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8/8/8 Slow down!


00:00 - Working for the Collective

I'm out in the backyard in Dallas, Texas, in 100-degree heat, getting myself grounded and centered. Last night felt like it lasted about three days. I slept a little, then woke up to process the energies of the collective. I was awake for two or three hours at a time before finally falling back into an exhausted sleep. When I woke up, I was lying in a pool of sweat. My body was running those energies like a combustion engine. I'd get up, walk around, try to figure out where I was and what I was doing, and see if I could be more effective at moving and processing the energy. After a couple of hours, I'd lay back down again, only to be freezing because I was releasing energy for the collective. Holy smokes, it was like a circus last night, and I was there all by myself—well, me and the collective, you know how that goes.

So if you had a rough night last night and don't know what's wrong, there's nothing wrong with you. You're doing your work...

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