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How to be Quantum


     When something really great happens in my life, people will say, "How did you do that? You're so lucky!" And I will say, "Well, I actually I'm Quantum", and usually that sparks a conversation. "Quantum?! What does that mean?" Well, what quantum means to me is that I have access to all time, and all space, and all possibilities in the universe, in this NOW moment. I call it the quantum now. So it's an understanding of how time and space are collapsed into the present moment. When that happens, I mean, like, all time, like anything that's ever happened since humanity began and anything that's now and anything that's possible in the future, I'm talking about all possibilities. Well, that's a lot. So what do you do if you have all possibilities in front of you? Well, you set an intention, "What is it you want?", and you set that intention, Energy follows intention, and you manifest what it is you're choosing to do, and you manifested from the quantum now!


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I was struck dumb with grief

Uncategorized Apr 21, 2023

My mom made her transition this last week and I'm still here in her lovely home handling the details of a person's passing. Yeah, it's a lot. I mean there's things, I am executor of the state, so that goes to probate so we're going to appoint me, the executor, I didn't know I had to do that since I'm an only child. I just thought I was it and I would go write checks on her bank account or something, I didn't really think it through. So here I am in her in the energy of her lovely home, and I'm quite often finding myself grief stricken, and I'm calling it that. So when I was in the lawyer's office, and I had all of the paperwork, I gathered together all the papers they told me I needed to bring in, I brought him into the attorney's office, and I found my brain paralyzed. All of a sudden, I couldn't think of the answers to their questions, I couldn't think if I'd done it or not already, and I looked at her and I said, "I'm grief stricken. It has literally paralyzed my brain and struck...

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Happy & Healthy to Hospice in 5 seconds

Uncategorized Apr 12, 2023

From happy and healthy to hospice in five seconds. My beautiful, precious, vivacious, funny, intelligent mom collapsed this week. She was at a party with her friends, really having a wonderful time and was on her way out and collapsed. In the fall, she fractured her skull, and it was not a good prognosis. That was Maundy Thursday. I got on the first plane and flew up here on Friday, on Good Friday, spoke with the doctors and decided that it would be the best medical option to put my mother in hospice, because I wanted it between her and God. So on Easter Sunday, I was able to bring her home, to the energy of her home. This beautiful home that my mom and dad built 50 years ago, and they've lived in the energy of this home. They loved each other for 73 years, and if you followed me at all, you know that my father passed last year after this beautiful love affair for the ages and that my husband passed last year. This is the third person that I've been asked to put into hospice in...

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Front Line Light Workers


I'm awake a lot in the middle of the night. These high frequencies that are coming in right now are keeping me awake. I'm able to fall asleep at night, but I'm not able to stay asleep. Two o'clock in the morning, I'm wide awake. This is the biggest indicator right now of my frequency accelerating, because these new light codes are coming in. They are their solar flares that are happening like crazy and there's M class and X class. I mean, all of these huge solar flares and this energy is penetrating the atmosphere. It's penetrating the entire Earth's atmosphere and it's not like you can get away from it, right... We're in it. We are in it. They're in the field. We're in the field and this is what's happening right now.

Speaking about what's happening right now, I'm at DFW airport. I don't know if you can see all the planes coming and going here and I'm up with the escalator and all of the different trams moving around. We've had a flight delay. I've been in Dallas visiting my...

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Tony Robbins and Peak States

Uncategorized Mar 29, 2023

I took a Tony Robbins training this weekend, it was four days, called Unleash the Power Within. I had a wonderful time having breakthroughs and learning from Tony Robbins, and he had 40,000 people come together in a zoom call, if you will, in whatever he worked out with Zoom and the owners of Zoom, to constantly push the boundaries of what is possible in training in our lives.

I was fascinated by the whole thing, from the technology, to the way he taught, to the way he got us into a peak state. I did everything he told me to do and as I did what he told me to do to get into peak state, I thought about the ways that I use energy to get in a peak state. I was happy to jump, and to listen to the music, and to really engage and to express myself with my voice, and I understand at a very deep level, at a primal level also, how that moves our energy, and I also understand quantum ways to get ourselves into a peak state. So I did all the things that Tony Robbins recommended while I was in...

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Spider Energy


My family has been visiting. I've been making a lot of videos for social media, but not a lot of vlogs, I'm back!

So my family has been visiting; my 91 year old mother spent two months with me at the beach, and my daughter and her two children came to visit for a week, and then my son came to visit us for another week. So we've had four generations of family here visiting at the beach, and it's been glorious getting to share really special time together.

So the story I want to tell you is my seven year old grandson balances his chakras. Yeah, he knows how to do that! And we've been doing it since he was about four. James always wakes up really early, and I said, "Now look, I want your mom to be able to sleep in so when you're awake, you come knock on my door, okay, we'll have some special time together." "Okay, Nana!" So sure enough, the next morning, there was this little knock on my door and in he came with that sweet voice, "Good morning, Nana", and I was still in the middle of...

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What about anxiety?


How do people with anxiety calm their energy?

Remember everything is energy and anxiety is an energy, it's an energy-in-motion. A lot of time, it's an over-energized energy-in-motion.

Let's think it's an excess of energy which can also show up as an excess of thinking and excessive agitation in the body and excess of worry - anxiety.

We want bring that back in and give it an opportunity to release the excess. We can do that with one of my favorite exercises of all time, the Central Vessel Release. We tap our lower belly; we pull it up; and we say, "I release the energy of this anxiety."  Pull it up again, "I release the energy of this anxiety." Pull it up the 3rd time, and really flip it right off your lip, "I release the energy of this anxiety."

Now a few things have just happened.

  • One is you've acknowledged that you have it.
  • Second of all, you've called it an energy you haven't said, "I am an anxious person."
  • And thirdly, as you do that energy exercise, you are fully in the...
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The Energy of Grief

Uncategorized Jan 18, 2023

I've had an awareness this week that the grief is lifting.

Many of you know that my dear husband passed away at the end of June. It's now been six months since he has passed on to his next great adventure. You also know I've been very open about his experience with the fourth stage cancer as well as my grieving beginning while he was still alive and, especially, in the end stages of his life when he was in hospice.

So what I want to speak into is the energy of grief, and what it is feeling like for me as it is lifting. I have a couple of things I want to talk about. One is the stages of grief, and the other is my energetic experience with it.

Let's talk a moment about Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. She did great research and her book On Death and Dying came out in 1969. It was revolutionary, where people found out that grieving was a normal emotional process that they could go through. Now, this has been in my lifetime. I can tell you how powerful that has been, as a part of the...

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The energy of freedom is our infused intention in January.

My personal infused intention is: I am free to be me in 2023.

I have 3 others from our consultants: I AM free. I AM Untethered and Limitless. I Am One With All.

Here's one about freedom that has to do with physics: I am free to manifest waves into particles.  Let's bring that energy into matter!

And here's the third one: I embrace and embody my freedom exactly as my Creator intended, I am free.

So you get the idea here: using the energy of freedom and the concept of that, making an affirmation or an intention with that concept, and then infusing it with your energy.

What we do here at Quantum Energy Infusion is

  • Gather these together from our Consultants and our Mastermind participants so we have an entire page of infused intentions.
  • Some of us read through them every day to infuse it and bring forth that energy of freedom, as it is this month, (or whatever we're working on for that month.)
  • When we come back...
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Quantum Now


Let's engage with the Quantum Now.

Take a full breath in. Fill up your lungs and send the energy out of your mouth and down through your feet. Breathe in up through your feet and exhale out of your mouth.

We are breathing in the LifeForce Energy. Bring that energy in through your nose,
fill up your lungs, take it down to your body into the ground, send it way down into the ground. Next breath, breathe up through the ground, breathe up to your legs, and
into your lungs. You are fully centered in your body, you are grounded in your body and centered in yourself. And you are fully present in this moment, this Now moment.

I call it the Quantum Now because when we are fully present, grounded in our bodies, we have literally brought Heaven to Earth. We have brought our 5D Beingness into our 3D body engaged with this inspirational LifeForce breath. We have access to all time and all space in the Quantum Now.

Let's do that again! Breathe in, fill your lungs. Imagine...

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