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Level 2 Program Overview

Uncategorized Jul 28, 2023



Hone your skills in releasing lower vibrations from the body through a deeper understanding of your foundational energy practice from Level 1.

  • Discover multiple ways to release emotions (including hidden ones!)
  • Expand on True-for-You Testing to different domains of your life
  • Learn to act as proxy for your children, animals, or friends
  • Stabilize your energy with a new Quantum Quickie!
  • 6 Instructional Videos and 6 PDFs
  • Group Energy Session focusing on releasing emotions



Get serious about letting go of the lower frequencies that are holding you back from living your dream life.

  • Release multiple occurrences of the same emotion
  • Supercharge emotional releases through the Meridians
  • Incinerate emotional resonance
  • 3 Instructional Videos and 4 PDFs
  • Group Energy Session focusing on Quantum Emotion Technologies



Find new ways to repair,...

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You have a family energy field!


I discovered our family field of energy yesterday. Now it was there already, it's just that I never thought about it before, I never thought that we could have a morphogenic field of energy for our family, and yesterday that became evident to me. I was out on my walk on the beach, and I was sending my grandson some energy, very specific energy, almost like a prayer. Think of it kind of like a prayer, because there was a specific situation in his life that I was addressing prayerfully and energetically. So I was sending the energy to James and thinking about him, and then I thought, “Well, I'm gonna do that for my granddaughter for little Luna”, and as I was working with Luna, I literally started - even though I was walking on the beach - I literally started working with her energy field, and she's little and I knew she was asleep, so it was just like really cute thinking about her and sending her some energy and praying for her as well. 


Well, all of a sudden...

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Feel bad? Your FQ is accelerating!

Uncategorized Jul 05, 2023

If you feel tired or achy or dizzy or weird, watch this.  There is nothing wrong with you! 



00:55 - Possible Signs of Acceleration 


3:35 - Signs Continued

5:45 - 3 Ways to Move Through the Energy 

5:55 - Work With Your Spleen Meridian 

7:00 - Work With Your Kidney Meridian 

7:32 - Work With Your Liver Meridian


I feel really weird most of the time. I have so many signs of my frequency accelerating while we're living in these high frequencies, the solar flares, and the full moons. We just went through the July 3rd Full Moon, we're coming into the 7/7 portal, and we will step right into the Lions Gate energies; now it doesn't matter if you're listening to this, this week or in December because the energies that are coming in, come here to stay. It's not like it's just gonna be like this for a couple of days and then we go back to whatever normal was. That's gone. That ship has sailed. So all...

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10 Weeks!

Uncategorized Jun 14, 2023

The estate sale is complete. We had hundreds of people come to Mom and Dad's home to view the contents of their home and purchase what they wanted to remember them by. People left with furniture, with Waterford, crystal, plate collections - It was so much fun to see the hundreds of people that came, and they came in this energy of excitement and love and remembrance. So many people spoke to me about my parents and how much they meant to them in their lives. It was really beautiful to have that experience and the energy of the sale was smooth. It was very intense and people were patient, they were kind, they were generous. It was like each person came and found exactly what they wanted to have a remembrance of my mother and father. It was a beautiful, beautiful experience. So all of that energy work we did ahead of time, where we energized and magnetized and quantumized paid off in such a beautiful way since everything is energy, because the energy of the sale was exquisite.


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I woke up yesterday morning, which was June 3, strawberry full moon, to the words magnetize and energize. 3:30/4 o'clock in the morning, the energy of the Moon was so strong and I thought "okay, magnetize, that feels right, I feel this magnetic energy coming in me and through me." So before I did that, I balanced my chakras, brought myself, my chakra system, fully in balance till I landed on my heart center and then at that point, typically and most certainly this morning at 4:30 or so by then, I was in complete alignment. My chakra system was in complete alignment and I was, I like to say - one with the field. At that point I sent out this magnetic energy. I'm still in my parents home and we're having an estate sale within the week, and I was told to magnetize the contents of the home and energize the contents of the home and send it out, put it out in the field. So the people that were looking for something would be able to find it, that they would be attracted to the energy. Yes,...

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How to take a Quantum Leap


Here is how I make quantum leaps. 

It's a combination of energy work, intention, visualizing, and emanating out the true desire of my heart. That's it. Its energy. Quantum leaps happen because they are energetic. They defy the time space linear continuum, and your energy engages with the energy of the quantum field, which then attracts in a like minded energetic being, energy, or energetic being, and they come together to manifest whatever it is you have been visualizing, having an intention about, is the pure desire of your heart, and even praying about, if you'd like to use that term. Its intention and its energy, and it's the pure desire of your heart. 

About 10 years ago, I can remember Jesus telling me in one of our channeling sessions, that one of the most important things that I had to understand was that the pure desire of my heart was a prayer all on its own. I didn't even have to have words to describe it. Source, that pure energy, that pure desire of my heart...

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Chaos to Coherence


From Chaos to Coherence.

I'm still in my mother's beautiful home and I'm working with an estate sale company, there was the Galesburg Antique Mall Company actually here where I grew up in Galesburg, Illinois, and we're having a wonderful experience. Now, it is very chaotic as we are dissolving the estate. It is sheer chaos. Those are all photographs from the last about 90 years and look at this beautiful table. All of this chaos here, even though it's beautiful there, and the chaos around us that it's taking to pull this all together. So every room in the house has something that is unbelievably chaotic about it. Then as we go through and it works through and it becomes this beautiful display, I see it go from chaos to coherence. And if I'm willing to stay uncomfortable in that energy of chaos, the beauty comes through. So often I find myself wanting to not be uncomfortable and this has been a great lesson for me to live right through that instead.

We've had a visit from mom....

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We celebrated her well


We did it! We celebrated mom's life all weekend.

Both of my adult children came in, the two grandchildren, lots of cousins, couple of aunts, and we had a wonderful; there were four events this weekend that were all focused around my mother. A memorial service, a big celebration of life party, where we were able to share really beautiful food. There was something for everybody. We had gluten free, we had vegan, we had mimosas that were alcohol free, and had three different kinds of fruit juice. I mean, it was beautiful. It was a beautiful celebration of my mother. We had over 100 people there. It was such a great party and my mom loved to throw parties and to entertain, and she was able to do it for all of us and was with all of us.

There were a lot of emotions this weekend. My five and seven year old grandchildren really felt the loss of their Mimi, and especially staying here in her home. It was so obvious to them that Mimi wasn't here and then they wanted to know why we couldn't...

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Celebration of Life Weekend

Uncategorized May 03, 2023

Look at these trees! Spring has sprung in the Midwest. There's green, pink, purple and white everywhere. It's May 1st, we've got a windy and chilly May 1st here in Illinois, and it's glorious. The sun is out, the grass is green, and Spring is here, the promise of Spring is here.

Our family is celebrating, is experiencing, our third funeral in 14 months. This is the weekend we celebrate my mother's life and our family is coming in, my two adult children, the grandchildren, and other family members are coming in for the event.

We are going to honor each other, we are going to honor our feelings, we are going to work through the grief together. It's going to be sad, and it's going to be glorious, and it's going to be happy at times, and it's going to be deeply meaningful as we bring to close this era of my mother and my father, you know the great generation as they say, and also the era of this home that they lived in for 53 years and the home that my children consider their permanent...

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How to be Quantum


     When something really great happens in my life, people will say, "How did you do that? You're so lucky!" And I will say, "Well, I actually I'm Quantum", and usually that sparks a conversation. "Quantum?! What does that mean?" Well, what quantum means to me is that I have access to all time, and all space, and all possibilities in the universe, in this NOW moment. I call it the quantum now. So it's an understanding of how time and space are collapsed into the present moment. When that happens, I mean, like, all time, like anything that's ever happened since humanity began and anything that's now and anything that's possible in the future, I'm talking about all possibilities. Well, that's a lot. So what do you do if you have all possibilities in front of you? Well, you set an intention, "What is it you want?", and you set that intention, Energy follows intention, and you manifest what it is you're choosing to do, and you manifested from the quantum now!


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