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Are you a Collective Embodier?


00:00 - Are you a Collective Embodier?

Do you sometimes feel energies around you? Do you feel energies bumping into you or feel strange because there's some kind of energy in you that doesn't resonate with you and doesn't really feel like you? You might be a Collective Embodier. I am a Collective Embodier—someone who chooses to help the collective consciousness rise to peaceful coexistence. I have a deep awareness and intention to bring in the new earth. This is what I'm all about, and I've been doing it for decades.

If you're new to this and can't figure out what's wrong, you might be an empath feeling other energies and not knowing what to do with them. You might be a conscious lightworker here to run these energies for the New Earth, but you may lack the language and skill set to handle all the energy coming at you.


01:27 - Ways that Energy are Coming In

There are a few ways this is happening. One is the influx of new light codes. Unless you've been living under a...

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