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Clearing Collective Shadow


00:00 - Running Massive Shadows Around the World

In the last few months, I have been running massive shadow energies for the collective. I have some colleagues with whom I do this work. Actually, we have our Mastermind at Quantum Energy Infusion. We come together, encircle the earth with our high frequencies, and beam that energy to the earth to help bring in the higher frequencies required for the New Earth. There are positive ways to do that. I have also worked with a select few colleagues. There's a very small group of us that do the big, deep, dark shadow work, and a lot of the shadow I'm working with now is in Middle Earth, where it's been underground for thousands of years. I've been doing a lot of work with this in North America and Scotland. The most recent work I've been doing is at Mount Shasta, which is actually the Root Chakra of Mother Earth. I've been in Middle Earth, in the bowels of the earth, running that energy. The next place I'm going to start working is in...

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Are you a Collective Embodier?


00:00 - Are you a Collective Embodier?

Do you sometimes feel energies around you? Do you feel energies bumping into you or feel strange because there's some kind of energy in you that doesn't resonate with you and doesn't really feel like you? You might be a Collective Embodier. I am a Collective Embodier—someone who chooses to help the collective consciousness rise to peaceful coexistence. I have a deep awareness and intention to bring in the new earth. This is what I'm all about, and I've been doing it for decades.

If you're new to this and can't figure out what's wrong, you might be an empath feeling other energies and not knowing what to do with them. You might be a conscious lightworker here to run these energies for the New Earth, but you may lack the language and skill set to handle all the energy coming at you.


01:27 - Ways that Energy are Coming In

There are a few ways this is happening. One is the influx of new light codes. Unless you've been living under a...

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00:00 - Working With the Energies of the New Tree of Life

Restore, rejuvenate, rebirth. Those are the energies I'm working with, with this new Tree of Life template. I've been working with it every day, y'all, and something new happens every day that I work with this energy. It's really simple. If you think about being the Tree of Life, it’s a function of having a root system and plugging into the yin energy of Mother Earth—that beautiful, gentle, powerful, strong, nurturing, and nourishing energy of Mother Earth.

00:37 - Send Your Roots into Mother Earth

You are the tree. So, send your roots down into the earth. You can use your root chakra, your tailbone, or your meridians and extend the meridian endings from your toes. I don’t care how you do it. You can just go out and stand barefoot in the grass and become one with Mother Earth. It all works. Send this taproot down. Since you’re the tree, you’ve got a taproot, so send it into the earth, deep into...

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Tree of Life


00:00 - New Light Codes Incoming

If you don't know what's wrong with you, this is it. We have new light codes coming in for the Tree of Life. We are in the Taurus gate, approaching the May 5 portal, that five-five portal. If you follow astrology or anything like that, you know we’re in some very unusual times that don't come around very often. The point is, if you are feeling funny, you are literally upgrading your human self. Your physicality is upgrading with these frequencies. I don’t think anybody is immune to these. If you are watching this, you are already aware that you are an energetic being.

00:42 - Tree of Life Energy

This Tree of Life energy that’s coming in right now is seeding the New Earth. I mean, it absolutely is and here’s the point: you are the Tree of Life. You are all that is; you are the heavens, you are the earth. You are the Yin, you are the Yang. It’s time for us to step into that, to own it, and to be it. We are walking,...

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2024 Incoming Energies


Happy New Year everyone. This is Connie Kean with Quantum Energy Infusion where everything is energy and man are the energies wild at the beginning of this year, 2024, and as we pass through the 123-123 portal into this new year and these new energies followed up by a massive X solar flare, X class solar flare, I mean, the energies are unbelievable. Last night I was at dinner with friends and I literally had an electrical current go through my body from top down and bottom back up to the place where I thought, “you know what, I wonder if this is what it feels like in 3D when you have a complete energetic shutdown”, I felt like, literally, an electrical current shot all the way through me into the ground and back up, more like a struck by lightning, and it did affect my nervous system and all of my organs, especially my heart and it was fascinating as an Energy Master. I was, you know, that my human body was having all of the experiences and the symptoms, and the Energy...

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