00:03 - Intro to the QEI Mastermind
I had the coolest thing happen last night during the Lunar Eclipse in our QEI Mastermind. We meet once a month and it's all of us who are QEI certified consultants, come together, we give each other energy work, I do a new teaching every month and we come together in community and in communion and we come together to serve one another, and to serve humanity as well. So we not only work on ourselves, we will also work on the collective consciousness. Yes, it's a beautiful way to be of service to each other and to humanity.
00:36 - When Energy Speaks, You Listen
So everybody got their energy session last night and it was time for me to start the teaching and Kristel said, “Connie, you're always giving us energy, wouldn't you like an energy session?” I said, “that would be so much fun. I would love that.” So they all started working on me. I was on the energy seat, as we say, and they started sending me energy and...
I have a message from Mary of Magdala, or Mary Magdalene. She is one of my Ascended Master Teachers. She has been a great teacher of energy for me, of spirituality, of universal truths, and of other dimensional experiences. I'm very grateful to her.
This message came in on November 3rd and I still think about it every day. I want to share her wisdom with you because I believe that it will bring peace and comfort to many of you. [If you follow me, you know that our family has experienced deep loss this year.] So when I was talking to Mary about this loss, here were her words of wisdom.
This too, shall pass. Even though it may sound trite, it is absolute truth. There is a time and a season for everything and this is your time for "Fall." It is a falling away of much you love from your human lives. It is also a time of reflection and getting ready for winter, which is a season of rest.
This is one of the conundrums you humans have set up for yourselves. You celebrate all of...
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