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4 Things to Integrate the Fire


00:00 - Keep the Energies Moving

Okay, I'm doing four things a day to keep moving all this energy that's happening. We did the Lion's Gate, and even though the fiery season of Leo is over, the energies aren't. The impact these energies have on your system as you integrate, absorb, and allow them to become the new you is a lot of work—it's a lot of energetic work. And so much for the fiery season being over: I'm in Dallas, Texas, and it was 110 degrees on Monday. We're in the hundreds all day long, so going outside takes some planning when it's that hot. However, I go outside at least four times a day.


00:39 - 4 Things You Can Do To Move Energy

The first time I go out, I walk. I give myself an opportunity to ground and do a walking meditation. It's still early enough that it's not too hot to do that. I stay in an energy of gratitude, joy, expectation, acceptance, and peace. I do work for myself and for the collective.

The second thing I do, after working a couple of hours, is pranayama—breathing exercises. I go outside, kick off my shoes, find a shady spot (because by then it's already warm here), and do anywhere from three to ten minutes of breathing exercises. It depends on how hot it is and how long it takes me to clear my energy or turn my body into a combustion engine, depending on what I'm trying to accomplish. Then, I go back inside and work for another couple of hours.

The third thing I do is what I call "Quantum Quickies." I go outside, and I love doing the quantum connection, where I connect to the yang energy of the sun and the yin energy of the Earth, allowing my body to become the channel for that energy. I also imagine the sun sitting in the palm of my hand and the Earth below my shoulder, dropping out and my hand touching the Earth at the same time. All of those energies are moving through my life force highway. I am the 5D connection—the quantum connection. Then I go back to work some more.

The fourth thing I do is an energy session on myself. I have a tree stump that I use for this purpose. We had a tree cut down, and I had them leave a tall stump so I could sit on it and do my work. When I sit down to do an energy session on myself on that stump, I am not only plugged in with my chakra system into the Earth, but I am also connected to the entire root system of the trees around me. I live in a neighborhood with thousands of old trees in an older part of East Dallas, and they are all connected. When you plug into the energy of the trees, it's unbelievable.

So, I work on releasing energy blockages, inviting new energies in, and cutting cords or attachments on my body. I do this energy work for myself and for the collective.


02:57 - Some Extra Things To Do

In addition, most days, when the sun goes down, I usually go out and walk for 20 to 30 minutes. This is another opportunity for me to do a walking meditation. I'm not walking as fast as I can; I'm walking intentionally with love—for myself, for the energy, for my lymphatic system, for my cardiovascular system. It's for my well-being and to energetically move the energy while grounding with the Earth. I do wear shoes when I go out for this walk.

So that's five times. And sometimes, there are even more times when I'll be at my desk, and my watch will remind me that I haven't stood up in an hour. I'll think, "Oh my gosh," and literally go outside just to let the sun hit my retina, reminding me that I'm outside, on this glorious Earth, under the big blue Texas sky. So it can be six to eight times a day that I am outside. That's how I'm staying sane with all these energies going on, with the high-energy sessions I facilitate for others, the group energy sessions we're doing at QEI, and with all the work it takes just to be alive right now.

I think we should all be getting medals for simply being alive, making it through the fiery Leo season, integrating all those beautiful energies, and upgrading our DNA. Now we're in Virgo season, where hopefully things will calm down a little bit. That's the plan, at least. But no matter what, get yourself outside four times a day if you can. You'll be amazed at how it will equalize your mind, body, energy, and soul.

I'm Connie Keane with Quantum Energy Infusion, where everything is energy.

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