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You have a LifeForce Highway!

lifeforce energy Oct 07, 2020

You have a highway of energy that runs through your body.

It runs clear out the top of your head, runs all the way through your body, and clear out down through your feet.

I like to call it the LifeForce Highway, because the LifeForce Energy comes into your body and fuels you.

We are going to literally breathe the LifeForce Energy into your body.

This highway that runs the length of your body all the way into the ground and all the way back up above your head has other names.

It is called the Pranic Channel in in yoga traditions.

It's called a Penetrating or Thrusting Vessel in Chinese medicine traditions.

Sometimes it's called the Central Channel.

I like to call it a LifeForce Highway because it goes up; it goes down; and the energy also comes out through the chakra system.

We're going to bring in this LifeForce Energy by breathing it in using your entire body.

I like to count while doing breathing exercises to pace my breaths. 

Breathe in for the count of four starting at your feet and literally breathe up through your feet and your legs until you get to your stomach.

Now we're going to breathe out continuing up through your body out the top of your head. 

Now breathe in starting above your head. 

Bring the breath into your head, through your throat, into your heart center. 

Exhale downward through your belly, pelvis, and your legs down into the ground.

Breathe in the Mother Earth Energy, an aspect of the LifeForce Energy.

Breathe it in up from the earth, into your legs, up into your belly. 

Then exhale once you get to your heart center, up and out the top of your head. 

We teach this breath as the LifeForce Breathing exercise in Quantum Energy Infusion.

I have made three videos this week for my people, because I have had such a profound experience using this breathing technique.

It calms me down and it relaxes me.

I recommend you do at least two cycles where you breathe in and out going up and then breathe in and out going down. That's one cycle. Do a 2nd cycle. 

Do three or four cycles.

I use this as a pick me up in the middle of the day.

Really think about breathing in the LifeForce Energy and let it activate your body.

Let it energize you.

And let it bring you calm. 

Want to learn more?

Book a free call with Connie to learn the #1 thing you can do to bring more LifeForce Energy into your life. 


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