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QEI is ready for 2022!


Quantum Energy Infusion is ready for 2022!

As I told you in a vlog earlier, we've delivered 176 programs. And we've gathered the data on all of those programs. We actually hired a business consultant who's creating new surveys (or assessments) for us going forward on how we can better capture data.

Some of you know that my goal, being an Energy Practitioner, is to one day have Energy Work be covered by the Western Medical Model Insurance. That's one of my big goals I have.

One day, I want to create Quantum Energy Intervention, which is an Energy Program that comes into hospitals and provides Energy Medicine and really high level Energy Work in operating rooms and emergency rooms. AND it's covered by insurance!

So I get to collect meaningful data that shows repeatable results in our program so that we can take it to corporations and insurance companies

I've got a big vision, y'all. A really big vision.

Anyway, we're ready for 2022 because this business consultant will have all of our new assessments ready to launch on January 8th, when our very first program starts.

Oh, and by the way, here's my 2022 Calendar, it's all color coded, according to level. We really are ready for 2022.

Our business consultant has taken the promises that we've made and created invitations that we're making to you.

Quantum Energy Infusion invites you to have improved physical health, we invite you to greater mental clarity, and we invite you to be able to emotionally process smoother in a smoother way in your life. Because we know that we can do that; we know that those results keep repeating in our programs.

What's really cool about the way we set up the assessments so we can capture this data moving forward is we have three big categories of invitations. One is for health. One is for balance. And then the third one is for expansion.

Within each one of those large categories, we have the invitation for the physical, the mental and the emotional component of your life.

For example, in Health, we speak to your physical health, your mental health, and to your emotional health, along with what our participants have experienced so far.

In physical health, participants often experience better sleep, less pain, smoother movement, more energy, and general improvement in their day-to-day physical state.

In mental health, our participants often experience less brain fog, better attention and increased focus.

And for emotional health, participants experience greater personal awareness of their own emotions, as well as an increased ability to sit with process and navigate through their own emotions.

Those are the invitations we have for you because out of 176 delivered programs, we know that we can deliver this to you.

We have data that collects information under the category of balance along with expansion as well.

We speak into expansion at Quantum Energy Infusion because everything is energy. As you expand your energy, you expand your experience, you expand your life, and you expand your reach. As your frequency rises, you are a higher functioning being. You are a new context; you are in a new level of consciousness as you continually raise your frequency.

That's how we have these invitations. It's how we can tell you that this is going to happen, because it has happened. Time, after time, after time, people are showing up with these results and these improved qualities of life. It's really beautiful.

All of these questions will be in the assessments and we'll be able to gather the data in a very meaningful way to deliver to insurance companies, corporations, and hospitals. It's very exciting. And that's only one aspect.

We also are building QEI Corporate and we're building QEI Kids.

This is a massive vision that we have for the world--raising the collective consciousness to peaceful coexistence. And I just wanted you to know that Quantum Energy Infusion is ready for 2022.

I do hope you'll join us. Book a session with me and let's come on board for 2022.

I'm Connie Kean with Quantum Energy Infusion--where Everything is Energy!

Join us next year for 2022 and create incredible results for yourself! Be apart of our vision. Book a free Breakthrough Call to learn more! 


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