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Our Infused Intention for May of 2022 is Growth.

We are in a three eclipse cycle that's happening right now. In fact, we're just having a total lunar eclipse, and there will be another eclipse at the end of this month.

The energy informed us that Growth was the Infused Intention for this month, because of the eclipses and the sweeping change that happens with eclipses. You know, we can choose to contract or we can choose to expand.

I choose expansion every time, no matter how uncomfortable it is, no matter how much I'm outside of my comfort zone, and no matter how much I'm triggered by what's happening around me. I choose growth, I choose expansion every time, and I'm willing to step forward in that space.

I'm willing to feel it, because you know, we must feel it to process it.

When we do that, we can incorporate it into our consciousness and then we're done-- we can release it, process it, alchemize it, and turn it into light.

And there we are--a higher vibrating...

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Processing Energies


I had a complete breakdown, break through, and break open in April. I spoke into that last week.

It opened me up to a new way to process energies.

I want to talk about this because there are a lot of us who are empaths, sensitive, pick up on other people's energies, or we feel the heaviness of the world right now; any of those things that might be happening to you.

Even if you just feel funny, and you don't know why, it's probably because you're carrying other people's energies.

What I want to talk about is the energies that we're working in.

First of all, the energies right now have never been experienced by humankind before; the current state of the planets and the cosmos and everything that's happening--we have higher frequencies available to us now than we've had in 10,000 years  (since Atlantis).

I know that sounds crazy, but it's true.

The other thing that I want to talk about is that we are coming up on a total lunar eclipse, and we've got a full moon on...

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Break Open


I had a complete breakdown this month.

For the month of April, our Infused Intention was Surrender, and I was working a lot to surrender to the conditions of my life.

As you may know by now, my husband has a fourth stage cancer diagnosis, and we're working with these circumstances in our lives. It's been a really big challenge to work with the medical model, the energetic model, the spiritual model and all the ways that we like to bring it together.

What I have found especially challenging is working with the medical model with scheduling and all of the restrictions that we now have in this world in which we live.

Well, let me just say that I hit a wall one day. I was working to get a lot of things scheduled for my husband and I literally hit a wall.

When I realized that I couldn't do what I wanted to do for my husband's best interest in his current medical situation, I broke down. I like, totally came apart, broke apart.

In fact, I had this primal scream come out of...

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Brain Function


Brain Function.

Come on!

I am so surprised at how my brain is shifting and changing as I am going from 3D to 5D.

As our world is shifting from 3D to 5D.

However you want to think about the shift or the physical ascension or the Great Awakening; it's happening. We're all aware of that. How it's affecting my brain has been very interesting to me.

In fact, it's been alarming at times that my brain isn't working like it used to. Given that I'm 65, my first impulse was to think that it was my age that was doing that, when in fact, that is not what is doing that. It is shifting from 3D to 5D.

Old paradigms are breaking apart.

As you know, this is all part of the shift. Paradigms in the human experience are breaking apart; 3D paradigms that will no longer serve us in the fifth dimension

So this 5D brain gets to be fully present in the quantum now.

I had a brain that stored information very easily and quickly, and I was able to store it and retrieve it; I was one...

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Unite the Light


There are so many of us raising the collective consciousness to peaceful co-existence. You know, that's my mission.

I want to tell you about Unite the Light:

It is a wonderful movement that has begun, and it's off-grid.

Bring your light, bring your joy, bring it to the planet.

They're inviting us to do it at 5am and 5pm every day, Greenwich Mean Time. Use a timezone converter to support you.

I know for me on the East Coast of the United States, that is 1pm and 1am. I can tell you, my bringing the light will happen during sleep and good intentions at 1am. At 1pm, I absolutely will be bringing my light to the collective; I'm going to use my words here, I will bring be bringing my light energy and exuding that radiance into the collective consciousness, thereby raising the collective consciousness.

I love the concept of this!

Please go to their website and read what they've done. It's beautifully written its masterfully orchestrated, and the word is...

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Our Infused Intention for April is surrender.

Now remember, this means that you have an idea that you infused with your intention and your attention.

We recommend that you spend time with your infused intention that you create for yourself, every day. Remember that you're also being supported by the QEI community because we're doing the same.

This idea of surrender--it so often has a negative connotation to it. In the way we're using it in this month, it is joyous. It is a joyful surrender, it is a willing release, it is a magical letting-go of something that no longer serves me.

Surrender here is an act of freedom; you're freeing yourself of something that no longer serves you. We have some ideas here that some of our consultants have already written, and I will share them with you.

I release my ego to my higher self.

Think 3D to 5D. We're talking about that a lot now.

The next one,

I surrender to all that I resist.

Wow! Giving into that instead of resisting that--do you...

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The Energy of Gratitude Update


This is the energy of gratitude update I promised you.

As you recall, if you don't know go ahead and look at the link below and look at The Energy of Gratitude Vlog that we sent out earlier.

Our elevator is broken in our building, and I had to take Jim to chemo and he ended up walking down all 88 steps to get to the car this morning.

I spoke into the energy of gratitude and the beautiful things that it attracts to us when we exude the energy of gratitude.

So I went to pick up Jim when his chemo was all done, knowing that the elevator was not yet fixed.

My colleague, Rafe, is here working with me in the office today. So I knew that Rafe and I together could somehow get him up those stairs, even if we had to pull his wheelchair up the stairs backwards. So when we got home from chemo today, Jim was in very good spirits.

And he said, "I think I can walk up the stairs". I said, "Oh, honey, are you sure?". And he said, "I want to try."

So come to find out, we had told one of our...

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The Energy of Gratitude


The Energy of Gratitude!

It's a high frequency--holding gratitude, experiencing gratitude or simply speaking a grateful sentence.

I am thankful for my health. I am thankful for this opportunity. I am thankful that I have a family.

Whatever it is--that is gratitude and that is drawing the energy of gratitude towards you.

Remember, the beautiful Law of Attraction--like attracts like. So as we express gratitude, or we even express gratitude in advance of something that we want to have happen, it's more likely to draw that energy towards us.

I'd like to share a story that happened not even an hour ago, and it has to do with the energy of gratitude and how that took an impossible situation and turned it into a possible one.

As a lot of you know, my husband is in chemo; he has a diagnosis of fourth stage cancer. He had a chemo session this morning. Jim is at the place where he can walk with a walker, and even then that's a stretch.

We live in an old building in South Florida on the fifth...

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Sending Energy to the World


Our Mastermind group sent energy to the entire world on Monday night.

For context, we are currently living in the time when Russia is invading Ukraine. What we're seeing on our TVs and our news feeds is not that of peace; it is that of invasion and aggression. We want to bring in the energy of peaceful co-existence. That's the vision that drives everything I do--raising the collective consciousness to peaceful co-existence.

We sent energy to the world (to the collective consciousness) on Monday night. It was powerful, it was mind-bending, and it was so freeing and empowering to know that we could support the world in this time of high contrast.

What's happening is in high contrast of peaceful co-existence. We learn a lot from light and dark; from contrasting situations. It was our intention (and still is) to bring energy to the light and to let that light shine on the darkness.

The more that we can see the light shining on the darkness, the more we can dissolve the darkness.


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We All Benefit


I give myself an energy session every morning before I get out of bed. It usually lasts an hour, sometimes it's 30 minutes, sometimes an hour and a half, it just depends on how early I wake up and how much time I have.

I usually balance my chakras  in the morning. If you know what I'm talking about, great. If you don't--take Quantum Energy Infusion Level One, you can learn about it in Module Five.

So I usually balance my chakras, and I'll do some other work with it, too. I do breath work, and I also bring in the energy of the rays. I also meditate, and oftentimes I pray.

Can you imagine how supercharged that is? To get that kind of energy every morning before I get out of bed?

Then, I have the benefit of living on the ocean. I ground all of that energy really deeply into my body and into the earth. So it's really a beautiful morning routine that I have. I'm very blessed to be able to have this situation.

The point I want to make here is that we all benefit from energy.


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