Whenever we take medications in our house, we energize them!
If you saw the last weeks vlog on Vitamins and Supplements, you saw how I energized the ones that I take daily.
We can even take that a step further.
Pro Energy Tip: If you use prescription drugs, you might want to release any energetic, toxic-signatures that are in them!
These are not organic fruits or veggies you're putting in your mouth. These are manmade substances; made by machines, which come in contact with all kinds of things before they get to you.
I'm going to show you what I do when we get this big bottle of pills for my husband, Jim. Jim has a diagnosis of stage four cancer. This is one of the prescriptions which comes once a month. I'm going to show you what I do when they arrive and I get them out of the big FedEx box.
The first thing we do is get it out of the box and and open the bottle. I want you to see what that it has not been opened until now. Next I'm going to do is start...
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