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Golden Gauze


Personal Note: My father has crossed over since I filmed this vlog. The content is still relevant and timeless. 

I've been doing a lot of energy work recently on my father

As some of you may remember, he's in hospice, and I have supported many people in crossing over energetically. I consider that to be one of the most important things that I do--energetically helping when people are ready. They don't do it because of me, they do it because of them.

When a person is ready to leave their body, we can support them energetically with that--with a nice clean release.

So I was working with my father knowing full well that he was in hospice.

With the other people that I've worked with before, I have seen a golden tunnel that I've noticed comes out right above the top of their head. I have seen this golden tunnel that goes up for 21 chakras, straight up to source.

I've had this experience multiple times.

In fact, the first time I had it was in a mystical experience of my own. I was in a meditation when I saw it for the first time and it was mine. So this is not a new concept to me; I had already had experience with it--in my own energy work, in my own meditation, and my prayer practice.

I expected to see that with my father when I started working with him; preparing him energetically for his transition.

Well, that's not what happened. That's not at all what happened.

Here I had this preconceived notion about what I was going to get to do. Nope, something completely different happened.

As he was laying in his bed, I was working with the energy over his body. There was a lot of energy that came in. I was broadcasting it from my hands; we started at his head and I went down the full length of his body, broadcasting energy into his auric field and into his body both.

All of a sudden, as I came closer to his body, this golden energy started coming out of my hands. This Golden Gauze energy.

Think Spider-Man, right? If you were to do something like that, only it was golden and shimmery.

It started coming across at about his shoulders. It didn't start at his face. It was about his shoulders, and it started coming out. And it was this beautiful experience about wrapping his body.

Before I knew it, I was on the sides, and then I was behind him. And then this golden energy, this shimmery gauze-like energy, went all the way around my father's body all the way to his feet. I didn't do his head, but it went all the way to his feet. Then it came back up and I was able to continue to wrap him in this Golden Gauze.

It was a very sacred experience, and one that I have not had before. There's times where I will cast a golden net over someone's auric field when I'm done working with them to contain the energy and to hold it in for them. And this was the first time that I had used that idea in a different way.

Now it wasn't Connie Kean's idea. It was the intelligence of the energy downloading to me as an energy practitioner. So it was what my father needed, which spoke to the intelligence of the energy, or source (or lifeforce), and how I interpreted that energy as the current energy practitioner and energy consultant working with him.

It was fascinating.

I loved working with that and thinking about wrapping him very much in a cocoon, so that he could have his process and his transformation.

The next morning, I couldn't wait to go down and start working with that and see what was up next. I did the very same thing for him again. It was required that I do it.

We went up and over his head a little bit this time, but not as much as the rest of his body. It went around up and over. Then I ended up encircling his entire body with this beautiful golden gauzy energy, and then through his feet and backup again. Then that session was complete.

I probably gave him energy four or five times a day after that, but the golden gauze experience did not happen again.

So after that I was working with the energy of his body to relieve pain, to improve circulation, and to do all of those other things to keep him as healthy as he could be in his current situation.

The reason why I wanted to share that is because energy is a great technology to use at the end of life for people.

If you're already an energy practitioner, allow yourself to bring out all your gifts to those that you know that are ready to cross.

If you're not an energy practitioner, consider doing the simplest things like putting your hands on someone you love and letting your energy go into their body, because your love and lifeforce will be beautiful, comforting, and supportive to your loved one, especially as they're ready to crossover.

I'm Connie Kean with Quantum Energy Infusion--where Everything is Energy!

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