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The Energy of QEI


Everything is Energy.

Quantum Energy Infusion is Energy.

You know, the words themself began as thought that came into me - as conscious thought.

It began as the Intelligence of the Energy downloading into me what Quantum Energy Infusion is; what it has become. These original ideas that I had accompanied with the energy of the idea has turned into this giant company.

Quantum Energy Infusion now has four levels of instruction in it that last a year and a half. What started out as an idea that was an eight-week program has now turned into a year and a half course of study for four programs.

That is energy at its finest. That is energy generating the next energy. That is energy unfolding moment by moment and creating what comes next. That is Quantum.

The Intelligence of the Energy is in the Energy--you don't have to do anything. It's there, 24/7. The Intelligence of the Energy is constantly informing us.

So the more that you live, move, breathe, and feel your energy, the more...

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Abundance. Prosperity. Profitability.

I have been working with the Energy of those three levels of consciousness all month all through September.

You may remember our Infused Intention for September was Finances. We had all of those beautiful affirmations put together by our community; we were holding the space for each other.

I embodied those consciousnesses all month, and with my affirmation, I was able that those radiate outward from me and attract our ideal client for Quantum Energy Infusion.

Well, what happened was, we enrolled more people in September of 2021 than we have in the history of the company. We hit the highest monthly income for that month. We went into six figures for the first time as a startup company.

You don't have to have a company to make this happen. You can embody the energy of abundance, you can embody the being-ness of prosperity, you can embody the consciousness of profitability.

Embody those. Breathe them in--they are energy. Breathe those in, let...

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Infused Guidance


It's October, and our Infused Intention for this month is Guidance.

We can receive guidance, and we can be the guide.

Receiving Guidance. I spend a lot of my time receiving guidance from the Intelligence of the Energy. That's how I like to speak about it, because I am an Energy Practitioner and I do bring in these ideas.

The Intelligence of the Energy informs me when it's time for something new to be brought to Earth and be birthed on the planet.

Oftentimes it comes through me.

I like to use those words, because I am a woman, I understand gestation, I have been pregnant, and I have birthed children. So I very much associate what I do with the Intelligence of the Energy and bringing in these ideas around birthing.

So how do I get that Guidance from the Intelligence of the Energy?

I become very quiet and I listen. I might just go out in nature to walk quietly, so that I can listen. I might simply ground myself without walking and literally feel the Yin Energy of the Earth...

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I have been releasing a lot of energies lately.

There are high frequencies that are coming in due to the planetary alignments and the fact that we are in the middle of this shift for humanity.

This is affecting Mother Earth, it's affecting us, and it's affecting the densities of our physicality.

When photons come in with new light codes in these high frequencies, I think for some people they just hit and bounce off of the density of their body.

For those of us that choose to receive them though, they're coming in similarly to how light can come into your body. And when that happens, these higher vibrating frequencies start to mix things up.

The lower vibrating frequencies cannot survive with higher vibrating frequencies.

Remember, Emotions are Energy in MotionSo when I say "lower vibrating", I mean, emotions that don't feel so great like:

  • Shame
  • Grief
  • Abuse
  • Injustice

I'm talking about all these low vibrating consciousnesses that do not do well with higher...

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Loving What Is


We're having a tough time at my house.

My husband has fourth stage cancer.

He's now in a whole second series of chemotherapy. And chemotherapy has some pretty yucky side effects. One of them has been migraine headaches for him, another one has been some loss of cognitive function.

Another one has been the loss of control over his bowels, and also his urinary tract.

So we have pretty much a faucet going on at our house at any given time. And it's completely unpredictable. And I don't need to tell you that this is not an ideal situation.

We laugh about it, thank goodness, we laugh about it, because there's not a thing we can do about it; there's not a thing that medical model can do to help him with this.

Other than all the things that you're going to write to me and tell me about. We've already done all those. Thank you.

So here we are, when it's 2am, and all of a sudden, there's a brown pool in the bed.

What do you do?

There would have been a time in my life when I probably would...

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Amanda Lorence


There was a New Moon on September 7th, and on September 9th, there was the 9/9 Portal, with all of these new energies are coming in.

I was practically in a stupor on the 7th--I was so aware of the energies that came in. They were strong and penetrating to me.

I felt like I had a sinus condition all day; there was all of this pressure in my head.

I wasn't thinking about the higher frequencies coming in. I knew they would come in on the 9/9 portal, but I wasn't thinking about them yet on Tuesday.

And of course, these frequencies are coming in all the time, and it's escalating all the time.

I had a full day of work Tuesday to get done. And especially after the three day weekend (Labor Day Weekend). My brain was really not functioning at its highest level. And it didn't bother me, because I used my Energy Tools.

So I would move around, and I would be doing my beloved Quantum Chop, and I would see what I could do next. And sometimes it only took 15 or 20 seconds, and...

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Mom and Dad's 70th Anniversary


My parents just celebrated their 70th Wedding Anniversary.

That's right, 7-0. They met when they were 17 and 18, and got married at 19 and 20 in 1951.

I feel so blessed to have parents that are still alive at 89 and 90. And I find it amazing that they have celebrated 70 years of wedded bliss, because they truly love each other.

The Energy between my parents is one of love, devotion, and joy. They've been through a lot though. 

They lost their son (my brother) in a car accident when he was young. They've been through some very difficult things with career choices, and things that would destroy marriages, or at least destroy you as a person.

They have weathered the storm because of their love and devotion for one another; to see them celebrate at this beautiful dinner party outside overlooking a lake.

We had live music, and in fact, the Musicians were QEI graduates, and they brought their magic and their Energy into the party.

It was beautiful to watch this celebration of 70...

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Infusing Your Finances


The Infused Intention for the month of September is Finances.

Finances--a term for matters regarding the management, creation, and study of money and investments.

Remember, an Infused Intention at Quantum Energy Infusion means:

  • We write down what it is we want (create an intention)
  • Infuse it with our Energy and our Desire.
  • We also use ways to further infuse your intentions through our programs.

What matters is that you declare what it is you want, that you infuse it with your Energy, and then you can share it in the Quantum Energy Infusion Community, because we post our infusion our intentions, and then we infuse them for each other.

We literally create a morphogenic field around our Infused Intention for every month, and for September, it's finances.

Can you imagine being able to declare your intention around your finances and know that there would be at least 100 other people supporting you with that?

What does it mean to write one of these comments?


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Back to School


School is starting all around the United States, and my Grandson started Kindergarten this week.

Because he's going to School, I wanted to provide him with a nice, strong Auric Field, so that he would be protected in this pandemic world in which we live.

I wanted him to have a strong auric field so that he could represent who he is. So that when people came into contact with him, they would get a sense of who James is by his field.

When our Auric Field is strong, everything else about us is strong--the Energy Systems from our body pull in energy from our Auric Field.

I wanted him to have that sense of strength and confidence.

So I started working in James's Auric Field.

 I started off by stating my name.Then I said "from me to my Higher Self." to make sure I was connected. This is sacred space - to be working in someone else's energy fields. Then,  "I'm requesting permission to communicate with James's Higher Self".

And I got a "Yes".

I was asking for permission to...

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Quantum Enneagram


There's Energy in the Enneagram.

I realized this a couple of years ago and I wanted to find a way to discover the Energy.

So I sought out an Enneagram Master that could work with me and help me draw out the Energies.

Well as the Universe would support me, they brought Lynnea Brumbaugh into my life about two years ago.

She is an Enneagram Master.

In the last two years Lynnea has taken every program that Quantum Energy Infusion offers, and I have taken every program that Lynnea offers in her Quantum Empowerment Academy.

As a result of this, we communicate very clearly about Energy, and about the Enneagram, and we have been able to discover the Energy in the Enneagram.

Both of us being Teachers and Professors, we have created the Quantum Enneagram.

In this last year, Lynnea and I did a beta test of the Quantum Enneagram in my QEI Level 3 Program and her Quantum Empowerment Academy.

This program has been tested and it's been proven.

Last week, Lynnea came to...

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