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Energy Workshop Tomorrow!

Uncategorized Jan 26, 2024

Jumping Timelines: Change your Energy, Change your Life! 

This is the hour-long workshop tomorrow (Saturday 1/27) on Zoom. 

Here is the link if you would like to register: Jumping Timelines Workshop

I'm having an energy workshop tomorrow! Tomorrow is Saturday, January 27. It's going to be at 11 am Eastern, 8am Pacific and if you haven't already seen this on social media, I wanted to bring it to you here, you know, in our email list. We're going to spend an hour moving energy, I'm going to teach you my favorite energetic technique. It's really, it's the one that I think changes your life the most out of all of them that I teach. We're going to do a couple of quantum quickies that'll shift your energy in a minute or less and we're going to show you how to change your energetic state. 

A lot of people have been asking me, “How do I jump timelines Connie?”, and this is how. You change your energy so you are primed for that new energetic state or that new timeline. Yeah, so I'm gonna put the link, if you want to register, the link is right below here. Just click on that. Get yourself registered and this is the second one we've done. We had so much fun on the first one, we're doing another one. So there might be another one and there might not, I just don't know. You know how life is, it just keeps showing up and I keep stepping into it. 

Anyway, this one tomorrow is going to be a lot of fun and because when we bring in that lifeforce energy, it has joy in it, exuberance, excitement, so that the energy of that is in the workshop and I really think it's more like a party except energy workshop as what we're calling it, yeah. I hope to see you then.


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