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Spring Equinox Energy Infusion


These fabulous energies of the Spring Equinox!

We are bathing in them; we're living in them; and, swimming in them.

The other day I was out on my balcony doing some energy exercises. It was my  intention to bring the Yin Energy of the earth into my body and the Yin Energy of the ocean; along with the Yang Energies of the Heavens and the Sun. I really wanted to bring all of that energy into my body.

As I was doing that, all of a sudden, I had a light infusion and an energy infusion that literally struck me dumb! That's pretty hard to do - to strike me dumb! I literally was frozen in space and I could feel the energies coming in. I knew what it was, so I wasn't afraid.

These had to be new energies because I haven't felt them before. It was a couple days before the spring equinox (I wasn't even thinking that, though), I just knew something new was happening. I was so excited to be there and to be receiving it!

It came through me in a way that permeated my energy systems. It...

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Grab the Energy!


Do you have a lot going on in your life?

I sure do!

I am running an exponentially growing company that is continuously expanding in a myriad of directions. I am teaching. I am taking care of my elderly parents. I am a mother, a wife, and so much more!

At an age when most people decide to go into retirement, I started a second career.

I have so much going on, that sometimes I literally don't know what steps to take next. In those cases I pour myself into the present moment by taking a great big handful of the Quantum Field. I open up my chest, I reach upwards, I pull that Energy right into my heart and lung area.

Think about it. The Quantum Field is the fabric of the Universe. It is the Energy in which we live, move, and have our Being. It knows all. 

So when I don't know what to do first because I have 40+ things going on, I ask the Energy

I grab a handful of the Q-Field, and pull the quantum energy right into my aura, into my Being. From there it...

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Quantum Now


Quantum Now - This Quantum Moment encompasses All Time.

That blew my mind the first time that came to me; the first time I truly experienced it.

All time is compressed into a Quantum Moment, this moment.

Right now you are having all of Time, all of your Experiences (this as well as other lifetimes) compressed into THIS moment.

All possibilities!

This moment, this Quantum Moment has all of the infinite possibilities in it. And you are capable of grabbing them. You can just reach into the Quantum Field and grab.

As I live in the Quantum Moment, I find that it is very important that I let go of old beliefs, old thoughts, old actions, any things that have served me really well for decades up to this my point in this life.

They served me in a beautiful way in my 3rd Dimension life, and now I'm choosing to be a higher dimensional being. I'm choosing to embody 5th Dimension frequencies in my 3D Dimension body.

The more I do that, the more I become aware of this Quantum Now, this...

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Clear Toxins from Pills and Medications


Whenever we take medications in our house, we energize them!

If you saw the last weeks vlog on Vitamins and Supplements, you saw how I energized the ones that I take daily.

We can even take that a step further.

Pro Energy Tip: If you use prescription drugs, you might want to release any energetic, toxic-signatures that are in them!

These are not organic fruits or veggies you're putting in your mouth. These are manmade substances; made by machines, which come in contact with all kinds of things before they get to you.

I'm going to show you what I do when we get this big bottle of pills for my husband, Jim. Jim has a diagnosis of stage four cancer. This is one of the prescriptions which comes once a month. I'm going to show you what I do when they arrive and I get them out of the big FedEx box.

The first thing we do is get it out of the box and and open the bottle. I want you to see what that it has not been opened until now. Next I'm going to do is start...

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Energize your Supplements!


I have an Energy Tip for you! Do you take Vitamins or Supplements or any medications? If so, I'm going to recommend that you energize them before you take them!  

It's actually very simple! You are an Energetic Being! You are an Electromagnetic Being! You have an entire electromagnetic system in YOUR HANDS! 

You can use that very powerful system to energize anything--Including your supplements! For example, every morning I take a handful of supplements. To start, I take my morning portion and spread them in my palm. Next, I take my other hand and place it in the air right above. I hold the intention to send positive, healing energy to these vitamins, supplements, and prescriptions. 

If you'll notice, all of a sudden, my hands started moving! My top hand is moving in a clockwise circle. 

When energy moving in a clockwise direction means energy is being drawn in.  We are energizing something

I want to be clear... I am not moving my hand; the ...

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Bathing in the Divine Feminine Energy


How would you like it if you got an Energy Infusion? It's really simple. All you need to do is allow the energy to enter your field! Initiations into 5D | Stand in the Energy

And when I say your field, I mean your forcefield. There are probably at least 6 vlogs/blogs about that… Your auric field, your biofield, etc. (however you want to think about that). 

So I've been getting these delicious energy infusions. They started on the 1st of February with the 2/2 portal that opened up--And there's yet more light coming in! I identify it as feminine. 

It's a very strong feminine consciousness to me that's coming in as light. I love to get in a quiet space. You can even be outside if you prefer (you don't have to). I talked about this in other videos too: How to receive the light, the intelligence, the beautiful energy that comes in the consciousness that comes from the light. 

Right now, I really enjoy doing it in a meditative state, fully stretched out in Shavasana...

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Initiations into 5D | Stand in the Energy


I'm always talking about levels of consciousness, the 5th dimension, the 3rd dimension, and the shift, etc. Quantum Energy Infusion is a 5D company! What that means is that everyone that works for Quantum Energy Infusion is now embodying 5th dimension levels of consciousness. It's our job. We literally live to bring these 5th dimension frequencies into the 3rd dimension realm. Peaceful CoExistence Begins with Me - Click here

One of my guides is an ascended master, Jesus, and he's been talking to me for years and years about this. He uses dimensional terms. He also uses the terms: celestial realm and the earthly realm. I like that! He also uses heaven and earth to describe all of this. He uses all of those terms interchangeably.

So if you like heaven on earth, that's a pretty cool way to think about it (if that language works for you). If you're kind of allergic to that kind of language, try embodying 5th-dimensional levels of consciousness in your 3rd-dimensional body to bring it to...

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Our Job in the Shift


Atoms were the topic last week about how atoms are energy, your body is energy, and your forcefield is energy. Let's add on to what you’ve already had time to think about.
Your forcefield extends out into the world around you, into the world that is energy around you--Energy meeting up with other energies.

We're going to take this a step further… What about all of these energies that I've been talking about that are coming in from the sun? The sun as a portal is bringing in higher-frequency energies as in light that's organized in newer ways. Click here for more on all this light

Light is a higher-frequency than previously experienced. Do you think that's going to affect you? It has to! It’s energy, you are energy, and everything is energy.

Do you think it's affecting the earth? It is. Do you think it's affecting your neighbor next door? It is. Even if they're not awake yet, it's still affecting them because this higher-frequency light is the next level as it's a...

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Science Proves Energy is Everything


Everything is energy.
Do you remember back in science class when you learned about an atom? I remember my mind being blown when my science teacher said, “An atom is the building block of everything. Atoms have a nucleus, electrons, protons, and neutrons that go around them.” All of that whole thing is just a blur that we're only starting to be able to see through microscopes where scientists can start to see the atomic matter. Scientists were looking at these and they realized that atoms were 99.99% air.

Well, I think of that air is energy!

Atoms are 99.99% energy and 0.01% matter, which is that nucleus, the electrons, protons, and neutrons--You know what I'm talking about, so think about that for a minute.
The building block of everything that we know is an atom and it is almost all energy.
Well, a couple of atoms come together and they form molecules, then molecules form elements, and then elements come together and start forming tissues. We have tissues, then we...

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Accelerating Frequencies Expanded


How I processed the energy of the winter solstice as we are still in the energy of the winter solstice: Last week, I talked about my experience with time collapsing on 12/21/2020. I left that experience after having been with my family for dinner and then went into facilitating a group energy session for Quantum Energy Infusion later on that night. How cool was that, right?
We had their final Quantum Energy Infusion program energy session on the night of the winter solstice! Whooo! It was highly charged!
On Zoom, I was starting to facilitate the session and had all kinds of technical difficulties. You can imagine how high my frequency was! The computer was really struggling with my energy.
We finally got plugged in, and two of my consultants were able to get everything set up with the technology.

Then when I came in, I realized that I wasn't all there and that I was so expanded out, that I did not have a lot of cognitive function.

It hadn't been a problem when I was eating dinner with...

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