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Jim's Passing


I'm checking in from Texas this week. I came to Texas to visit my daughter and grandchildren after Jim passed away.

I want you to know that he peacefully and calmly made his transition in his sleep last week. He is free of that 3D body that carried so much cancer and pain for him.

I love the idea that he how now has a new body, an etheric body, that allows him to travel through the dimensions. I literally can see him now pinging through the dimensions to see how fast this new body suit will take him.

He had an old Harley, a '67 Harley, and he loved to take that bike out on the country roads and open it up to see how fast it would go. I imagine he's doing that right now with his etheric body, moving through the dimensions and deciding what his next great adventure is going to be.

He's very much in contact with me. I'm grateful for that.

His energy feels like a warm hug for me, and it has not changed since he crossed over. So I'm imagining that I will have the joy of his presence,...

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This is about showing up in life and what happens when life happens to us.

I live on a beach and I walk on it almost every morning. During my walks, I find beautiful shells. It used to be that I looked for the ones that were perfect. Isn't this how we all want to show up? Especially when we get up for our day--we're ready to go, we're dressed for work or for whatever it is we're going to be doing, and our hair looks good. Our makeup looks good. We've got a nice car and our outfit works, right?

Isn't that how we all like to show up?

And then, life happens. Before you know it, there's been a little erosion; we've had something happen. We've got a hole over here, or we got a whole big chunk knocked out over here.

The cool thing about that is, if we're willing to let that be an experience, it lets us see what's inside, what's inside of us, and what's underneath that facade that we construct so carefully.

I like to think about what's inside as my eternal essential self. I like...

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We are attached.

We are human beings. We are attached to people, places, things, ideas, memories--you know how that goes! It's part of the human condition.

Being attached is part of how we stay alive, especially when you think about it as a species and being together as a tribe. We have tribal ways and we become attached to those.

We have people that matter more--we become attached to those. We have ways of being or thinking and we become very attached to those. Think about beliefs, and how attached we get to those, and how they literally can run our lives.

I want to talk about attachments in a way that's holding me back.

Now, the way I want to talk about this is if I'm attached to something, and I'm not sure what it is, but I'm feeling resistance or being held back in some way, I might literally just start cutting in my field.

Now in the video from last week we talked about cutting cords, and we went through QEI etiquette and hygiene and how we work to cut cords and...

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Cut Those Cords!


Let's cut those cords! 

June is the month of expansion--we are all in this energy of expansion. 

It's happening in the cosmos and at the cosmic level. It's also happening at your personal level in your energy fields, and as your energy expands, your resonance is going to increase your frequency as it gets higher, and you will no longer have room for some people in your life. They are simply going to drop out.

As that happens, let's cut the cords that you have with the people that are no longer resonating with you in your current expanded state.

Now we call this energy hygiene at Quantum Energy Infusion. We teach this right from the beginning.

Let's pretend that that we're talking about you and another friend that used to be very active in your life. Let's say you're connected at the Heart Chakra. Imagine a gold cord connecting you both. What we're going to do is use a little ritual to disconnect this cord so that your energy comes back to you and their...

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6/6/6 Portal


We're still in the energy of the 6/6/6 Portal.

It's June 6th, and then the third six comes from 2022 (2+2+2), which adds up to six.

So this has been a very powerful influx of energies. On the morning of 6/6, I woke up with electrical currents; they felt like they were charging through my body. When I looked at the clock, it was 5:55 on 6/6, which I find fascinating.

Anyway, I decided to balance my chakras. I do this every day of my life. As I was balancing my chakras, I was starting to equalize these massive energies that were coming into my body and my legs--I had like electrical currents charging through my legs. It was so uncomfortable, just trying to lay there and have all of this energy move through my body as I was balancing my chakras.

I balanced my chakras for almost two hours. I did not have to be up early on the morning of the sixth, so I made sure that I stayed with the energy until I could feel solid and functioning.

When I got out of bed, I had what I...

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Communicating with other Dimensions


Continuing in this idea of Growth for May and Expansion for June, I want to talk to you about other ways you can expand your consciousness, you can expand your frequency (you can actually raise your frequency), and you can build upon your intuition.

One way to do that is to become aware that you can speak with other dimensions.

In other words, there are beings in other dimensions and you can communicate with them. The example that I'm going to use is probably going to seem closer to home. And that is how I communicate with my husband, and especially once he's crossed over, with Jim on the other side, and how I plan to continue to communicate with him.

I have just felt my heart chakra activate in a feeling of expansion, if you will, in my energy, simply by bringing words to this idea; bringing the word into my being and into this third dimension experience. I am talking about fifth dimensional energies here.

When this airs, if my husband's on this side, or on the other...

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Personal Triggers


We're still in the month of May.

This is the month of Growth, and we still have one more Eclipse.

Yes, it's all happening.

Growth, growth, growth!

If you have something happen, and all of a sudden you're triggered, you were more than likely triggered by the collective as well. At that point, you're probably like, "I don't even know what I'm upset about!"

Take a moment and get centered in what you're feeling.

It's about emotions. Emotions are energy in motion. Growth comes from us; acknowledging what we are feeling right here, right now.

My guess is you're being triggered by something that's in the collective, or something that you're experiencing. Let's think about my experience with my husband and hospice. By the way, my whole family is here visiting. How cool is that? For my husband to be awake and enjoy everybody's presence.

You want to talk about being triggered? How about having four generations of family in 975 square feet--that's a great opportunity to be triggered....

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Our Infused Intention for May of 2022 is Growth.

We are in a three eclipse cycle that's happening right now. In fact, we're just having a total lunar eclipse, and there will be another eclipse at the end of this month.

The energy informed us that Growth was the Infused Intention for this month, because of the eclipses and the sweeping change that happens with eclipses. You know, we can choose to contract or we can choose to expand.

I choose expansion every time, no matter how uncomfortable it is, no matter how much I'm outside of my comfort zone, and no matter how much I'm triggered by what's happening around me. I choose growth, I choose expansion every time, and I'm willing to step forward in that space.

I'm willing to feel it, because you know, we must feel it to process it.

When we do that, we can incorporate it into our consciousness and then we're done-- we can release it, process it, alchemize it, and turn it into light.

And there we are--a higher vibrating...

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Processing Energies


I had a complete breakdown, break through, and break open in April. I spoke into that last week.

It opened me up to a new way to process energies.

I want to talk about this because there are a lot of us who are empaths, sensitive, pick up on other people's energies, or we feel the heaviness of the world right now; any of those things that might be happening to you.

Even if you just feel funny, and you don't know why, it's probably because you're carrying other people's energies.

What I want to talk about is the energies that we're working in.

First of all, the energies right now have never been experienced by humankind before; the current state of the planets and the cosmos and everything that's happening--we have higher frequencies available to us now than we've had in 10,000 years  (since Atlantis).

I know that sounds crazy, but it's true.

The other thing that I want to talk about is that we are coming up on a total lunar eclipse, and we've got a full moon on...

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Break Open


I had a complete breakdown this month.

For the month of April, our Infused Intention was Surrender, and I was working a lot to surrender to the conditions of my life.

As you may know by now, my husband has a fourth stage cancer diagnosis, and we're working with these circumstances in our lives. It's been a really big challenge to work with the medical model, the energetic model, the spiritual model and all the ways that we like to bring it together.

What I have found especially challenging is working with the medical model with scheduling and all of the restrictions that we now have in this world in which we live.

Well, let me just say that I hit a wall one day. I was working to get a lot of things scheduled for my husband and I literally hit a wall.

When I realized that I couldn't do what I wanted to do for my husband's best interest in his current medical situation, I broke down. I like, totally came apart, broke apart.

In fact, I had this primal scream come out of...

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