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QEI is ready for 2022!


Quantum Energy Infusion is ready for 2022!

As I told you in a vlog earlier, we've delivered 176 programs. And we've gathered the data on all of those programs. We actually hired a business consultant who's creating new surveys (or assessments) for us going forward on how we can better capture data.

Some of you know that my goal, being an Energy Practitioner, is to one day have Energy Work be covered by the Western Medical Model Insurance. That's one of my big goals I have.

One day, I want to create Quantum Energy Intervention, which is an Energy Program that comes into hospitals and provides Energy Medicine and really high level Energy Work in operating rooms and emergency rooms. AND it's covered by insurance!

So I get to collect meaningful data that shows repeatable results in our program so that we can take it to corporations and insurance companies

I've got a big vision, y'all. A really big vision.

Anyway, we're ready for 2022 because this business...

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Had enough? Here are 3 Energy Tips


Are you done?

Are you done with the holidays?

It's been a lot, hasn't it? Plus all these frequencies coming in.

Or maybe you love the holidays, and you want everything to continue and you wish it could go on for a month!

Wherever you are on that spectrum from one end to the other, I got a few energy pro-tips to help you through.

Do a Central Vessel Release.

  1. Tap on the lower belly.
  2. Pull up that activated energy toward your lower lip.
  3. Fling that energy off your lower lip and send it outward. Make sure to breathe.
  4. When tapping on your lower abdomen, use the affirmation "I release what no longer serves me" as you continue to pull up and out.

Do The Karate Chop 

  1. Imagine one of your hands being a wooden board.
  2. Take your other hand and "strike the board" (along the lateral part of your hand) continuously. 
  3. As an alternative, you can squeeze or push on the side of your hand to release energy. Be sure to do this on both sides, and remember to move your body while...
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