they expand and they contract often. We've also found that those frequencies continue to expand even higher than when those same participants first came into our program. It's because of all of these energy technologies that we're using, which are causing the lower vibrating frequencies to dissolve to incinerate out of their fields.

When those...

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