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Release this Energy Attachment


00:00 - Teaming Up for a Big Release!

Yesterday, I removed an attachment from the backside of my energy, specifically from my second energy center, the sacral chakra. You may want to check to see if you have an attachment like this. I believe I’ve had it for over 2,000 years. This energetic attachment on the lower back of my spine had tendrils extending into the chakra, and I had a hard time releasing and removing it. In fact, I couldn’t do it by myself. I had to call in my team.

The team I work with on energetic matters includes Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and Archangel Michael, among others. When I call in my team, I call in angels, guides, ancestors, beings, unicorns, dragons, cetaceans, and Arcturians—I summon the forces when working on something significant. So, there was a big team there helping me with this.

01:13 - Finding the Attachment

Let me back up and tell you how it started. Earlier in the day, one of my colleagues called me and said, "Wow, I've got a...

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