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Are you a Collective Embodier?


00:00 - Are you a Collective Embodier?

Do you sometimes feel energies around you? Do you feel energies bumping into you or feel strange because there's some kind of energy in you that doesn't resonate with you and doesn't really feel like you? You might be a Collective Embodier. I am a Collective Embodier—someone who chooses to help the collective consciousness rise to peaceful coexistence. I have a deep awareness and intention to bring in the new earth. This is what I'm all about, and I've been doing it for decades.

If you're new to this and can't figure out what's wrong, you might be an empath feeling other energies and not knowing what to do with them. You might be a conscious lightworker here to run these energies for the New Earth, but you may lack the language and skill set to handle all the energy coming at you.


01:27 - Ways that Energy are Coming In

There are a few ways this is happening. One is the influx of new light codes. Unless you've been living under a rock, you know that CMEs (coronal mass ejections) from the sun are bombarding Earth's atmosphere. They are at their highest levels in recorded history and likely since Earth has existed. This is part of the New Earth presencing itself. You've got a great meatsuit here, a 3D body that's dense in energy. Everything's energy, including your meatsuit. It's just slower vibrating.

As these light codes come in and want to settle into your body, the density of your body resists. This resistance can make you feel tired as you displace lower-vibrating frequencies with higher-frequency light codes. It's all around you, in the quantum field, the unified field, however you think about it. If you're moving and breathing, it's affecting you.

The more open you are to doing the work—whether you're a lightworker, someone interested in energy, someone who prays a lot, meditates, rescues animals, helps children, or volunteers at the food bank—your big, generous heart makes you a lightworker. You're affected by these energies and are helping the planet and humanity with every breath you take.


03:30 - Use the Energy Tools!

If you're unsure why you're feeling strange, they might call it ascension symptoms. We call it frequency acceleration at Quantum Energy Infusion. As your body adjusts to the faster frequency, it shows up as physical symptoms.

If you're feeling strange and unsure if it's yours, you can body test it instantly. You can make sure you are “in”, say your name, for example, my name is Connie Kean. Say something that is not your name,  "My name is Rudolph." All this pressure I'm feeling in my chest—is it mine? No. This pressure is energy for the collective areas. Thank you.

If you want to start running that energy, use the energy tools you have or watch my videos and blogs about moving energy. Start moving that energy out. You do not have to absorb it, take it on, or live with its heaviness. Use your body as a combustion engine to alchemize, transmute, and turn it into light. You're a lightworker, a light being, a ball of energy. Everything is energy, including you. The lower-vibrating frequencies are nothing compared to your frequency. Your higher frequency will incinerate those in seconds. You can think about incinerating, alchemizing into light, or neutralizing it so it doesn't affect anyone else. The field will take it and use it. Energy is neither created nor destroyed; it's just alchemized or transmuted.


05:30 - LET IT GO!

Don't pull it into your body or carry its heaviness. Alchemize it and give that beautiful, transformed energy back to the world. It will change your life. If you're a Collective Embodier, this will bring you freedom, awareness, and inspiration. It will open new ways for you to interact with your life and others without taking on their energies.

When your field bumps into heavy energy, decide whether you want to be with that person. If you do, don't take on their energy or let it affect you. Just turn that heavy energy into light. You'll be better off for it, the collective will be better off, and they might be better off too. It's a win-win.

From one Collective Embodier to another, watch as many videos as you can about this. Go back and watch my blogs about how to transmute energy. I've been doing it for years. Find one that resonates with you, watch it, and practice it. Like practicing musical scales, practice your energy exercises until transmuting energy becomes a skill set. In an instant, you've done it and you're complete. You'll feel so much better, and your clean energy will draw people to you like moths to a flame.

I'm Connie Kean with Quantum Energy Infusion, where everything is energy.

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